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Introduction To Statusbrew Reporting KPIs

With 90 plus reporting metrics, Statusbrew lets you understand the impact of all your social efforts. From the big picture to a single post, know how your audience receives your brand content & make better strategies.

In this post, we'll walk you through all of the reporting metrics available in Statusbrew Custom Reports. We'll also take a look at how they are calculated along with the visual modes available for representation.

Group Metrics

Group metrics provide a provides a high-level overview and aggregated analytics of all the Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn profiles in a Statusbrew Organization.


This widget summarizes your key statistics across channels.

Total Followers Gained: The total number of fans or followers gained in the reporting period across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Engagement: The total number of engagements across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. See the Engagements section below for more details.

Impressions: The number of times your content was served to users on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

Posts: The total number of public posts your profiles sent across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


This widget helps you visualize trends in how your audience engages with your content across channels, along with change as compared to the corresponding previous period and % change.

Facebook Engagements: The aggregate number of reactions, comments, and shares on your Facebook posts during the reporting period.

Twitter Engagements: The aggregate number of times a user interacted with your Tweets. The interactions include clicks anywhere on the tweet, retweets, replies, likes, links, cards, hashtags, embedded media, username, or profile photo during the reporting period.

Instagram Engagements: The aggregate number of Likes and Comments you received on your Instagram media during the reporting period.

LinkedIn Engagements: The aggregate number of Likes, Comments, Shares, and Clicks on your Company posts.

Total Engagements: The total number of engagements across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn during the reporting period.


This widget breaks out the published posts across channels, along with change as compared to the corresponding previous period and % change.

Facebook: The number of posts published by your Facebook Pages during the reporting period.

Twitter: A total of all your outbound Tweets, excluding replies, during the reporting period.

Instagram: The number of Instagram Media and Videos you sent during the reporting period.

LinkedIn: The number of posts published by your Company Page during the reporting period.

Total Posts Sent: The total number of public messages your profiles sent across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Audience Growth

This widget breaks down your fan growth across channels, along with change as compared to the corresponding previous period and % change.

New Facebook Fans: The number of Likes (paid or organic) on your Facebook Pages minus the number of Unlikes in the reporting period.

New Twitter Followers: The number of new Twitter followers gained across all days in the reporting period.

New Instagram Followers: The number of new Instagram followers gained across all days in the reporting period.

New LinkedIn Followers: The number of new LinkedIn followers gained across all days in the reporting period.

Total Fans Gained: The total number of new fans or followers gained in the reporting period across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


This widget helps you visualize trends in your content viewed by your audience across channels, along with change as compared to the corresponding previous period and % change.

Facebook Impressions: The number of times any content associated with your Page was seen in News Feed, ticker, or on visits to your Facebook Pages. These account for both people who have liked your Pages and those who haven't.

Twitter Impressions: The number of times a user was served your organic Tweets in their timelines or search results on Twitter.

LinkedIn Impressions: The number of times your Company Page or any Company Page Shares were seen by LinkedIn members. This includes impressions achieved both organically and through sponsored (paid) campaigns.

Instagram Impressions: The number of times your posts were displayed to a user. It only includes impressions achieved organically.

Total Impressions: The total number of impressions across Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.


The widget section gives a count of the total number of unique people who saw your content along with change as compared to the corresponding previous period and % change.

Facebook: The total number of unique people who saw your content on Facebook

Instagram: The total number of unique people who saw your content on Instagram

Sentiment Analysis

This widget tracks the sentiment on incoming messages, comments, or tweets grouped by positive, neutral or negative emotions and analyzes your customer's opinion towards your marketing campaigns.

Stats By Channel

This widget allows you to compare key metrics (Impressions, Engagement, etc) across all your profiles and pages against each other.

Total Followers: The total number of fans or followers gained in the reporting period.

Total Followers (% Change): The total % change of fans or followers in the reporting period.

Social Reports

These metrics provide a detailed overview of all social media profiles of different social networks that you've connected with Statusbrew.


These metrics give you an aggregated analytics of all the Twitter profiles in a Statusbrew Organization over the chosen date range.

  • Activity

  • Engagements

  • Impressions

  • Audience Growth

  • Reach

  • Posts

  • Top Engaged Posts

  • Twitter Stats by Channel

  • Sentiment Analysis

Learn in detail about these metrics in this detailed Twitter Reports article.


These metrics give you an aggregated analytics of all the Facebook profiles in a Statusbrew Organization over the chosen date range.

  • Activity

  • Engagements

  • Impressions

  • Audience Growth

  • Reach

  • Posts

  • Top Engaged Posts

  • Demographics

  • Facebook Stats by Channel

  • Sentiment Analysis

  • Video Views

  • Video views Action

  • Video Viewed Time

Learn in detail about these metrics in this detailed Facebook Reports article.


These metrics give you an aggregated analytics of all the Instagram profiles in a Statusbrew Organization over the chosen date range.

  • Activity

  • Engagements

  • Impressions

  • Audience Growth

  • Reach

  • Posts

  • Top Engaged Posts

  • Instagram Stats by Channel

  • Sentiment Analysis

Learn in detail about these metrics in this detailed Instagram Reports article.

Statusbrew lets you see how people are viewing and interacting with your Instagram stories. Here are all the metrics available for Instagram Stories.

  • Impressions

  • Reach

  • Taps Forward

  • Taps Back

  • Exits

  • Replies

  • Completion Rate

Learn in detail about these metrics in this detailed Instagram Story Insights article.


These metrics give you an aggregated analytics of all the LinkedIn profiles in a Statusbrew Organization over the chosen date range.

  • Activity

  • Engagements

  • Impressions

  • Audience Growth

  • Posts

  • Reach

  • Top Engaged Posts

  • Demographics

  • Sentiment Analysis

Learn in detail about these metrics in this detailed LinkedIn Reports article.

Google My Business

These metrics give you an aggregated analytics of all the GMB profiles in a Statusbrew Organization over the chosen date range.

  • New Conversations

  • Conversations Participated In

  • Replies Sent

  • Conversation Closed

  • Median First Reply

  • Median Reply Time

  • Median Close Time

  • Busiest Period for New Conversations

  • Busiest Period (Most Responsive Time for Team Members)

  • Conversations By Type

Learn in detail about these metrics in this detailed GMB Reports article.

Team Reports

Statusbrew's team reports give a detailed analysis of your team's publishing & engagement activities.

Team Summary

Statusbrew's Team Summary helps you measure the volume of incoming conversations along with the team's effort in replying to those conversations from the Engage Inbox.

  • New Conversations

  • Conversations By Type

  • Conversations Participated In

  • Replies Sent

  • Conversations Closed

  • Median First Reply

  • Median Reply Time

  • Median Close Time

  • Busiest Period For New Conversations

  • Busiest Period (Most Responsive Time For Team Members)

Learn in detail about these metrics in this detailed Team Engagement Reports article.

Team Approval Performance

Statusbrew's Team Approval Performance Reports gives you insights into key editor approval activities such as Approvals and Rejection along with Rejection Reasons. Here are the metrics available in the Team Approval Performance report.

  • Rejection Reasons By Type

  • Editor Actions

  • Editor Action Median Time

Learn in detail about these metrics in this detailed Team Approval Performance article.

Engage Inbound Messages

The Engage Inbound Messages Report gives you a list of inbound conversations. You can download this list in the form of a CSV (Excel) file.

  • Profile

  • Conversation By

Learn in detail about these metrics in this detailed Engage Inbound Messages Report article.

Reports Customization & White labeling

You can easily customize the way your reporting widgets are displayed in your Custom Reports. Based on the widget type, you can change the way it is displayed. Click on the three-dot menu beside the widget & click on Chart Type.

Widgets can be represented in the form of the below-mentioned ways.

  • Bar

  • Line

  • Area

  • Tabular

Widgets can also be customized to control the information presented. Click on the three-dot menu beside the widget & click on Widget Elements. You can choose to display Charts, Tables, or Both.

Using Statusbrew's custom branding feature, you can customize your reports with the brand's or client's logo and can easily share them across the team by exporting them in PDF or CSV format.

Learn more about White-labeled Reports.