Profile And Profile Groups

Learn how to connect your profiles with Statusbrew, share access with your team, organize profiles into groups, and more

Best Practices For Keeping Social Profiles Linked To Statusbrew

Your social profiles are connected to Statusbrew with the help of access tokens. These access tokens are generated by the social networks when you allow Statusbrew permissions while connecting the profiles. Basically, access tokens serve as keys for Statusbrew to take action on your behalf.

The need for reauthentication exists because social networks are very conservative with these access tokens.

We want to make sure you understand that an expired account does not mean that we lose all the data from the account. We simply won't be able to track that profile going forward or publish posts from it. Re-authenticating will resume normal functionality.

Click here for Steps on how to re-authenticate a Social Profile from Statusbrew

Guidelines About Re-authenticating Social Profiles In Statusbrew

  • Guidelines for Twitter

  • Guidelines for Facebook & Instagram

  • Guidelines for LinkedIn

You might need to re-authenticate your profiles under the following usual circumstances:

If The Username or Password Of The Social Account Is Changed:

Changing your social account username or password will result in that social network removing Statusbrew's access to your account because the original credentials that were used to authenticate the account no longer exist. Always reconnect your profiles/pages to Statusbrew immediately after you make any updates to your username or password.

If The Life Span Of The Access Token Expires

The access tokens usually have a lifetime of about 60 days for most of the social media networks. If the life span of the access token expires, it will result in the loss of access, and your account will need to be reconnected at that point.

If Statusbrew's Access To The Social Network Has Been Eevoked

Each social network has settings where third-party apps can be granted authorization to access your account. If Statusbrew's access is revoked or altered, this will result in the loss of the access token, and your account is disconnected.

Below you will find links to the area within each social network where third-party apps can be granted authorization:

Guidelines For Twitter

Twitter profiles connected to Statusbrew get an access token for indefinite life span. It means that your Twitter profiles won't get disconnected automatically after a period of time. However, there are still some cases in which your Twitter profile access token may be revoked and you will have to re-authenticate the profile.

Your Twitter profile gets disconnected when Twitter detects spam posts from your profile or the same tweet multiple times in a short span. Here's what Twitter policy reads:

"Posting duplicative or substantially similar content, replies, or mentions over multiple accounts you control, or creating duplicate or substantially similar accounts, with or without the use of automation, is never allowed."

"Posting multiple updates (on a single account or across multiple accounts you control) to a trending or popular topic (for instance, through the use of a specific hashtag) with an intent to subvert or manipulate the topic, or to artificially inflate the prominence of a hashtag or topic, is never allowed."

The second case for your access token for a Twitter profile expiring is when you revoke Statusbrew access from your Twitter account. You can verify this by clicking here.

Guidelines For Facebook & Instagram

Here's Facebook's access token policy on the lifespan of the tokens:

"User access tokens come in two forms: short-lived tokens and long-lived tokens. Short-lived tokens usually have a lifetime of about an hour or two, while long-lived tokens usually have a lifetime of about 60 days. You should not depend on these lifetimes remaining the same - the lifetime may change without warning or expire early."

The words "usually" & "about" as well as our experience can say that Facebook & Instagram tokens expire often before 60 days. This can be many reasons for early expiring access tokens but here are the most common ones

  • Posting the same content multiple times

  • Scheduling the same post from multiple pages at the same time

  • Logging in to your Facebook or Instagram from various locations/IP

  • Logging in and out of multiple Facebook & Instagram profiles

  • Anytime you change your Facebook password

Guidelines For LinkedIn

LinkedIn Profiles, when connected to Statusbrew, require re-authentication after 60 days. Different cases in which the LinkedIn access token is expired are:

  • Your access has expired after it's 60-day life span

  • When you are not the admin of the connected LinkedIn page anymore. In such a case, the new admin will need to re-authenticate the LinkedIn page for it to work with Statusbrew

  • If you are scheduling the same post to be published at the same time on multiple LinkedIn pages. We suggest that you provide a gap of a few minutes while scheduling the same content

We hope this clears your doubts about profile disconnection and re-authentication in Statusbrew