Report Metrics

Statusbrew supports over 230 reporting metrics and KPIs. Explore this section to discover the available metrics

Instagram Report

Instagram Report gives you an aggregated analytics of all the Instagram business profiles in a Statusbrew Organization over the chosen date range.

Admin, Primary Owner, Owner, and users with View Reporting permission for a particular profile/profile group can access reports. To view Instagram Report,

  • Click on the Home button in the top left of your screen to open Statusbrew Home and click on Reports

  • Under the Reports section, click on Instagram

    Instagram Report

You can filter the report for a particular Instagram Profile / Profile Group. Learn More

Compare the change in performance by using the Compare to feature in the date selector.

The Change and % Change parameter for each metric gives you a better idea about the current traction around your brand.

Here are the widgets available in Instagram Report:


Instagram Activity

This widget summarizes your key statistics across all Instagram profiles in the current organization.

Total Followers Gained: The total number of followers gained in the reporting period across Instagram profiles.

Engagements: The total number of engagements for Instagram profiles. See the Engagements section below for more details.

Impressions: The number of times your content was served to users on Instagram.

Posts: The total number of public posts, images, and videos, your profiles sent on Instagram.


Instagram Engagement

This widget helps you visualize trends in how your audience engages with your content across Instagram profiles, along with change as compared to the corresponding previous period and % change.

Engagement is an aggregate number of Likes and Comments you received on your Instagram media during the reporting period.


Instagram Impressions

This widget helps you visualize trends in your content viewed by your audience across Instagram, along with change as compared to the corresponding previous period and % change.

Impressions are the number of times your posts were displayed to a user. It only includes impressions achieved organically.


Instagram Reach

The reach widget gives a count of the total number of unique people who saw your content along with change as compared to the corresponding previous period and % change.

Audience Growth

Instagram Audience Growth

This widget breaks down your followers' growth across Instagram across all days along with change as compared to the corresponding previous period and % change.

New Followers: The total number of new followers gained across all days in the reporting period.

New Unfollowers: The total number of existing followers lost during the reporting period.

Total Audience Growth: Total number of followers gained or lost as compared to the previous period.


Instagram Total Posts

This widget provides the number of Instagram Media and Videos you sent during the reporting period, along with change as compared to the corresponding previous period and % change.


This section helps you know if your posts are targeting the desired audience.

Page Followers City gives the top cities the people who follow your Instagram profile are from, along with the count from each city on hovering the mouse pointer.

Instagram Page Fans City

Page Followers Country gives the top countries the people who follow your Instagram profile are from along with the count from each country on hovering the mouse pointer.

Instagram Page Fans Country

Page Followers Age & Gender gives the number of male and female followers across different age groups.

Instagram Page Fans Age

Page Followers Language provides a % pie chart of the native languages of people who follow your Instagram profile.

Instagram Page Fans Language

Top Engaged Posts

Top Engaged Instagram Posts

This widget provides you with the media with maximum engagement published during the selected date range along with their likes, comments, impressions, and reach. Click on any metric to rearrange your list in an ascending or descending order respectively. Tap on any post to get detailed metrics along with the name of the user who created the post.

This can be exported in the form of a CSV (excel) file from the three-dot menu on the right.

Sentiment Analysis

Instagram Sentiment Analysis

Track the sentiment on incoming mentions and comments grouped by positive, neutral, or negative emotions and analyze your customer's opinion towards your marketing campaigns on Instagram.

Stats By Channel

Instagram Stats by Channel

This widget allows you to compare key metrics across all your Instagram profiles against each other.

All the graphs can be customized as per choice to Bar, Line, Area, or Tabular form. Instagram Report can be exported in the form of a PDF.