
Visualize a timeline of all your planned and scheduled content, and manage individual posts and campaigns using list, calendar, and grid views

Understanding Statusbrew Planner

Statusbrew’s Planner allows you to get a bird's-eye view of all your social media scheduling activity. With your Statusbrew Planner, you can easily view and manage the content you have scheduled over the next day, week, or month.

Statusbrew not only keeps a record of all posts sent through the platform but also pulls in posts published outside of Statusbrew.

Click on Publish to access Statusbrew Planner from your Statusbrew dashboard.

Viewing Content In Planner

Planner Views

The Planner offers four views to manage your content:

  1. List: Chronological list of your content.

  2. Week: Weekly calendar format.

  3. Month: Monthly calendar layout.

  4. Grid: Visual grid format for Instagram posts only.

Switch between views using the toggle at the top-right of the Planner.

Customizing Date Range

Adjust the date range in the Planner using the arrows at the top. Default settings include:

  • List View: 16 days starting today

  • Week View: Current week starting last Sunday

  • Month View: Current month starting on the 1st

Click on the arrows beside the < date range > to move back or forward. Click on Today to come to the current date's posts.

Filtering Posts

Filtering posts in Statusbrew’s Planner allows for precise navigation and management of your social media content. From the top left corner of the Planner, click Add filter to apply filter(s).

You can filter the posts in Planner by:

  • Profile: View posts by specific social profiles.

  • Network: View posts by social networks.

  • Actor: View posts by user or user group.

  • Post Type: Filter by type (Photo, GIF, Link, Retweet, Audio, Video, Carousel, Document, Poll, Reel).

  • Status: Filter by their current status:

    • Sent: Successfully published posts.

    • Sent via Notification: Published through mobile notification.

    • Scheduled: Set to be published at a future date and time.

    • Draft: Saved as drafts, not yet scheduled or published.

    • Pending Approval: Awaiting approval before being published.

    • Rejected: Posts that have been rejected.

    • Rejected By Rule: Automatically rejected based on Publish Rules.

    • Failed: Failed to publish due to an error.

    • Queued

    • Recalled From Approval

    • Recalled

  • Tags: Filter by tags applied to posts.

These filters work in List, Week & Month Planner views.

For all these filters, you have four options to refine your search:

  • In (=): Include specific items (e.g., profiles, networks, users, post types, statuses, tags).

  • Not in (≠): Exclude certain items.

  • Is null: Posts without a specific item.

  • Is not null: Posts with a specific item.

How To Apply Filters?

  • Click Add filter.

  • Choose filters from available options (Profile, Network, Actor, Post Type, Status, Tags).

  • Select criteria (In, Not in, Is null, Is not null). For In and Not in, select the appropriate item from the drop-down menu. Click Done to apply the filter.

  • To apply multiple filters, click Add filter again and repeat steps 2 and 3.

  • Apply filters to see the filtered view of your posts.

Removing Filters: Hover over the filter and click beside it.

Saving Filters As Views

  1. Apply your desired filters.

  2. Click Save beside the Apply filter button.

  3. In the Create view dialog box, name the view, modify filters if needed, adjust share settings, and click Save.

Exporting Planner

  • In List, Week, or Month view, click the at the top right corner.

  • Select Export CSV.

Managing Content In Planner

List View

The List View shows the order in which your posts will be released. Posts appear with extra visual indicators beside them indicating their status:

  • Needs Approval

  • Published

  • Failed

  • Scheduled

  • Rejected

  • Past Reminders

  • Draft

Click on any post to open its detailed view.

Week View

The Week View helps identify content gaps on a day-by-day basis. Click on any post to open its detailed view.

Each date slot shows:

  • Scheduled Time: Time the post is scheduled to publish.

  • Social Media Platform: Indicated by platform icons (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, YouTube).

  • Post Status: Icons indicating status (e.g., approved, scheduled, draft, failed).

  • Post Title: Brief description or title.

To create a post in Week View:

  1. Click beside each date.

  2. Click the Create post button beneath each date.

Month View

The Month View offers a broad perspective for long-term planning. Each date shows the posts for that particular day. Each entry shows:

  • Scheduled Time: Time the post will publish.

  • Social Media Platform: Platform icons.

  • Post Status: Status icons.

  • Post Title: Brief description or title.

If a date has more posts than can be displayed, click "+n More" (with "n" representing the number of additional posts) to see additional posts.

Click on any post to open its detailed view.

Drag and drop posts to reschedule.

Click beside each date to create a post.

Grid View

The Grid View visually displays scheduled posts in a grid format, similar to Instagram. This view is for Instagram profiles only and shows posts from the last 180 days.

  • Select the Instagram profile from the top left corner.

  • Each cell represents a post with its thumbnail.

  • Status icons are at the bottom left corner of each post.

Click on any post to open its detailed view.


The Assets tab in Statusbrew Planner helps you manage and organize your media assets.

  • Filter: Use the "Status is active" dropdown to toggle between viewing "Active" and "Archive" assets.

  • Search: Quickly find assets by typing keywords in the search bar.

  • Add Asset: Upload new media assets by clicking the "Add asset" button.

Each asset is displayed by a thumbnail, name, type icon (Image, Text, Video, Link), and the Plan it belongs to. Click on an asset to open its detailed view.

Post Performance

The Post Performance tab provides a detailed analysis of each post's performance based on various engagement metrics.

  • Date Range and Sorting:

    • Date Range: Select a date range to filter posts.

    • Toggle: Switch between ascending and descending order for the date range.

    • Sort Options: Sort posts by Published date or metrics (comments, impressions, likes, reach, shares, video views).

  • Post Details:

    • Profile: Displays profile icon and social media platform icon.

    • Media: Shows the post's thumbnail preview.

    • Message: Displays the date and time of the post and its title.

  • Performance Metrics:

    • Engagement: Total interactions (likes, comments, shares).

    • Impressions: Number of times the post was shown.

    • Clicks: Number of clicks on the post.

    • Comments: Number of comments.

    • Likes: Number of likes.

    • Reached: Unique users who saw the post.

    • Saved: Number of times the post was saved.

    • Video Views: Number of views on video content.


Can I Export My Planner Schedule?

Yes, click in the top-right corner and select Export CSV.

How Do I Save Frequently Used Filters For Quick Access?

After applying filters, click the Save button beside Apply filter. Name the view, adjust settings if needed, and save it.

Is It Possible To Reschedule Posts Directly From The Planner?

Yes, in the Month and Week views, drag and drop posts to reschedule them.


How Do I Resolve Issues With Posts Not Appearing In The Planner?

Check the applied filters and ensure the date range includes the missing posts.

Why Can’t I See The Grid View Option?

Grid View is available only for Instagram profiles. Ensure you have an Instagram profile connected to Statusbrew.

Why Are My Filters Not Applying Correctly?

Double-check the filter criteria and options. If the issue persists, reset and reapply the filters.