Schedule Post Basics

Learn the fundamental steps to schedule your social media posts, ensuring timely and consistent content delivery across all platforms

How To Schedule Twitter Threads

Conquer the 280-character limit on Twitter and get your message across in an elaborate and organized manner using Twitter Threads. Explore topics to the core, construct a storyline, and convey messages spanning beyond a single tweet.

Along with creating and scheduling Twitter Threads, Stausbrew enables you to retweet, reply to tweets, and share quoted tweets.

Twitter Threads Scheduling is available in all Statusbrew plans.

If you still haven't connected your Twitter profile with Statusbrew, check our support article on Connecting your Twitter profile.

Creating Twitter Threads

Here's how you can create Twitter Threads in Statusbrew:

  • Go to Compose from the Statusbrew Dashboard and click on Twitter Threads. It'll take you to the Twitter Thread composer

    Accessing Twitter Threads Statusbrew Dashboard

    Or Go to Publish from the left nav and click on Create Twitter Threads button in the top right corner

  • Choose the desired Twitter Profiles from the Select Profiles drop-down

  • Now draft your parent tweet in the space provided under 1: box. You can include any image, video, link, or poll in your tweet (Parent Tweet is the main tweet that's visible on the Statusbrew platform and on Twitter until someone chooses to view the whole thread. It is what hooks the audience to read the entire thread)

  • Once you're done drafting the parent tweet, click on the Add another tweet button in the bottom left corner above the "Add Tags" option

  • Repeat the same steps to draft the entire thread. You can check the preview to see how it looks and can edit any tweet by clicking on the drop-down arrow beside it

- You can tag people either in the caption or in the media. - An unlimited number of threads can be created.

  • Once you've drafted the entire thread, you can add Tags and Watchers (Tags and Watchers will be added for the entire thread and not for one particular tweet that is a part of the thread)

Certain options like Twitter location targeting and Who can reply to this tweet? will not be available for Twitter Threads.

  • For posting, there are three options - i) Send for approval: Go to Choose approval, select a user and click Send for approval ii) Schedule: Select the Custom time and click on Schedule iii) Post now: To post immediately, click on the caret icon alongside schedule and select Post now

    Twetter Threads for HC

Managing Twitter Threads

Once you've created the Twitter Threads and they've been scheduled or sent for approval, you can still manage them and make some changes if you want.

Preview Your Twitter Threads

Preview helps you check the appearance of the thread. There are two ways to see the preview of the threads.

via Compose

You can check the preview of your threads in the Compose side by side while creating the threads and make any changes, such as reordering, removing tweets, etc, if it doesn't look up to the mark.

- The number of tweets in the thread can also be checked from compose.

via Planner

You can also check the preview of your scheduled threads in the Planner. The steps to do so are -

  • Go to the Planner and open the details of the desired thread by clicking on the thread logo

    Opening the detailed view of a Twitter Thread from Planner
  • By default, only the parent thread is visible in the planner - even when you open the details

Click on the Show Threads button or the Show Preview Option to check the preview

- You can also add Tags in the Planner by clicking on the Add Tags option and selecting the relevant tags. This can be done at any stage of the post - when the post has been scheduled, sent for approval, or even after it has been published. Also, you can add multiple tags to a post. - The number mentioned in the round brackets alongside Show Threads button is exclusive of the parent tweet.

Planner View of Twitter Threads

In the image above, the button reads Show threads (4), so there are total 5 tweets in this thread.

Editing Twitter Threads

You can edit the Twitter Threads after they've been scheduled or sent for approval. The steps to edit the Twitter Threads are as follows -

  • Go to Planner and open the details of the Twitter Thread you want to edit

  • Click the Edit icon in the top right corner

  • Click on the drop-down beside the tweet that you want to edit

  • Make the necessary changes and close the drop-down

You can edit only one tweet at a time, so once you open the editing window of one tweet, the previous one will close automatically.

  • If you want to remove a particular tweet from the thread, click the Remove option beside the tweet

Once you've made the desired changes, click the schedule or send for approval button, depending upon your settings, to reschedule the thread.

Reordering Twitter Threads

You can change the order of the tweets of a thread after they've been scheduled or sent for approval. This means that you can change the parent thread as well as reorder the rest of them. The steps to reorder Twitter threads are -

  • Go to the Planner and open the details of the thread you want to reorder

  • Click on the Edit icon

  • Click the Reorder tweets button in the top right corner

  • Now drag and drop the tweets in the desired order

You can reorder only one tweet at a time. If you wish to change the order of multiple tweets, you will have to click the Reorder Tweets button again and repeat the process.

  • Once you've made the desired changes, click the schedule or send for approval button, depending upon your settings, to reschedule the thread

    How To reorder Twitter Threads