User And User Groups

Get details on inviting users to Statusbrew, managing access and permissions, organizing users into groups, and understanding different user types

What Is A User

Statusbrew has a flexible account hierarchy and permissions structure built for all organizations —from small to medium businesses, enterprises, and agencies. It is easy to manage users and provide different levels of access to them based on their responsibilities within the organization. This guide explains how to successfully add new users to Statusbrew and create user groups within Statusbrew in a way that suits your business needs.

Types Of Users In Statusbrew

Every Statusbrew Space has different user types with varying levels of access.

  1. Primary Owner

  2. Owner

  3. Admin

  4. Member

Learn more about User Types in Statusbrew

Depending on the roles in the organization's workflow, the primary owners and owners can add users to User Groups and configure their access to certain profiles/profile groups in Statusbrew.

To learn more about different permissions available in Statusbrew, check out this article - Managing Access Permissions

How To Change User Permissions In Statusbrew

Only the Primary owner and the owners can change the user permissions. To change User Permissions in Statusbrew, follow the given steps:

  • Go to Settings from the left nav

  • Click on Users. To mark someone as an Owner, click on the three-dot menu beside the user profile and click on Edit

    Edit User Profile
  • To mark someone as the Owner, mark the 'Mark as owner' checkbox and click on Save

  • Or if you want to mark someone as Admin, 'Mark as admin' option and click 'Save'

    Mark as owner or Admin

The Users' admin access is limited to one specific or multiple workspaces.

Add New Users

Primary Owner and Owners can invite and manage users & user groups in Statusbrew. Also, your user limit will vary depending on the subscription plan of your Statusbrew account. For details, please see the pricing page.

Begin inviting new users to Statusbrew in one of the following ways:

  • Go to Settings

  • In the Settings menu, click on Users and click on the Add Users button

  • On the next screen, enter user details, Select the spaces and user groups you want them to access and click Add Also, you can check the Mark as admin checkbox if you want them to have admin access

    Invite User
  • You can invite multiple users to Statusbrew at once. If you wish to remove any user from the list, you can click on the X icon in front of the user.

    Removing User while Inviting

Manage Users

You can easily edit the permissions for a user or deactivate a user at any time. Only the Primary Owner and owners can manage user permissions.

To manage users in Statusbrew,

  • Click on Settings from the left nav

  • Go to Users, use the search bar to find a user by their name or email address quickly

  • Click on the three-dot menu beside a user's name & select Edit to Mark the user as Admin or Archive the User

Archiving a user will immediately remove all access for this user from your Space and will not be counted against the user seats in your plan.

You can Unarchive an archived user by simply searching for the user by their name or email or going to the bottom of the Users window, clicking on the drop-down beside Archived users and clicking on the three-dot menu beside a user's name, and selecting Unarchive.

Unarchive the users

Transferring Primary Ownership

The Primary Owner can transfer the ownership at any time to any user.

To transfer Primary Ownership, the Primary Owner has to -

  • From Settings and click on Users

  • Click on the three dots beside your own user profile (user profile of the Primary Owner)

  • Now click on Transfer Ownership

    Transfer Ownership

Create New User Groups

User Groups are a better way to bundle users together with similar responsibilities, tasks, and workflows in Statusbrew.

For instance, you can create a user group for marketing, one for customer success, and another one for the administrators. You can create as many user groups as you want based on your organization scale and structure. Once you have created a User Group, you can use it to provide access, assign & mention, and do so much more directly instead of managing each user individually. Here's how you can use User Groups in Statusbrew.

  • Adding New Users

  • Approvers Selection

  • Assign Conversation

  • Group Mentions

  • Moderation Rules

  • Visibility Control

  • Team Reports

Learn more about how you can integrate User Groups in your workflow - User Groups & Profile Groups To create a user group in Statusbrew,

  • Go to Settings from the left nav

  • In the Settings menu, click on User Groups and click on Create User Group in the top right corner

  • Start by giving your new User Group a name and a description

  • Now under the users field, click on the drop-down and you can search for any user and add them to your new User Group

  • Select the spaces you want to add them to and also choose if you want to mark this user group as admin (these users will have admin-level access only for this particular workspace)

  • Choose the desired conversation assignment

  • Once you're done, click on Create

    Add User Groups

Conversation Assignment in a User Group

Statusbrew offers two different ways in which conversations are assigned amongst the members of a user group.

  • Default Assignment: All the team members(users) in that user group will be assigned the same conversation

  • Round Robin: The conversation is assigned in sequential order to users of that group

To customize the assignment pattern for a user group,

  • From your Statusbrew home, navigate to Settings & click on User Groups

  • Click on the three-dots menu beside the user group and click Edit

  • Under the 'Assign Conversations' tab, you can choose from Default or Round Robin Assignment option

  • Once done, click on Update


Manage User Groups

You can also easily add/remove users to an existing User Group or remove the user group at any time.

To manage user groups,

  • Go to Settings

  • Select User Groups & click on the three-dot menu beside the User Group you want to update

  • Select the Edit option to update the user group

  • You can now change the name, description and add/remove users and spaces or change the admin permissions. To remove any user from a user group, click on their profile in the drop-down menu

  • You can delete the User Group by clicking on the three-dot menu beside the User Group and choosing the Delete option

    Managing User Groups

Learn more about connecting and managing social profiles in Statusbrew - What Is A Social Profile