Publish Troubleshooting And FAQs

Find answers to your common and advanced questions about the Publish

Schedule Posts FAQs

This article contains Frequently Asked Questions related to Compose, Schedule, & Publish on social with Statusbrew.

1. What are my character limits for different social media handles?

Below are the character limits that are supposed to be taken care of while creating your posts:

Twitter: 280 Instagram: 2200 Facebook: 5000 LinkedIn: 1300 Google My Business: 1500

2. For which social media networks can I bulk upload my posts?

You can schedule your post with the CSV upload tool for all the connected social channels one at a time.

3. Can I use any other file format to bulk upload my posts?

No, we only support the standard CSV file format for bulk upload. Learn more about Bulk Scheduling here.

4. Can I add gif/video links instead of the images in my CSV?

Yes, you can but make sure the links are publicly accessible. To check that, open the link in an incognito tab on your browser.

5. How many images can I upload per post?

Statusbrew supports image uploads for Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn (pages and personal profiles) and Google My Business. Refer to the table below:


Max Image Count Per Post











Learn more about media (images/gifs) upload limits for each social platform that Statusbrew integrates with.

6. If I have scheduled posts that are due to go out once the trial period has finished, will they still be published?

Absolutely! All your scheduled posts will be published even if your trial period has finished.

Still, got more questions? Send us your queries at