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Facebook Publishing Errors

While publishing your posts or replying to a message on Facebook with Statusbrew, there might be times when you face certain errors. In this article, we have listed a few common errors for Facebook along with their explanations and possible solutions.

Access Token Expired

Your access token has expired or has been invalidated


This error can be easily resolved by re-authenticating your Facebook profiles. Here's a step-by-step guide: How to re-authenticate a social profile from Statusbrew?

Page Request Limit Reached

Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: (#32) Page request limited reached. (code 32, subcode null)


This error occurs when Statusbrew reaches its limit of daily actions on your Facebook page. This limit is directly proportional to daily active people (DAP) on your account. When your account reaches this limit, Facebook locks your account for third-party apps and the only solution for this error is to wait for the next day when your action counter resets.

Invalid Parameter Code 100, Subcode 2061006

Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: Invalid parameter. (Code 100, Subcode 2061006)


This error occurs due to an invalid link or a URL with an error. The best resolution to this error is to try checking your link or pasting it again. You can also verify the fact that your link is correct if you can see the correct preview.

Invalid Parameter Code 100, Subcode 1349125

Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: Invalid parameter. (Code 100, Subcode 1349125)


Facebook pushed this error while posting when there is something wrong or missing in your Facebook post. You may need to verify or change your text, image, link, or more. The error can also occur due to the fact that your image/video might be too heavy, so you may have to change them.

Facebook Error Code 368, Subcode 1390008

Facebook error: It looks like you were misusing this feature by going too fast. You've been blocked from using it. Learn more about blocks in the Help Center. (Code 368, Subcode 1390008)


Facebook monitors for spam and repetitive content. If the Facebook algorithm detects spam posting or repetitive posts from your account, it may give you the above error. The only solution is that you do not spam and make your content organic.

Facebook Error Code 368, Subcode 1346003

Facebook error: Your message couldn't be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive. (Code 368, Subcode 1346003)


If your post contains any text/image that has been marked as abuse or offensive. If you face this error, you will have to change the contents of your post.

Facebook Error Code 1, Subcode Null

Facebook error: Please reduce the amount of data you're asking for, then retry your request. (Code 1, Subcode Null)


This error occurs when your Facebook page is not very active and you suddenly decide to publish a heavy post. A heavy post might contain too many elements such as log text, mentions, large size media, a link, and more. If you face this error, it is advised that you remove mentions and try making the post lighter.

Facebook Error Code 2, Subcode Null

Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: An unexpected error has occurred. Please retry your request later. (Code 2, Subcode Null)


This is a temporary error that may occur due to an unknown glitch. If you face this error, try checking Facebook after 5 minutes to see if your post was published. If not, you can try publishing it again.

Facebook Error Code 2, Subcode 1363047

Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: Service temporarily unavailable. (Code 2, Subcode 1363047)


This error signifies that Facebook is unable to communicate back to Facebook. If this error occurs to you, check your Facebook page after 5 minutes to see if your post was published. If it was not published, you can try again later.

Facebook Error Code 2, Subcode 1609010

Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: Service temporarily unavailable. (Code 2, Subcode 1609010)


This error signifies that Facebook is unable to communicate back to Facebook. If this error occurs to you, check your Facebook page after 5 minutes to see if your post was published. If it was not published, you can try again later.

Unknown Error

An unknown error occurred


This error is a very low probability but if it does occur to you, the reason behind it is not clear. You can try posting again, and if the problem persists contact our support.

Facebook Error Code 200, Subcode 1609008

Facebook error: Permissions error. (Code 200, Subcode 1609008)


Permissions error occurs when you try to share a link with the "" domain leading to a private post, group, or profile. Changing or removing your link will solve this error for you

Facebook Error Code 190, Subcode 490

Facebook error: Error validating access token: The user is enrolled in a blocking, logged-in checkpoint (Code 190, Subcode 490)


When your Facebook account is blocked due to security reasons, suspicious log-in, spam, or more, you might face this error when you try to publish content from Statusbrew. To solve this, all you need to do is log in to Facebook or Facebook Business Manager, and answer the security questions check. Once you unblock your account, you can start publishing from Statusbrew again.

Facebook Error #10

(#10) This message is sent outside of allowed window. Learn more about the new policy here:


This error occurs when a message or private reply to a comment is replied beyond the 7 days of receiving them. Facebook encourages businesses to respond within 24 hours to the user’s messages. Third-party applications like us need to apply for special permission to Facebook to allow you to respond beyond the 24-hour window. We have already applied for the same and are waiting for their response.

We hope that the above information about Facebook publishing errors has given you insights into what is going on, and how you can resolve it. If you need more assistance or face an error not listed above, contact us here.