A Complete Guide To Social Media Insights

Feb 24, 2024 11 min read

The size of your business doesn't exempt you from the need for social media analysis. Every business must monitor who is engaging with their content and its impact on sales. Everything posted becomes part of the brand's message to both existing and potential customers.

Understanding social media insights is key to identifying what boosts your profits. This blog will guide you through everything about social media insights, from its definition to the reasons for conducting it.

Merely collecting social media data isn't enough; a thorough analysis is needed to truly enhance brand performance.

Before we delve into how to track social media metrics, let's break down what social media insights really mean in simple terms.

What Are Social Media Insights?

Brands use social media to connect with their customers and turn those connections into sales. Content allows them to share their brand's message, which helps attract a target audience. Social media insights measure how well a brand is doing on these platforms. It provides data showing the brand's performance, including how well the content is doing and how engaged the audience is. This analysis offers detailed insights into every aspect of a brand's social media presence.

Social media analytics help you understand how your social media activities are affecting your audience and how they relate to your overall business objectives. For instance

  • Do people visit your Instagram page before adding items to their shopping cart?
  • Do posts about your products that get a lot of engagement lead to more visits to your website?
  • Are you successfully raising brand awareness and capturing a larger share of the conversation?

These questions highlight just a few ways that social media metrics provide insights into your marketing efforts and their impact on your business goals.

What Are Social Media Insights

Why Conduct Social Media Analysis?

There are several good reasons to perform social media analysis. These reports act as a guide on what aspects of your marketing strategy need improvement.

Know Your Audience

Social media analysis is the most useful method to learn about your audience's behavior. How well your brand's content performs reveals what interests your audience. This analysis also shows you which types of audiences are engaging most with your content.

When people use your products or services and think about the quality of customer service they receive, they are likely to form opinions. Especially if they have a bad experience, there's a high chance they will talk about it on the internet, often on social media.

Sentiment analysis is a way for you to keep an eye on reviews, whether they are on Google Business listings or social media, and figure out the overall mood of the comments.

With this analysis method, you can spot and act on major complaints or issues that a lot of your customers have been voicing out. Meanwhile, when customers share positive experiences, it offers you valuable insights into what you are doing well and provide extra marketing collateral.

Check If Your Brand Message Is Being Delivered

Often, brands struggle to deliver their message, which harms their image. Analyzing your social media helps you determine if your posts are communicating your message correctly.

Tools like Statusbrew provide insights into how your brand message is received. By centralizing messages from all social platforms, you can ensure no customer feedback is overlooked. This also allows for timely interactions.

Statusbrew's inbound analysis reports offer a deeper look into engagement patterns and response rates. This information is important for understanding the impact of your communication efforts and identifying areas for improvement.

The goal is to build a genuine connection with your audience by ensuring your brand message is heard and delivered in a way that feels natural and authentic to your audience.

Identify Weaknesses In Your Strategy

The data from social media analytics pinpoint what aspects of your marketing strategy need attention. You can identify which aspects of your strategy are underperforming by analyzing engagement metrics, audience demographics, and content performance.

For instance, low engagement rates on specific types of posts indicate a disconnect between your content and your audience's interests. Similarly, audience analytics reveal if you are failing to reach your target demographic.

These insights allow you to refine your approach, tailor content more effectively, and target your communications to better align with your audience's preferences, ultimately strengthening your social media presence.

Plan Future Strategies

Analyzing social media data helps you plan future marketing strategies. The insights gained inform how to use social media features and trends better.

Today, success on social media is not just about numbers but understanding the narratives behind those numbers.

Advanced analytics tools like Statusbrew transform social media data into actionable insights so that brands can fine-tune their strategies based on a comprehensive understanding of audience behavior, content preferences, and engagement. Using techniques such as UTM parameters for tracking content engagement and segmentation for targeted communication, brands can map out their audience's online journeys and preferences.

Refining content strategy becomes easier by focusing on creating content that aligns with your business goals and engages the audience beyond likes.

Predictive analytics allows brands to forecast future trends and user behaviors, which allows for timely and strategic adjustments to content and campaigns. This approach ensures that social media efforts are not just seen but are impactful and contribute to achieving the brand's objectives.

What The Numbers Show?

Various industry studies highlight the importance of being able to monitor and understand your social media performance:

  • 61% of marketers believe that social media analytics is key to their success.
  • 78% of marketers rely on social media analytics to monitor how their social media campaigns are doing.
  • 63% of marketers turn to social media analytics to spot trends and opportunities.
  • 57% of marketers use social media analytics to calculate the return on investment (ROI) of their social media efforts.

What Should Your Social Media Analytics Tool Include?

Understanding Your Brand's Impact Across Social Media Platforms

Your analysis should reveal how your audience perceives and interacts with your brand, shedding light on its influence on your brand's image. For instance, if customers are voicing complaints on X (former Twitter), think about the consequences of losing them and their potential to sway others. What does this mean for your brand's identity and your business goals?

If your tool for analyzing social media can't monitor all your accounts, you are missing out on a complete overview of your online presence, including hidden trends and overall sentiment.

Understanding Your Brand's Impact Across Social Media Platforms

That's why it's important to use a social analytics tool that allows for cross-platform reporting, like Statusbrew, to analyze your brand performance across different social networks from a single place.

Clear Data Presentation

Your tool for analyzing social media should present data in a clear, understandable way for everyone in your company. Sharing insights should be straightforward, requiring a tool that's user-friendly and adaptable.

Statusbrew provides 11 different data visualization techniques in your social media reports to interpret and analyze your social media performance easily.

Clear Data Presentation

Understanding Audience Sentiments

Does your tool have the capability to conduct in-depth sentiment analysis?

Understanding the true feelings of your audience towards your brand goes beyond mere likes and shares; it involves analyzing comments to gauge customer emotions.

Social media analytics tools equipped with natural language processing and machine learning link your social media activities to customers' past or future actions and offer insights into the customer journey. Given that much social media content is unstructured, having a tool capable of interpreting this data and automatically extracting meaningful insights is crucial.

As soon as you receive a comment, DM, or mention in your social inbox, Statusbrew automatically assigns sentiment to that conversation to help you quickly understand the nature of the interaction—whether it's positive, negative, or neutral.

In fact, you can also create sentiment reports from Statusbrew to track and analyze the emotional tone behind your audience's interactions with your brand over time.

Social listening is an essential feedback loop for brands. By analyzing online conversations, brands gain insights into public sentiment, which allows them to respond proactively to customer needs and market trends. This strategic approach not only improves customer engagement and loyalty but also guides your product development and marketing strategies.

Understanding Emotions & Customer Effort

Your tools for analyzing social media should enhance how you interpret customer feedback. Incorporating a measure of how easy or difficult customers find interacting with your business can help predict customer loyalty and potential loss. Being able to identify a wide range of emotions gives deeper insights into how customers feel about their experiences with you. Detailed analysis of emotions, effort, and sentiment offers a comprehensive view of how your brand and business are seen by your customers.

Detailed Audience Insights

Your social media analysis tool should offer detailed insights into your audience by segmenting them. Understanding the feelings and interactions of your customers with your brand and identifying where these interactions take place will help you broaden your business strategies to increase sales.

Integrating Data Across The Business

Whether you are tracking website visitors with tools like Google Analytics or monitoring social media engagement across various platforms, your social media analytics tool should consolidate all pertinent data from across your business.

Incorporating Business Operations Data

Your social media analytics tool should integrate your internal data to illustrate how social media interactions correlate with other key business metrics, such as sales and website traffic. This integration is important for a more comprehensive understanding of your target audience and their behaviors.

How To Track Social Media Performance With Analytics Tools?

Collect All Relevant Data

Choose a social media analytics tool that can pull data from all necessary sources, including your social media stats and operational data.

Establish Benchmarks

Set benchmarks to identify areas for improvement and use competitor analysis tools to monitor your competition's growth. These benchmarks should help you measure the success of your social media efforts in broader business terms.

Establish Benchmarks

Create Reports

Your chosen tool should make it easy to generate and automate reports of your social media activity. Look for features that allow for regular, campaign-specific, and real-time reporting through a customizable dashboard. This will help you draw meaningful insights from your data.

Identify Trends & Customer Behavior

Use your social media analytics reports to find customer behavior patterns and spot emerging trends. Understanding how customers move from your social media to making purchases is important.

Implement Improvements

Your analytics tool should offer actionable insights or even automate certain actions. Use these insights to enhance customer experience on social platforms, make it easier for customers to move to your website, and ensure customer inquiries are resolved.

Learn more: 12 Top Rated Social Media Automation Tools In 2024

Review & Adjust Regularly

After making improvements, continue to monitor your performance through regular benchmarks and reports. Social media trends give early signals about customer preferences, so it's important to keep sharing insights and refining your strategy.

What Do Social Media Analytics Measure?

Getting the hang of social media analytics takes some time. There are many different metrics that social media platforms provide, and some of these metrics are unique to specific social media platforms.

The value of the metrics you track depends on what you aim to achieve with your social media campaigns.

Here are some commonly tracked analytics:

  • Reach and Impressions: The number of people who see your content.
  • Likes, Comments, Shares, Retweets, Link Clicks: Different ways people interact with your content.
  • Engagement Rate: How often people engage with your content relative to your number of followers, showing how engaging your content is.

Now, let’s dig deeper into the analytics of major social media platforms:

TikTok Analytics

Key metrics to keep an eye on:

  • How many times your videos are watched
  • The number of times people check out your profile
  • Where your video viewers are coming from
  • Your follower count

TikTok provides essential metrics like video views, follower growth, and profile visits. The specific metrics you focus on should align with the objectives you have set for your TikTok marketing efforts.

Instagram Analytics

Important metrics to track:

  • How far your posts are reaching and how many impressions they are making
  • How much engagement your posts are getting
  • The number of visits to your profile, new followers, and shares
  • Clicks on your website link, actions taken on your profile, and how often your content is saved
  • Views on your videos

Instagram Analytics

Instagram is a major social media platform, offering a variety of features like Stories and Reels, which means there's a wealth of analytics for marketers to dive into. Setting clear goals for your Instagram strategy is essential, whether that's to drive sales with photos, build loyalty with Stories, or entertain with Reels. Having specific aims will help you tailor your content strategy to grow your Instagram presence.

Facebook Analytics

Essential metrics to monitor:

  • The rate of engagement with your content
  • The growth in Page Likes and Followers
  • Cost per click (CPC) and return on investment (ROI) for your ads


Facebook boasts a highly advanced advertising system. Marketers often focus on analyzing sales performance metrics, like ad spend ROI, more than organic engagement metrics. Nonetheless, monitoring basic performance indicators is vital for evaluating the success of your organic content strategy. This is especially true as Facebook continues to roll out new features like Facebook Reels.

Pinterest Analytics

Key metrics to focus on:

  • How much your content is interacted with
  • How often your pins are saved
  • Which pins drive the most conversions
  • The number of outbound clicks from your pins
  • Audience demographics

Pinterest serves as a visual platform for showing your brand's products or services, which makes it crucial for your visual content to be discoverable on the platform. If your pins aren't being seen, you are missing out on potential sales.

YouTube Analytics

Important metrics to monitor:

  • Click-through rate from your video thumbnails
  • Number of views and comments
  • Total watch time and average view duration
  • Viewer demographics, geographic locations, and preferred devices
  • Subscriber details, including growth and source
  • The ratio of likes to dislikes

Owned by Google, YouTube is the go-to platform for video content, offering a wide range of video analytics. It also presents a golden opportunity to fine-tune your videos, from thumbnail optimization to adjusting video length for maximum engagement.

X (former Twitter) Analytics

Essential metrics to track:

  • Your most popular tweets
  • Rate of engagement
  • Number of link clicks
  • Growth in followers
  • Key followers and mentions for potential user-generated content (UGC) strategies

Twitter's focus on text doesn't mean analytics are straightforward. It's a prime platform for user-generated content, providing insights into influential followers and brand mentions. These insights identify potential influencers or creators to help broaden your reach. Twitter's ease of sharing, thanks to the retweet feature, makes it important for marketers to monitor mentions for opportunities to amplify their content.

Use Statusbrew To Advance Your Social Media Analytics

Your social media analytics tool should bring together data from all your social channels in one place.

Statusbrew offers a comprehensive social media reporting platform that simplifies displaying your social media marketing results. With over 238 metrics available, you can easily create in-depth reports to demonstrate the value of your work to clients, managers, and stakeholders.

Get started quickly with a variety of report templates designed to save you time. These templates are customizable and are also personalized for specific social media platforms.

Sign up for a free 14-day trial and dig deeper into your audience demographics, behavior, and preferences to tailor your content strategy for maximum impact.

Statusbrew is an all in one social media management tool that supports Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, and even Google My Business.

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Rushali Das

Rushali is a B2B SaaS content writer who specializes in writing research-driven blog posts around marketing for B2B SaaS brands.

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