Filters for Creating Engage Views
Statusbrew's Engage Inbox is the one-stop for all your engagement activities on social. With a massive influx of different types of conversations from various social media platforms, finding a particular conversation and managing your Inbox can be a bit hard and time-consuming.
With inbuilt filters added to Engage, teams can easily create views and navigate between conversations on different social profiles and manage their Inboxes without spending too much time.
Conversations Filters
You can create various views in Statusbrew, and they come with these inbuilt filters that you can toggle to fine-tune what you see. Click on Add Filter while creating a view to apply any of these filters,
Conversation Type: This filter lets you select the kind of conversations you want to see. You can choose from a variety of conversation types, such as Facebook Comments, Facebook Ad Comments, Google Reviews, and more. You can select multiple types of conversations by re-applying the filter.
Profile/Profile Group: If you want to see the conversations for a particular social profile or profile group, the profile/profile group filter lets you do so. You can choose multiple profiles & groups by re-applying the filter.
Conversation Assigned To: Filter conversations that are assigned to specific Team Members.
Conversation Priority: Filter your conversations that have been marked as a priority. Set the filter "Priority" to 'True' to view all the conversations that have been marked as a priority. Similarly, set the filter "Priority" to 'False' to view the conversations that were not marked as a priority.
Sentiment: This lets you filter conversations based on the sentiment; you can filter all the conversations that are marked Positive, Negative, or Neutral.
Languages: To filter conversations by languages.
Tags: Filter all the tagged conversations for a particular Tag. Learn more about Content Tagging in Statusbrew
Engage Inbox: Filter out the conversations according to various engage inboxes as well. You can select multiple engage inboxes and combine this filter with multiple filters.
Keywords: Filter all the conversations for a particular Brand Keyword. By selecting any of your added Keywords, you can view all the conversations for that keyword.
Star Ratings: Filter your Google My Business review based on their Star Ratings. Set filter "Star Rating" to "5 Stars" to view all the reviews with 5 Star ratings.
Star Ratings with Comments: Filter Google My Business Ratings with or without comments. Set the filter 'Rating with comments' to 'True' to view all your reviews with comments. Similarly, set the filter' Rating with comments' to 'False' to view all your reviews without comments.
Conversation Inbox Source: You can sort out your conversations based on their source by dividing the listening and inbox conversations.
Created: The time a conversation was first created in the Engage.
Last Replied: The time a conversation was last replied by you or a team member in the Engage.
You can use any combination of the above-mentioned filters to create your own custom view in Statusbrew and save it for quick access.
Primary Filters
The primary filters are available for all the filters and are there to help you better specify the usage and bifurcation of the selected filters. These constitute -
In (=) This filter is used to select further items which are to be considered inclusive, i.e., to include the selected option under the In (=) drop-down while applying the filters.
Not in (≠) This filter is applied for exceptions or to exclude the items selected under the Not in (≠) drop-down while applying the filters.
Is null It is used to specify to apply the filter if the values are null, i.e., empty.
Is not null It is used to specify to apply the filter if the values are not null, i.e., they should not be empty.
Activity Filters
Activity filters such as the 'Created' & 'Last Replied' filters come with Relative & Absolute options. Here's what it means -
Relative - Filter conversations based on a time period. For instance, conversations "created more than" 2 days ago will show all the conversations that were created before the last 48 hours. Similarly, conversations "created less than" 2 days ago will show all the conversations created in the last 48 hours.
less than
more than
Each "day" in Statusbrew Engage Inbox represents a 24-hour period, beginning at the current moment. If a conversation was created between 24 & 48 hours ago, that's 1 day ago.
Absolute - Filter conversations based on timestamps. For instance, conversations "created before" 15th June 2021, conversations created on 12 June 2021, etc.
Combining Filters
Digging deep to find those particular conversations is now a lot easier in the Engage inbox with our filter grouping options.
You can combine multiple filters in Engage using 'and' / 'or' options.
Using "and" combination
Combining filters with 'and' helps you further narrow down your views. AND Specifies all the conditions should be met. (By default and is applied)
For instance, if you wish only to view Facebook Ad Comments received in Spanish with positive sentiment ONLY, you can create such a combination -
Type is Facebook Ad Comments 'and' Language is Spanish 'and' Sentiment is Positive

Using "or" combination
Combining filters with 'or' helps you broaden the scope of your filters and views. OR Specifies any one of the conditions should be met. (By default AND will be applied. Click on that AND, and select OR to apply it)
For instance, if you wish only to view Facebook Ad Comments received in Spanish with positive sentiment ONLY, you can create such a combination -
Type is Facebook Ad Comments 'and' Language is Spanish 'and' Sentiment is Positive