Organizing Conversations

Organize your conversations with custom views and inboxes and operate efficiently with macros and other tools

Assigning Conversations To Team Members

Statusbrew helps you simplify your team's workflow & collaborations that enable you to provide great customer experiences across every touchpoint. Since Statusbrew is a platform built for teams, you can bifurcate the duties and responsibilities of different teams as well as individual team members by assigning conversations to a user or user groups in Statusbrew.

Before we begin, make sure you've gone through the following:

Assembling All Unassigned Conversations

You can create a View to compile all the Unassigned conversations to access and assign them more conveniently. To create the view for all the Unassigned conversations -

  • Click on Engage from Statusbrew Dashboard

  • Go to views and click on + icon to create a new view

  • Now name your view, add the filter as Conversation Assigned To - Is Null and click on Apply

  • Choose to Share with all or specific users/user groups

  • Now click on Save

    Create view for Unassigned Conversations

Assigning a Single Conversation

To assign a conversation to a user/user group,

  • From your Statusbrew dashboard, click on Engage

  • Open the conversation you want to assign

  • Go to the Details section of this conversation in the right corner

  • Now go to Assign and click on the Unassigned icon

    Open the Conversation you wish to assign
  • A dialog box with an option to assign the conversation will open

  • Click on the drop-down and select the user/user group to whom you wish to assign this particular conversation. Then click on the Assign button (You can only select one user or user group to assign the conversations)

    Assign the Conversation

Statusbrew gives you the flexibility to choose from different assignment options in a user group.

Assign Conversations In Bulk

If you wish to assign a bunch of conversations to a user/user group at once,

  • Hover over the conversation in the conversation list & click on the mark the checkbox

  • Keep on selecting the conversations you'd like to assign or simply select them all by selecting the checkbox in the top left corner

  • Now go to the middle of the screen and click on the Assign conversation button

  • A dialog box with an option to assign the conversation will open

  • Click on the drop-down and select the user/user group to whom you wish to assign this particular conversation. Then click on the Assign button

    Bulk Assign Conversations

Auto-Assign Conversations Using Rule Engine

Statusbrew's Rule Engine (moderation rules) allows you to automate your engagement workflows. Using the Rule Engine, you can auto-assign inbound conversations to a user/user group based on the conditions defined by you. To auto-assign conversations,

  • Give your rule a name and select your desired social profile

  • Set your preferred conditions & select the conversation type

  • Now click on add action, choose "Assign Conversation" & select the user/user group (You can add additional actions as well)

  • Now click on Submit

Read More:

Introduction To Rule Engine