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Why Can't I Comment On Instagram

At times, when brands have a large scale of operation on Instagram, they try to cut corners. Instagram, on the other hand, stays vigilant and actively filters possible spam and repetitive comments.

If you are facing a "This API call does not support the requested response format" error, here's what it means and what you can do about it.


Facebook error: This API call does not support the requested response format (code 20, subcode 1772111)


This error occurs when the Instagram algorithm confuses your message to be spam or possible annoyance to the audience. Nothing to worry about, you can easily work around this small hiccup.

You can creatively pass through the Instagram check by:

  • Modifying the words in your message

  • Avoiding short words or just emoji in your comments

  • Not sending the same comment to multiple posts

  • Waiting for a while if you've been constantly commenting

Read the Instagram Platform Policy & Community Guidelines for details.