If you've come to this page, we'd like to congratulate you for narrowing down between two of the finest SMM platforms. We'd like to give a quick nod to the team at Hootsuite for building a great product for businesses.
Trusted by 10,000+ businesses to deliver fantastic customer experience every day.
A platform designed to enhance the way you work around social. Thoughtfully created UI elements complement each action you take for publishing, engaging & analyzing your social profiles (goodbye old clunky streams).
Want to reply to a customer within a minute after they drop a comment? (we'll let you do just that!). With Statusbrew, you can theoretically drop your response times to less than a minute (that's how real-time we are). Get notified instantly ๐ on the most convenient channels such as Slack, Mobile, Desktop, Email, and more.
Our collaborative planner & nifty additions such as Notes, Mentions & Approval systems enable seamless collaboration across the platform. No need to switch to another communication tool when you're on Statusbrew.
Create highly customize rules to easily manage engagement across different profiles, networks & teams. Hide, Delete & Assign conversations to your team based on their specializations.