How To Manage Multiple Social Media Accounts From A Single Hub

May 30, 2024 10 min read

Keeping up with trends, providing content, and engaging with audiences through DMs and comments make a lot of effort when managing multiple social media accounts. This is huge, particularly for time-pressed social media managers, agency owners, and freelancers who already have a lot on their plates.

Even if having too many clients is good, it may become a little daunting when you have to handle more than 30 social media accounts in a day.

Image this as your content calendar for a typical day:

10 am: Reels for two different Instagram accounts and 3 X (Twitter) posts
1 pm: 3 additional Pinterest updates and two videos on TikTok
5 pm: Tweets for all your client’s accounts
7 pm: Instagram post and story updates for multiple clients' accounts

As soon as your schedule is complete, you suddenly realize that the Instagram clips were accidentally posted to an incorrect account. It is hectic and challenging to manage multiple social media accounts. However, there is always a more straightforward method to manage all of your social media accounts using social media management software without going into panic mode.

Start With Your Social Media Profile Consolidation

It's good to have all the data and content present in one place rather than shuffling tabs to find that one post or reel. Consolidating your social media profiles will help you and your team manage the content from one place.

With Statusbrew, you can connect multiple social media accounts as per your plan. Go to Profiles in Settings and click on Add Profiles to connect your brand/client’s account. We will ensure that you stay signed in to your connected social media accounts all the time (although we do ask you to re-authenticate at regular intervals to maintain secure connections).

Adding profiles

In fact, if you want to avoid mixing up different client work, you can set up different workspaces for different clients. Workspaces allow you to create a dedicated, secure environment for managing each client's social media presence and maintaining confidentiality. You can also add clients as users to their workspace to keep them on top of everything.

Workspaces in Statusbrew

Assign Roles & Responsibilities To Your Team

One of the major concerns for agencies is to maintain the security of their client’s accounts. As you keep sharing passwords with your team members to carry out social activities on the client’s account, your client also has to deal with endless security codes and authentication hassles.

Sharing permissions and controls

When you consolidate your client’s account in a single dashboard, you just need to connect the social profiles once. After that, you can grant each team member access to client accounts according to their role.

For instance, you should grant Create Post (Needs Approval) access to content creators in Statusbrew so that no post gets published without the client’s permission.

Grouping Profiles & Users

While you want to ensure that your team members have access to the social profiles they need, you also want to make sure that they don’t have access to features and profiles they don’t need. Statusbrew’s permissions are flexible, so you can toggle permissions based on exactly what each user needs.

Start by creating Profile Groups to organize your social profiles. Profile Groups organize social profiles based on your organization's setup.

For instance, if you have an internal team that manages all Facebook accounts of your clients, you can create a Group of all Facebook profiles and provide access to that team access rather than assigning individual profiles to each user.

Creating Profiles Groups

After you have created Profile Groups, you can configure user permissions by applying profile-level permissions to control who needs approval, who can publish, and who can reply.

If you want to update access in bulk and avoid hundreds of clicks, consider grouping users together to apply the same permission settings across multiple profiles or Profile Groups.

Organize Your Content Using A Social Media Calendar Dashboard

Creating and posting content is the key to a successful social media marketing strategy. To do so, you should have a steady flow of content for each brand you manage.

Spreadsheets are messy and time-consuming. They struggle to organize and track client feedback, thus hindering smooth teamwork on specific content or campaigns.

Social media calendar dashboard

A social media content calendar integrated with the approval workflows and the scheduling and publishing functions makes it super easy for your team and clients to see all the content that’s been created, approved, rejected, waiting for approval, scheduled, and published. The beauty of using an editorial calendar is that it helps to spot gaps or missed opportunities in your publishing schedule.

Scheduling & Planning For Multiple Social Accounts

One of the best ways to manage multiple social accounts is to schedule as much content as possible in advance.

Your social media strategy already highlights that you need to post at different times on each network to reach the right audience at the right time. Scheduling content helps you achieve this in an organized and well-managed approach instead of hopping from one network to another.

Once your posts have been reviewed and approved from the client’s end, you can schedule them at the planned date and time for each account from the same dashboard.

Statusbrew makes planning your content easier by showing you already scheduled posts for the day while you are scheduling a post. You can even pre-save your best posting times for different campaigns and target prospects in their local active times by scheduling posts by category.

Story Scheduling

Visualize Content In A Calendar

The visual calendar allows you to filter content by specific social networks, social profiles, post types, campaigns, tags, or even post status. This helps you ensure that your content delivery is strategic and aligned with your audience's engagement patterns.

Content visualization via calendar

The visual calendar lets you easily move and reschedule any content you have planned from one date and time to another by simply dragging and dropping instead of deleting and creating entire posts from scratch. Instagram Grid Planner helps you to visually plan your feed.

Instgaram grid planner

Content Management

It helps when you have all the required assets for creating a post in one place, so that you can quickly choose the stored content and schedule it just with a click of a button. This not only saves time but also ensures brand consistency, especially when working with a team.

So, it is a good idea to upload a variety of assets such as text, images, links or video formats to your dashboard. You can create a media library to store all your brand's digital content, so you don’t have to hunt them every time you draft a post.

Storing and managing assets

Since images tend to draw people’s attention more than just text alone, an interesting image and caption will help improve your social media performance.

Develop A Multilayer Approval Workflow Process

Managing client approvals is a real challenge. This challenge only adds to your headache when managing multiple social media accounts. Approval delays are attributed to 92% of missed deadlines.

When the same person creates and manages the content, it somewhat simplifies the process. But the content needs to be shared with the client for review and then returned to the agency for changes. And before you know it, you are in full swing with amendments.

Keeping track of this back-and-forth conversation alongside your various deadlines is confusing. So, to improve your social media approval process, centralize it in one social media dashboard where all stakeholders can share their feedback and approvals when it’s their turn and make it easy for you to collaborate on feedback discussions in real time.

Appoval workflow process

Your dashboard should provide you with the flexibility to create and customize your approval workflows because every client has a different process.

Statusbrew connects your whole marketing team with your clients to speed up the review process so that you can keep content going out the door fast.

Use A Unified Inbox To Manage Engagements

Trying to manage every interaction on each social media account is neither effective nor efficient. In fact, you are most likely to miss something or even duplicate a reply.

Using a unified inbox helps you manage your social community with short response times and accurate replies at scale.

Statusbrew’s Social Inbox brings all your messages and mentions from multiple social media accounts and presents them to you on a single screen. You can then reply to them, hide, delete, react, make a priority, add labels, or leave internal notes on each message for your team for easy collaboration.

Statusbrew Unified Inbox

You can also assign public and private social conversations to other team members so that nothing slips through the cracks. You will also be able to see if someone is trying to contact you through multiple social media channels so you can ensure to provide a consistent response.

Further, you can set up social listening to track any mentions of your brand or any other keyword or hashtags, even when social media users don't tag you. This is a great way to listen and join relevant conversations around your brand or industry. It also helps to address a customer complaint quickly and turn an unhappy customer into a loyal one, thus preventing any crisis and protecting your (or, rather, your client’s) online reputation.

Statusbrew Social listening

Responding To Engagements & Automation

Beyond scheduling, social media automation even helps to supplement your manual efforts in managing conversations. You can auto-reply to messages, hide or delete spam, bot and troll comments under your organic posts and ads, and manage customer conversations at scale.

With Statusbrew’s Rule Engine, you can manage client engagement at scale using the following automations:

  • Flag malicious comments for hiding or deletion.
  • Route conversations to the right specialist based on keywords or urgency.
  • Automatically prioritize time-sensitive conversations for faster response.
  • Categorize comments for easier searching and reporting with automated tags based on content.
  • Notify teams on Slack or Microsoft Teams about critical mentions or messages requiring immediate response and for real-time alerts within your workflow.

Automations for negative comments

Integrate Other Business Tools For Notifications & Alerts

You use a whole host of agency tools to help you manage the social media presence of your clients. There are social media management dashboards, tools to help you understand analytics, tools that help you to respond to social media comments, and tools to communicate with your team in real time.

The beauty of these tools is that many of them integrate with each other. This means you can, for example, you can pull data directly from your analytics tool into your social media dashboard, or set up automated workflows that trigger alerts for urgent comments within your communication platform.

Slack and Microsoft teams integrations

Search for a social media management dashboard that allows you to integrate most of these tools so that you can eliminate the need to switch between multiple tools.

For instance, Statusbrew integrates with Slack and Microsoft Teams so that you can get you can easily stay up-to-date on your approval workflows in real-time. You can even customize the notifications you want to receive in Slack and never miss a beat when responding to your inbound messages.

Monitor Performance & Growth Metrics

You have spent hours developing the perfect social media strategy, a reliable editorial calendar, building a content library, and creating captivating content. While these marketing efforts are important for managing your client’s social media presence, there's one major piece missing: how will you know if they are working? The answer is simple: by looking at social media analytics.

Tracking key social media metrics helps you to measure your ROI, refine your strategy, & demonstrate the value of marketing efforts to your multiple clients. For instance, if a particular type of content performs better than others, you can use that data to explain to your clients why you should create more of that content type.

Statusbrew's analytics features allow you to generate and share in-depth reports on content performance, followers' demographics, audience engagement, the best time to post your content, and more.


You can schedule reports to be automatically distributed to internal and external recipients, keeping everyone aligned on social media performance.

Scheduling Reports

You can also export reports as PDFs, drill down into specific metrics by exporting data from individual report widgets to CSV, and share reports securely with clients using dynamic links that automatically expire for controlled access.

Start Managing Your Clients' Socials

Multiple accounts might be challenging to manage for agency marketers. Each account have distinct needs and demands for content, publishing, and analytics.

It's helpful when you don't have to worry about minor things, like remembering passwords and publishing at the appropriate time for each client, when managing relationships with many clients. Social media tools can help with that.

A tool that serves as your social media command center will help you with most of those issues. You can publish, moderate, and analyze content for various social network accounts and platforms using only one tool and one subscription. It's as if you simultaneously get numerous additional sets of hands, eyes, and hours in a day.

Sounds interesting? Book a FREE demo today.

Shivam Devgan

Along with Rushali Das

Marketing Manager @ Statusbrew

Explore the Statusbrew range of social media tools

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