Schedule Post Basics

Learn the fundamental steps to schedule your social media posts, ensuring timely and consistent content delivery across all platforms

Schedule Facebook Reels

Create and schedule or publish your Facebook Reels from Statusbrew and plan your feed in advance with perfect previews. To save time, you can publish Facebook Reels to multiple Facebook Pages simultaneously with Statusbrew. You can publish your Reels right away, schedule them in advance for a specific date and time, or even send the post for approval before publishing.

All Facebook Reels posted through Statusbrew will be public. Other users will be able to use your Reel’s audio in their own Reels.

How To Schedule Facebook Reels?

  1. Go to Compose

  2. Select one or more Facebook Page(s)

  3. Upload a video

  4. Under Facebook options, select the 'Post this video as a Reel' checkbox

  5. Choose the desired "Date and time" option and press the Post Now or Schedule button.

You can also do the following:

Due to API limitations, music, filters, or other effects cannot be added to Facebook Reels posted with Statusbrew.


How Long Can A Facebook Reel Be?

A Facebook Reel can be a maximum of 90 seconds long.

Can I Add Music, Filters, or Other Effects to My Facebook Reel?

Due to API limitations, music, filters, or other effects cannot be added to Facebook Reels posted using the Statusbrew app.


How Can I Edit Or Reschedule A Facebook Reel That I’ve Already Scheduled?

From the Statusbrew dashboard, go to Publish. Find the Reel you want to edit or reschedule. Click on the Reel to open Post details. Click on the icon to edit or reschedule the Reel.

What Should I Do If My Facebook Reel Fails To Upload?

If your Facebook Reel fails to upload in Statusbrew, ensure that your video meets the requirements for format, size, and duration. If the issue persists, contact Statusbrew support for assistance.

What Permissions Are Required To Schedule Reels Through Statusbrew?

Within Statusbrew, you need publishing permissions for the connected Facebook Page. This requires having a user role that allows you to create and manage posts. See Managing Access Permissions