Schedule Post Basics

Learn the fundamental steps to schedule your social media posts, ensuring timely and consistent content delivery across all platforms

Using Asset Manager

Statusbrew's Asset Manager allows you to quickly schedule or publish your saved content with just the click of a button.

Must read: Statusbrew Asset Manager

Once you've saved content in your Asset Manager, it's time to publish it. In this article, we'll walk you through the process of scheduling content saved in your Asset Manager.

In Compose, you can quickly add media from the content stored in the Asset Manager. Here's how:

  • From your Statusbrew Home, go to Compose and create a post

  • Click on Add Media and select Asset Manager

  • You can now filter the assets based on tags and quickly add an asset to the post by clicking on it

    Using the Asset Manager in Compose

2. Sending assets to Compose

Asset Manager allows you to add descriptions for your assets which will be automatically used as the post caption if you wish to publish the asset.

  • Hover over the added assets in the Asset Manager and click on the Copy To Compose button

  • Your asset would be directly sent to the Compose window along with the description of the asset

    15 Using Copy of compose