Schedule Post Basics

Learn the fundamental steps to schedule your social media posts, ensuring timely and consistent content delivery across all platforms

Schedule Pinterest Pin

Publishing pins with Statusbrew is effortless and saves a lot of time.

With Statusbrew's all-new Pinterest integration you can publish pins & create boards within Compose. You can schedule pins in advance and post to multiple accounts at the same time.

Before - Connecting Your Pinterest Profile To Statusbrew

Creating & Publishing A Pin

To get started with Pinterest Publishing,

  • Navigate to compose from your Statusbrew dashboard

  • Search & select your desired Pinterest profile

  • Write a caption for your post & add media

  • The next step is to add the Pin title, destination link, and board

    Creating a Pin

Note: To successfully publish a Pin to Pinterest, you must ensure:

  • An image is added to your post

  • A Board is selected to which to post your Pin

  • A Destination URL is added for your Pin

When you select a Pinterest profile, the Statusbrew Compose window will alert you to any missing required elements.

Note: GIF formats and Video are currently not supported.

Creating A Board

When you select your Pinterest profile, you get the option to choose boards to which to publish your Pin. You can choose from an existing Board, or create a new board by clicking on the Create Board button and giving it a name & description.

Creating a Board

Viewing & Editing Scheduled Pins

You can view your Scheduled Pins/Pins waiting for approval in the Statusbrew Planner.

  • Navigate to Statusbrew Publish from your dashboard

  • Select your Pinterest profile from the filter bar

  • Click on your scheduled post to open detailed view

  • You can now approve/reject, edit, delete the post

    Publishing Pins in Statusbrew

Learn more - Introduction to Planner – Statusbrew Support