Organizing Conversations

Organize your conversations with custom views and inboxes and operate efficiently with macros and other tools

How Can I Respond To Instagram Mentions And Media Tags

Easily view & interact with all your Instagram mentions & media tags in Statusbrew along with your Instagram comments & ad comments.

How To View Instagram Mentions and Media Tagged?

Statusbrew syncs all your @mentions and media tags of your Instagram business profile(s) in your Engage Inbox.

  • @mentions include conversations in which your profile is publicly @mentioned in a comment or caption.

  • Media Tags include any time your profile is tagged in a publicly available photo or video.

To view these distinctly in Engage, you can create Views or set up Inboxes for these.

Creating Views

You can create combined or separate views for your mentions and media tags. To do this -

  • From your Statusbrew Home, click on Engage

  • Go to Views and click on the + icon

  • Choose a suitable emoji and name for your View

  • Add filter Conversation Type and select Instagram Mention and Instagram Media Tagged from the drop-down (It'll show both the conversation types in the same View, you can also create separate views for mentions and media tagged, if you want)

  • Click on Apply

    IG Mentions and Media Tagged View
  • Choose the shareability and click on Save the view (You can access it under Views in Engage)

Creating Team Inboxes

You can also manage your Instagram mentions and media-tagged posts using Team inboxes. If you want to specify some instructions or perform some specific actions, setting up rules for team inboxes is a better option.

For instance -

You can filter out the mentions and media-tagged posts on the basis of language, sentiment, etc.

Also, you can set up rules to receive notifications, slack alerts, emails or choose to add conversations as a priority, add tags, add watchers, change the conversation state - close or snooze, etc. For Inboxes, you can add multiple filters and actions for those filtered conversations.

To do so -

I) Create an inbox for your IG mentions and media-tagged posts (You can access it with a single click under the Team Inboxes Section)

Create team Inbox

II) Now we can either manually move the conversations to this inbox or set up a rule in the Rule engine

To move conversations to inboxes manually -

  • Go to Engage and open the conversation that you want to move

  • Now under the Details section, click on Add to inbox beside Inboxes

  • Now choose the desired inbox from the drop-down menu and click on Add

    Add to Inbox manually

To set up rules to automatically send conversations to Team Inboxes -

  • From your Statusbrew Home, go to Rule Engine

  • Click on Add new rule in the top right corner

  • Add a name, desired profiles and select the trigger type

  • Now add filter - Conversation Type - Instagram Mention and Instagram Media Tagged (This will include both conversation types. If you want, you can create two separate inboxes for mentions and media tagged. You can also add other filters like - sentiment, language, etc.)

  • Add action as Move to Engage Inbox and select your newly created inbox (You can add other actions as well, like - sending notifications, slack alerts, adding tags, assigning conversations, etc.)

  • Now click on Submit

    Rule for Mentions and media tagged

You cannot reply to posts pulled in by Media Tags in Engage Inbox due to Instagram API limitations. However, you can click on the post timestamp and reply to the post directly on Instagram.


If you’re @mentioned or tagged in a photo or video, will you see additional comments from other users on that post?

You won't see other comments or threaded replies to a comment unless you are also mentioned in those comments.

Can I see comments and media tags on a post from a Private Account?

No, we only display content from public accounts due to Instagram's visibility policies. Learn more.

I received a message, but the user name says Private when it’s actually a public account. Why is that?

Statusbrew won’t show the user’s name or avatar of Instagram business profiles as well as personal profiles because Instagram no longer shares that information through their API. We display the name as “Instagram User” in Statusbrew but you can view the user’s full information by clicking on the post’s timestamp.

You will see a message in the Engage inbox letting you know that you’ve been tagged, which will show the first photo in the carousel. We can’t currently detect which photo from the carousel you’re tagged in, but you can click on the timestamp to view the full set of images on Instagram.

Why don’t we see tags/mentions for stories or ad posts?

We are not able to access these via Instagram’s API. We’ll make these available if Instagram chooses to make them available.

Can I comment on posts with my @mentions in the comment or caption?

Yes, you can reply to comments & captions that include your brand’s @mention. However, you can only post top-level comments in a post that @mentions you in the caption.

Can I comment on photos/videos that I am tagged in?

Instagram does not allow this functionality in their API, so you won’t be able to comment on posts where you are tagged in photos or videos via Statusbrew.

Can I ‘like’ the post or comment?

No. Instagram does not allow you to like, unlike, block, unblock, delete, follow or unfollow posts or comments from Statusbrew.

Can I delete my own comments/replies in response to a mention?

No, Instagram doesn’t allow you to delete those comments and/or comment replies from Statusbrew since you weren’t the original post author. Only the author of the post can delete your response.

Can I untag myself from a photo/video?

No, Instagram doesn’t allow third parties to remove media tags via API, and so you would need to visit the post natively by clicking on the message timestamp in order to hide or remove the media tags.