
Visualize a timeline of all your planned and scheduled content, and manage individual posts and campaigns using list, calendar, and grid views

Publish Sidebar Sections

Statusbrew Planner offers features that make managing your brand's social presence easier. The all-new Planner Sections & Views make the organization of your content a breeze so you can manage your publishing activities efficiently and effectively.

Awaiting approval

Planner Sections

Statusbrew Planner offers sections built for different use cases such as post approvals, drafts, rejections, etc. As a social media manager, you can jump between different sections and quickly take necessary actions on the posts.

All Posts

As the name suggests, the "All Posts" section houses all the posts in a Statusbew space. You can change the date range, switch between list & calendar view and Add Filters in the "All Posts" section.

Shared With Me

All the posts where you are internally mentioned or added as a watcher neatly show up in the "Shared With Me" section. You can collaborate with the team in the same post using the internal notes without losing the context.

You can also sort posts in the Shared With Me section based on their scheduled or last modified date.


You can use the Drafts feature to quickly write down important ideas or a post to which you'd like to come back later. Drafts help team members working on the same campaigns to collaborate and share ideas. A draft post can include images, videos, and links and be scheduled once complete.

All your draft posts neatly show up in the Drafts section.

To view all the drafts in your Statusbrew space, select the "All of my team's drafts" filter from the dropdown.

Awaiting Approval

The Awaiting Approval section of the Planner contains all the posts awaiting approval. You can easily scroll through the list of posts and leverage the easy-to-use interface for approving or rejecting them from within this view.

To view all the posts in your Statusbrew space awaiting approvals, select the "All of my team's approvals" filter from the dropdown.


All the posts you've rejected show up in the Rejected section.


Any posts that fail to go out are collected and displayed in the Failed section. Posts can fail to go out for various reasons, which can usually be fixed with some troubleshooting.

If your post fails to go out, wait for a few minutes and try to repost. If the post fails again, reach out to the support team via in-app live chat.


Any posts that you have recalled show up in the Recalled section. You can then make changes/communicate on the post as per your preference.

Planner Views

Statusbrew provides advanced features to filter your content within the Planner based on social profiles, post type, tags, etc.

To better sort & quickly get to the posts that need your attention, you can create different planner views using inbuilt filters.

To create a Planner view,

  • Hover over the Views header in the left side pane and click on the (+) button

  • Start by giving your view a name

  • Click on + Add filter button and choose a filter type from the drop-down

  • For instance, if you want to view all your Facebook image posts in one place, you can choose the filter "Profiles" and then click In(=) dropdown to select the Facebook Profile. Click on +Add filter again and select the filter "Post Type" in(=) "Photo"

  • You can choose to share the view with users/user groups or share it with all

Style your view

  • You can add a page icon to your view for easy identification. Besides the Name field, click the icon image to select an Emoji, Icon, or External Image

  • Search for or select the Emoji or Icon from the list

  • Click the random sign 🔀 to select a randomly generated Emoji or Icon

  • Select the Icon color from the color palette âš« beside the random sign

  • Use the External option to upload an Image or paste a link to the image

  • Click on the Save button

    How to add emoji in Planner

This will create a custom view that will eliminate the need to apply all the filters again & again. Using different filters, you can create multiple customized views of your planner.

All your views can be accessed from the left side pane with a single click.