Schedule Post Basics

Learn the fundamental steps to schedule your social media posts, ensuring timely and consistent content delivery across all platforms

Adding Collaborators To Instagram Posts

Instagram Collab posts allow users to co-author Instagram feed posts to magnify their reach & amp up engagement. If you want to time such collab posts for when your audience is most active, Statusbrew now has a solution for you.

Instagram Collab posts Scheduling is available in all Statusbrew plans.

Scheduling Instagram Collaborative Post

  • Connect your Instagram Business Profile with Statusbrew to get started (if you haven’t already)

  • Go to Compose from the Statusbrew Dashboard

    Screenshot 2024-01-19 at 12.59.26 PM
  • Choose the desired Instagram Profile from the Select Profiles drop-down

    Choosing profiles in Statusbrew
  • Select Instagram from the profile tab

    Changing tabs in Statusbrew Compose
  • Add media and write a caption

    Add caption and media
  • Type the Instagram username of the collaborator (hit enter/comma after typing the username)

    Add the user name of Instagram Collaborator
  • For publishing, there are 2 options 1. Direct Publishing: To directly publish to your Instagram profile via Statusbrew 2. Publish via mobile reminders: To get a reminder on your mobile device when it is time to publish the post.

  • Select the best publishing method as per your preference.

    Publishing on Instagram via Statusbrew
  • (Optional) If you want to send the post for approval, go to Choose approval & select a user(s) or approval workflow.

    Selecting Approval Workflow in Statusbrew
  • For scheduling, there are 3 schedule types

1. Immediately: To publish the post immediately. If you select this option, the Schedule button will change to Post now to post immediately.

Post Immediately on Instagram via Statusbrew

2. Custom time: To schedule your post at the desired time. If you select this option, you need to select the date & time or select a Plan to publish the post.

Post on custom times from Statusbrew

3. Schedule by category: To schedule your post according to a pre-saved best posting times. If you select this option, you need to select a pre-defined category to schedule your post.

Schedule by category in Statusbrew

Select the appropriate scheduling type & click on Schedule (for custom time & schedule by category publishing types).

1. You can tag up to 3 collaborators for each post. 2. You can remove a collaborator by clicking on the x icon on the right side of the collaborator’s name.

Remove Collaborator-s Name

3. Since Instagram Usernames are not case-sensitive, you can write them in capital or small letters. But, you need to ensure that the collaborator’s username is 100% correct else, the scheduled post will be published without the collaborator.

Collaborator Acceptance Process

When a collaborator is added to an Instagram Collab post, they will get a notification in their Instagram app. They can decide to accept or reject the collaboration. If they accept, the post will be published on both accounts according to the schedule.

Managing Instagram Collaborative Posts

After you've created the Instagram Collaborative Posts in Statusbrew and sent them for approval or scheduling, you can manage them and make changes if you want.

Preview Your Instagram Collaborative Posts

To check the appearance of your posts, Statusbrew provides you 2 ways to see how your posts will look on your Instagram feed before they are published.

1. Through Compose

You can check the preview of your Instagram Collab posts in the Compose side-by-side while creating them and make any changes if it doesn't look up to the mark.

Post preview in Statusbrew

2. Through Publish

Once you have scheduled your Instagram Collab posts or sent them for approval, you can check their preview from the Publish using the below steps:

  • Go to Publish from the Statusbrew dashboard & open the details of the desired post by clicking on the post

    Post preview in SB from calander view
  • Click Show preview to check the preview

    Click show preview in Statusbrew
  • To hide the preview, click Hide preview

    Hide preview in SB

Editing Instagram Collaborative Posts

You can edit the Instagram Collab posts after they've been scheduled or sent for approval using the following steps:

  • Go to Publish and open the details of the post you want to edit

  • Click the Edit icon

    Editing post after scheduling in SB
  • Make the necessary changes

  • Click the Schedule or Send for approval button, depending upon your settings, to reschedule the post

    Re-scheduling the Instagram collaborative post (SB)

Instagram Collaboration Publishing FAQs

Do I need an Instagram Business account to create a collaborative post?

Yes, both you and your collaborator need Instagram Business accounts to create a collaborative post. This feature is currently not available for personal accounts.

Can I send a collaboration request to a private account?

Yes, you can send a collaboration request to a private account. They will receive a notification in their Direct Messages and can choose to accept or decline it. However, if their account is private, you won't be able to see their posts unless they approve you as a follower.

Why can't I add a collaborator?

Both you & and the target collaborator should have Business accounts. Private accounts can only collaborate with their followers. Collab partner's "Who can tag you" setting might be set to "No one.”

Why did my post get published without the collaborator, even though I added the collaborator?

You might have made a spelling mistake in the username of the collaborator when scheduling.