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Set Statusbrew As Primary Instagram Receiver

Statusbrew users can view & manage all Instagram Direct Message communications from the Engage Inbox. But before you start communicating on Instagram, you need to enable Instagram Messages support in Statusbrew.

Enabling Instagram Direct Messages from the Instagram App

To ensure Instagram DM access for third-party apps such as Statusbrew, please follow these steps.

  • Open the Instagram App on your phone & switch to your business account

  • Tap on the profile icon in the bottom right corner & then Tap on the hamburger menu (three lines) in the top right

  • Now tap Settings & navigate to Privacy > Messages

  • Under the 'Connected Tools' heading, turn on Allow Access to Messages


You'll be able to manage incoming direct messages from the Engage Inbox. To quickly filter all the DMs, use the filter "Type" is "Instagram Messages". Learn more about supported Conversation Types & Sync Rate in Statusbrew.