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Post Performance

Statusbrew provides the Post Performance report that gives detailed insights into all the published posts.

Insights are not only fetched of all the posts sent via our platform but also of the posts published outside of Statusbrew.

Accessing Post Performance Report

To access the post performance, follow these steps -

  • Go to Statusbrew Home

  • Click Post Performance under Publish section

    Post Performance


  • Go to Publish from the left nav

  • Click on Performance in the top bar

    Accessing Post Performance

Post Performance reports are available in Standard Plan as well as Plans above it. See full feature comparison of Statusbrew here.

Also, you can click on any published post to see its performance.

Viewing Specific Post Performance

Arranging and Analyzing Post Performance

Post Performance gives you the list of all the published posts with the performance metrics (like clicks, comments, engagement, impressions, etc.) associated with a particular post. You can choose your desired analysis metric and rearrange your list in ascending or descending order according to that specific chosen metric.

Post Performance Metrics and Arrangement

Metrics available for sorting the post performance -

Clicks: The total number of clicks received on the post

Likes: The total number of likes received on the post

Comments: The total number of comments received on the post

Shares: The total number of shares received on the post

Engagements: The total engagement (likes + clicks + shares + comments) received on the post

Impressions: The total impressions received on the post

Reach: The total number of people reached via the post

Video Views: The total number of video views received on the post (for Facebook only)

Filtering Post Performance

You can filter the Post Performance Report by Profile, Profile Groups, Team Member(Created By), Tags, State, Plan and Post Types by clicking on +Add Filter from the top right corner of your screen.

Filters in Post Performance

You can also change the date range to see the post-performance for a particular time period. Click on the Select date Range option in the top left corner. Now you can either select an interval or custom select the Date range and click on Save to view the posts and their performance within that Date Range.

Select the Date Range

You can also set a custom date range to see the post-performance for a particular time period. Click on the date range drop-down from the top right corner of your screen to select the time period.

Customize Date Range

Post Performance Reports can be exported in the form of a CSV.