Schedule Post Basics

Learn the fundamental steps to schedule your social media posts, ensuring timely and consistent content delivery across all platforms

Schedule Instagram Stories

You can draft, schedule & post stories (videos & images) on Instagram and Facebook directly via Statusbrew.

You can publish up to 10 single images, videos in any combination using Statusbrew.

Steps for Creating Stories for Instagram and Facebook

From your Compose window, you can create & schedule stories with images or video files.

To create a Story

  • From the Statusbrew Dashboard, click on Story Composer

    Story Composer SB
  • Select your Facebook and/or Instagram Profile(s) from the select profiles dropdown

    Profile Selecter SB
  • Upload the media (images or videos),and if needed, you can also re-order them as per your preference

  • Choose to post it now, schedule it for later, or save it as a draft

    Story Scheduling SB

At present, we do not support interactive overlays like Polls, Q&A, Music, or other elements for stories.

For Instagram Stories, you have two publishing options:

Direct publishing

Select this option to schedule, draft and post your Instagram stories directly via Statusbrew web app.

Publishing via mobile reminders

This option sends push notifications or reminders via the Statusbrew mobile app for publishing your story on Instagram.

To publish via mobile reminders:

  • Upload story media then select Publishing via mobile reminders option

    Story publishing with mobile reminders
  • Select a user or user groups to send mobile reminders

Only the selected users or user groups will get a reminder on their mobile devices. If not selected, all the users with publishing access will get a reminder.

  • You can add notes and links inside Mobile Publisher Notes for publisher’s reference

  • To add publisher notes, go to story media and click on Edit mobile publisher notes icon at the bottom left side

    Adding Notes while story publishing
  • Now Choose date & time of publishing the story

  • At the scheduled time the publisher will receive a push notification on mobile

  • From the same notification, the publisher can open the story and follow the prompts to publish it via the Instagram mobile app

If in case, you miss an Instagram Publishing Notification on your Statusbrew mobile app, you can always choose to republish it.

To do so, you can either click on the re-send notification button from Statusbrew's Planner in the web app. Or, go to the Past Reminders in the mobile app > click on the three-dots beside the published IG post > click on Share on Instagram.

Key Features

Editing Stories

Customize your Facebook or Instagram stories directly within Story Composer’s editor. You can edit and fix the aspect ratio of the stories.

Drag and Drop Reordering

Change the sequence of your stories using the intuitive drag-and-drop feature. Simply reorder your images or videos to achieve the desired storytelling flow.

Reordering Stories (SB)

Save as Draft

To make adjustments or finalize your story later, you can save your work as a draft. This way, you can revisit and edit the story before scheduling or publishing it.

Saving Stories as Draft (SB)

Story Previews

Get a glimpse of how your story will look after publishing with the preview feature. The right side of the compose screen displays a real-time preview of your story, ensuring that everything appears as intended.

Story Preview (SB)


By default, your work-in-progress is retained. To begin anew and erase all content on the screen, you can use the clear option within Compose window.

Clearing existing content in Composer

Story Image/Video Specifications

Image/Video Specifications for Facebook Stories

Story images

  • Format: JPEG, BMP, PNG, TIFF

  • File size: Up to 4MB

Story Videos

  • Format: MOV or MP4

  • Minimum horizontal pixels: 540

  • Minimum vertical pixels: 960

  • Aspect ratio: 9:16 is recommended to avoid cropping and blank space

  • Duration: Up to 60 seconds, minimum 3 seconds

  • File size: Up to 1GB

Image/Video Specifications for Instagram Stories

Stories images

  • Format: JPEG

  • File size: Up to 8MB

  • Aspect ratio: 9:16 recommended to avoid cropping and white space

Stories Videos

  • Format: MOV or MP4

  • Maximum horizontal pixels: 1920

  • The required aspect ratio is 0.1:1 ~ 10:1, but 9:16 is recommended to avoid cropping and blank space

  • Duration: Up to 60 seconds, minimum 3 seconds

  • File size: Up to 100MB