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Planner Boards

Plan, schedule, and organize social media posts with Statusbrew's Planner Board.

Statusbrew's Planner Board feature is a simple, visual way to manage your social media posts. It’s a custom calendar board where you can plan, schedule, and organize all your social media content in one place.

A Planner board provides you with a filtered view of your content calendar, showing the data as per selected data sources and filters. You can add team members as collaborators on a planner board. You can also further refine your view by adding sections to your board.

A Planner Board helps you stay organized and consistent. It also provides:

  • Clear visibility of upcoming content

  • Seamless collaboration with your team

  • Fewer missed posts and better content flow

How Do I Create A Planner Board In Statusbrew?

To create a Planner board in Statusbrew:

  • From the Statusbrew dashboard, access Publish

  • From the navigation menu on the left, hover on the BOARDS option and click the (+) create board icon

  • From the Create board dialog, enter the board name, add filters and collaborators

  • You can add multiple collaborators with Edit or View-only access.

  • Click on the Save button


How Can I Edit or Delete A Planner Board?

You will find all your created boards under the BOARDS in the left side collapsible menu in Statusbrew Publish. To edit or delete any board:

  • Click on the three dots in front of the desired board to find the following options:

  1. Edit: Use this option to update or modify the following options:

    • Board name: Change or update the board’s name

    • Data sources: Add or remove the social profiles from which you want to fetch the data on your board

    • Filters: Add, remove, or update the filters for your board

    • Collaborators: Add or remove the users or their access permissions from your board

Click on Save button

Filters In Boards

You can filter the data to appear on your board using the following filters:

Profiles: Select this option to control whether the data should appear from a particular social profile or not and from any of the connected social profiles or not

Networks: Select this option to decide whether the data should be fetched from a particular social network or not and from any of the connected social networks or not

  • Actor: Select this option to filter content based on which team member performed the activities

  • Post Type: Select this option to filter content based on the type of the post

  • State: Select this option to filter content based on the state of the post

  • Plan: Select this option to filter content based on your content plans

  • Approvers: Select this option to filter the posts based on the selected approvers

  • Shared With Me: Select this option to see the posts shared only with you

  • Tag: Select this option to filter the content added with specific Tags

What Are Planner Board Sections?

In a Planner board, you will see your calendar’s data according to the selected options in the form of a section. You can select calendars from different Spaces, date range, and change the type of calendar view.

How Do I Create Sections?

To create a new section:

  • From your Planner board, click on the Create section button from the top right corner

  • From the Create section dialog, add a Section name, choose between List, Week, or Month type of view, add filters, and click Save

How Do I Manage Sections In A Planner Board?

You can rearrange the sections of your planner board by dragging the sections left or right. On clicking the section tab, you will see the following options:

  • Edit section: Using this option, you can update the section name, type of view, and filters

  • Duplicate section: Using this option, you can create a duplicate version of the same section

  • Delete section: Use this option to remove the section from your board


How Do I Share A Board Externally?

You can easily share your board using shared links. To do this:

  • Go to your desired board from Statusbrew Publish

  • Click on Share link icon from the top bar and click on Create new link button

  • Click on Copy link icon to copy the shareable link

To Edit or Delete a Shared Link:

  • Click on the three dots in front of the created shared link to find the following options:

  • Delete: Click on this option to remove the Shared Link

  • Edit: With the edit option you can

    • Link title: Add a relevant title to the calendar

    • Link description: Provide a short description to provide context to the calendar

    • Date range options: Select the date range within which you want the calendar to display data. There are three ways to do this:

      • Select from calendar: Select a start and an end date from the calendar

      • Select from range: Select pre-defined ranges such as Last 7 days, Last week, Last Month, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Next Week, Next Month etc.

      • Select from dynamic range: Select the relative range by dragging the pointers from your mouse

    • Time zone: You can select a relevant time zone to show the time on the calendar as per the viewers location

    • Lock date range: You can lock the selected date range to restrict users from modifying the selected date range

    • Data sources: Select the relevant social profiles to display on the calendar

    • Filters: Apply the filter to show specific data on the calendar

    • Link privacy: You can control who can access your shared calendar link by setting the link privacy with these two options:

      • Invite only: With this option only the invited people can have access to your shared calendar link

      • Public: With this option, anyone with the link can access your shared calendar

    • Link: You can copy the externally shareable link and share it with anyone

    • Recipients: You can send the shared link to the invitees by entering their email addresses in comma-separated values in this field

    • Message(optional): You can put a contextual message for the shared calendar Invitees

    • Link Expiry: You can use this toggle to set an optional expiry date after which the link will not be accessible to maintain data privacy and relevancy

    • Click on the Done button to save the changes

Planner Board Best Practices:

You can use planner boards to plan and segregate content schedules based on planner board filters. For easy access to different type of content calendars or plans, you can add sections to your boards. Based on practical use cases we have figured some best planner board examples which you can use in your content planning. They are:

  1. Network-based boards: You can create a separate board for each social media platform, such as Facebook, Instagram, etc., to organize all the content planned and scheduled for each platform. Additionally, you can create sections within each board to categorize different types of content, such as image posts, text posts, reels, and more.

  2. Content-based boards: You can create a board to check and schedule your content based on the type of content such as images, videos, stories, carousels etc. To do this:

    • Create your board with the name same as the type of content. For example: Photos

    • Select the filter as Po fperest Type>In(=) Photo

    • Choose the desired data sources and collaborators and click on Save

  3. Content Management board: In this board, you can divide your content calendar into different sections such as:

    • Scheduled posts: In this section, choose the filter as post’s State>In(=) Scheduled to find all the scheduled posts

    • Need my opinion: In this section, choose the filter as **Shared With Me Is(=) True** to find all the posts shared with you for suggestions

    • Yet to Start: In this section, choose the filter as Plan>In(=) “plan name” to see all the content related to a future plan

    • In progress: In this section, choose the filter as State>In(=) “In Draft” or “Waiting for Approval” to see all the content that is either in Draft or waiting for approval

    • Published: In this section, choose the filter as State>In(=) “Published” to see all the posts which are already published

These examples provide an idea of how to make the most of Planner Boards. Feel free to be more creative and customize them to suit your specific needs.

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