
Visualize a timeline of all your planned and scheduled content, and manage individual posts and campaigns using list, calendar, and grid views

Planner Filters

Statusbrew provides you with advanced features to filter your scheduled and published content within the Planner using various filters. This article would help you walk through various filters available to sort and arrange the content in the Planner.

Applying Filters in Planner

From the top left corner of the Planner, you can apply multiple filters for better navigation inside the Planner. Posts can be filtered by:

  • Profiles - View posts for a particular social profile or profile group

  • Users - View posts created by a particular member of your team

  • Post Type - View posts with Text, Photo, GIF, Link, Video, etc

  • State - View posts filtered according to their status - Needs Approval, Rejected, etc

  • Plan - View posts filtered according to particular plans

  • Tag - View posts filtered according to tags applied to the post

These filters work in all the Planner views - List, Calendar, Assets and Performance

Filters in Planner

Note: Filters can work both in an inclusive and exclusive format. If you lay them out separately (in separate boxes or as separate conditions), they are recognized as "AND" conditions i.e. both conditions have to be met. If you put them in one text box or in one condition only, they will be considered as OR conditions i.e., the rule will be executed if ANY of the values mentioned within the "IN" operator match.

The conditions mentioned in the same dialog box are treated with OR logic i.e. even if any one of the mentioned conditions is met, the results will show up. But the conditions mentioned in separate dialog boxes are treated with AND Logic, i.e. all the conditions must be met for any data to appear.



Using this filter, you can choose to see the posts for particular profiles or profile groups. You can add multiple profiles to see the posts for all of them.

Adding multiple profiles in filter

These work on OR logic, i.e., even if any one condition is met, the results will be shown.

So, any post for all of these selected profiles will be shown.


Using this filter, you can filter out posts created by specific users or user groups. You can add multiple users and user groups using the OR logic. In the case of user groups, all the posts created by any of the users - part of the selected user group will show up.

Post Types

You can filter the posts based on these different post types: Status, Photo, GIF, Link, Retweeted Tweet, Audio, Video, Carousel, Document and Poll.

Post Types

Post Status

Statusbrew Planner clearly displays the status of the posts by displaying a colored icon adjacent to each post. The post status can be one of the following -

Sent, Sent via Notification, Natively Scheduled, Scheduled, Draft, Pending Approval, Rejected, Rejected by Rule, Failed, Queued, Recalled From Approval, Recalled.

All the content that you create and queue, whether scheduled or awaiting review, whether published or unpublished; you’ll see every single post of your content organized neatly in the Planner!

Post State

Learn more about how to manage these posts in the Planner.


Using this filter, you can filter out posts based on their Plan i.e. the posts under specific plan or plans. You can add multiple plans using the OR Logic.


You can filter out posts based on their applied tags. You can add multiple tags either in the same drop-down using OR logic or separately using AND Logic.

If you use AND Logic, only the posts containing both tags will be shown in the results.

Here, the posts with any one of the tags will show up.

OR logic

Here, only the post containing both tags will be shown.

AND Logic