Introduction To Engage

Manage audience engagement at scale with your team through our Engage inbox

Social Network Based Conversations Actions

Statusbrew lets you take care of all your social media engagement in one easy-to-manage and customizable Inbox. With Statusbrew's Engage inbox, your team can perform multiple actions on incoming conversations.

Also, Statusbrew offers discrete permissions that permit only the allowed users to respond and perform actions on the conversation. Learn more about different permissions in Statusbrew.


Engage Inbox allows you to take multiple actions on incoming conversations. For better understanding, we'll be dividing the actions into two types, i.e., internal actions and network-supported actions.

Getting Started With Network-Supported Actions

Now that we've covered all the internal actions available in Engage, let's move on to the Network Supported Actions in Engage. We're calling them Network Supported Actions since the availability of certain actions will vary according to the type of conversation and social network. Here's a table of all the available actions w.r.t to supported social networks.

Actions → ――――――― Networks ↓

Reply to comments/ Reviews

Reply to threads

Hide Comments

Delete Comments

Like Comments

Reply via GIF/Images



✓ (Hide Replies)




Google My Business



App Store

Play Store

1. Replying To Conversations

When you're all set to reply to incoming conversations, Engage gives you some pretty helpful features that can make responding to conversations a bit easier and saves you a lot of time.

  • From the conversation list, open the conversation you want to respond to

  • At the bottom of the conversation detail page, you'll have your reply box

  • Once you're ready to reply, type in your response in the reply box and click on Reply. If you wish to close the conversation as you reply, click on Reply & Close. To know more - read this

    Reply to conversation

2. Replying Privately

Statusbrew allows you to respond privately to comments on your Facebook page posts & your Facebook ad posts (Dark Posts). To reply privately to a comment or ad comment in Statusbrew,

  • Click on the three-dot menu beside the comment & click on "Reply Privately"

  • Now a dialog box will appear where you can type your reply, insert emojis or even add a Saved Reply as well

    Reply privately IG

Private replies are currently allowed only once & within 7 days of the user commenting on your page post or ad posts.

3. Respond Effectively & Quickly

To make your replies more engaging, Engage lets you respond to incoming conversations quickly & effectively with features like Saved Replies, Emojis, Images/Videos, GIFs, and more.

  • At the bottom left of the reply box, you get a bunch of icons

  • To add emojis and any image/video to your replies, click on their respective icons

  • If you wish to attach a GIF file to your replies, click on the GIF icon (powered by GIPHY) and make your replies more interactive

  • Next up is the Saved Replies icon. You can pre-save responses in Engage and quickly reply to conversations in Engage by clicking on this icon

  • You also get Send DM Link button (Twitter only), using which you can attach a DM (Direct Message) link to your reply

    DM Link on Twitter

4. Choose The Way You Reply

Once you're done crafting your response, you can easily choose which profile you want to respond from (Twitter only). This comes in pretty handy if you're managing multiple social profiles for a single network. For instance, if you have a support handle to manage all support-related queries, you can choose your support handle from the drop-down.

  • From the 'Reply Box', click on the drop-down next to 'Reply as'

    Reply As - Change profile
  • You can also tag people whom you wish to reply back in a conversation if there are multiple people involved in the conversation. Click on the "Reply-To" bar and select or deselect the users involved in the thread (Reply-To is not available for Facebook conversations due to its API limitations)

    Reply To

5. Moderate Your Comment Section With Ease

If you have trouble dealing with spam in your comment section, you can manually hide and delete comments within Engage. Open the conversation (comment) you want to hide/delete and click on the three-dot menu beside the conversation

Hide or delete Comments

Additionally, you can block the user from commenting as well. (Facebook and Twitter)

Statusbrew Keyboard Shortcuts

Statusbrew’s Engage Inbox also boasts a wide range of shortcuts that you can use to speed up your everyday processes:




Send reply


Ctrl +

Send a reply and Close/Open

+ +

[[kdd:none(Ctrl)]] + +

Insert saved reply



Assign conversation



Close conversation



Open conversation



Next conversation



Previous conversations



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