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Instagram Publishing Errors

While publishing your Instagram posts or replying to an Instagram DM within Statusbrew, there might be times when you face certain errors. In this article, we have listed a few common Instagram errors along with their explanations and possible solutions.

Access Token Expired

Your access token has expired or has been invalidated


This error can be easily resolved by re-authenticating your Instagram profiles. Here's a step-by-step guide: How to re-authenticate a social profile from Statusbrew?

Access Token Validation

Facebook error: Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons. (code 190, subcode 460)


This means we no longer have valid token/permission to your Instagram profile. You'll have to connect your Instagram profile again - Connecting Your Instagram Business Profile To Statusbrew.

Page Request Limit Reached

Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: (#32) Page request limited reached. (code 32, subcode null)


This error occurs when Statusbrew reaches its limit of allowed daily actions for your Instagram profile. This limit is directly proportional to daily active people (DAP) on your account. When your account reaches this limit, Facebook locks your Instagram account for third-party apps and the only solution for this error is to wait for the next day when your action counter resets.

Aspect Ratio Not Supported

The aspect ratio is not supported. (code 36003, subcode 2207009)


The aspect ratio of your Instagram Post image must be within 4:5 to 1.91:1. You can crop the image using the inbuilt image editor and publish it again.

Image Format Not Supported

Facebook error: The image format is not supported. (code 36001, subcode 2207005)


Instagram allows a max resolution of 1920x1080px. If you see this error message, it's highly likely your post failed due to an image with a higher resolution. You can resize the image and try publishing it.

Invalid Parameter Code 100, Subcode 2061006

Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: Invalid parameter. (Code 100, Subcode 2061006)


This error occurs due to an invalid link or a URL with an error. The best resolution to this error is to try checking your link or pasting it again. You can also verify the fact that your link is correct and you can see the correct preview.

Content Publishing Limit

Facebook error: You reached maximum number of posts that is allowed to be published by Content Publishing API. (code 9, subcode 2207042)


Your account can publish a maximum of 25 posts within a 24-hour period. Please wait before further publishing Instagram posts via Statusbrew.