Account Security

Learn to enable SSO/SAML sign-in, monitor team activity logs, and use magic link sign-in to keep your account and data secure

Team Activity Logs

Team Activity Logs is a centralized location where the activities of all the team members under an organization (workspace) are recorded. Primary Owners, Owners, and Admins of an organization (space) can use activity logs to check for any unusual or suspicious activity and can evade organizational risks that arise from social media usage at scale.

When members of an organization are actively using Statusbrew, Team Activity Logs are updated in real-time, showing information like which team member performed what action at what time.

Team Activity Logs are available in Statusbrew's Premium and above plans

Accessing Team Activity Logs In Statusbrew

To access the Team Activity Logs for your organization, follow the given steps:

  • Go to Settings from the left nav and select Team Activity Logs

  • From this list, you can click and check the details for particular activities

  • Statusbrew also provides support for opening the specific post or conversation on which an action is performed. You can click on the link and go to this particular post. (You will be able to perform actions on this post as per your permissions)

  • You can click on the link and view this particular conversation. (You can perform various actions like adding notes, assigning or closing the conversation)

Types Of Filters In Team Activity Logs

You can filter the team activity logs based on Actor and Story Type.

  • Actor Using the actor-based filter, you can sort the data according to Users and User Groups. You can opt to either include or exclude one or a particular set of users/user groups. The results will show the logs based on the activities performed by the specified users or user groups. For Instance-

  • You can apply the actor-based filter to check the activities of a particular team of yours, be it Marketing, Customer Success, or any other team. You simply have to add the actor as 'Marketers' (User Group) to check the activities performed by your Marketing Team.

  • If you're managing teams at multiple locations, you can create multiple location-based User groups and apply the filters accordingly. You can add the actor as JP Team to check the activities performed by the Japan Team.

You can choose to add multiple Users or User groups while applying the filter.

  • Story Type Using the story type-based filter, you can sort the logs according to the activities performed. You can choose to either include or exclude one or a particular set of activities. The results will show the logs based on the activities performed.

You can choose to add multiple activities while applying the filter.

Types Of Activities Logged In Team Activity Logs

New entries are generated when the members of an organization do any of the following:

Content Publishing πŸ“’

Community Engagement πŸ’¬

Admin πŸ›‘οΈ

General πŸ—’

Post Created

Conversation Replied

Channel Added

Tag Changed

Post Updated

Conversation Assigned

Channel Updated

Watchers Changed

Post Deleted

Conversation Unassigned

Channel Removed

Asset Created

Post Fully Approved

Conversation Closed

Channel Reauthenticated

Asset Updated

Post-Step Approved (Workflow)

Conversation Snoozed

Channel Token Invalid

Asset Deleted

Post Rejected

Conversation Reopened

Member Updated

Media Created

Post Recalled

Member Invited

Media Deleted

Post Published

Member Archived

Comment Added

[Conversation + Posts]

Post Failed

Member Reactivated

Post Notification Sent

Post Approval Expired

Steps To Add Filters In Team Activity Logs

Here are the steps to apply filters to Team Activity Logs:

  • Go to Settings from the left nav

  • Click on Team Activity Logs

  • Click on Add filter option in the top left corner

  • Now select Actor or Story Type depending on your requirement

  • Now add single or multiple actors or activities based on your requirements and click on Apply