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Watchers In Publish

To ensure permanent & efficient communication between people engaged in the process of content creation & publishing approval, we introduced the Watchers feature that makes it easier to get notified of content publishing activities.

Before moving ahead, make sure you have enabled Statusbrew notifications.

What does the Watcher feature enable?

All users (part of your Statusbrew workspace) that are added as watchers will get email notifications for the below-mentioned activities:

  • Post Updated

  • Post Approved

  • Post Rejected

  • Post Failed to Publish

  • Post Successfully Published

  • Mentioned in an Internal Note in Planner

How does it work?

When a post creator creates a new post in Statusbrew compose, they can add one or more users as Watchers.

Watchers in SB

The Watcher(s) receive an e-mail notification of the post-activity on their email address registered with Statusbrew. The e-mail message contains the post itself as well as the link redirecting to Statusbrew planner, where the post can be seen.

Email Notification

Based on your access levels in Statusbrew, you'll be able to view, edit, publish or delete the post. You can also leave internal notes for the post creator or mention other team members in the comments.

Publishing Permissions

- You can remove yourself or anyone else as a Watcher by opening the dropdown and deselecting their profile as a Watcher. Then, close the dropdown and click ADD to update the watchers.

Notification drop down

- To remove all the Watchers from a post, Click on the Cross Icon in the Dropdown menu.

- To add another team member as a watcher, click on the plus icon and search for their name. Click on ADD to update the Settings.