Additional Features

Explore shared links, notifications, customizations, and more to maximize your Statusbrew account's value and efficiency

Introduction To Statusbrew Notifications

Statusbrew's real-time notifications for mobile, email, and desktop tend to simplify your day by providing you with updates on what's happening in your social channels and the Statusbrew app.

General Notifications

Statusbrew offers real-time notifications for all of the following listed social activities:

  • When the publishing queue is empty Notifies everyone when there are no more posts to be published

  • Activity in the post created by you Notifies the creator of the post about any changes in the Publishing Workflow (Edited, Approved, Rejected, Failed, Successfully Published or Notes Added)

  • Posts sent for approval Notifies the approver of any scheduled post that requires approval

  • Any activity in all the conversations Notifies a user whenever an action is performed on any of the conversations in Engage

  • Any activity you are watching Notifies the followers of the post about any changes in the Publishing Workflow (Edited, Approved, Rejected, Failed, Successfully Published or Notes Added)

Notifications In Engage

Here are the events on Statusbrew Engage and on social that you can set up notifications for.

  • Conversation assigned to you Notifies a user when any conversation in the Engage inbox is assigned to them

  • Activity on the assigned conversation Notifies a user whenever an action is performed on the conversations assigned to them in Engage

  • Mention anywhere in Statusbrew Notifies a user whenever a note mentioning them is left on the post, conversation, or contact

All notifications available can be set for Mobile (push), Email, and Desktop (browser).

Notifications Via Rule Engine

There's another way for Admins to configure customized notifications for users & user groups in their organization. Using Statusbrew's Rule Engine, Admins can set up custom notifications for when a rule is triggered for a profile/profile group and notify users/user groups via e-mail, Slack, or even desktop & mobile notifications.

The notifications triggered by the Rule Engine will only be delivered to a user if their personal notification preferences for Engage has been enabled.

  • Facebook: Comments, Ad Comments, Dynamic Ad Comments, Messages, Mentions, Ratings, Rated Comments, & Visitor Comments

  • Instagram: Comments, Ad Comments, & Mentions

  • Twitter: Mentions, Messages, Retweets, & Quoted Tweets

  • LinkedIn: Comments

  • YouTube: Comments

  • Google My Business: Questions & Reviews

  • Brand Keywords: Tweets

These notifications can also be customized by sentiment, media, and text contents in the rule engine.

Notification Channels

  • Slack

  • Microsoft Teams

  • Desktop (Browser)

  • Email

  • Mobile

Instagram Publishing Notifications

Statusbrew allows users to create and schedule posts with a single image or a video directly to Instagram Business Accounts using Statusbrew’s desktop and mobile app.

However, due to Instagram API limitations, to schedule posts with multiple images or videos (carousel posts), publishing is only possible using push notifications from the Statusbrew mobile app.

Learn more about setting up & troubleshooting Instagram Publishing Notifications in Statusbrew.

Report Schedules

Statusbrew enables you to create Report Schedules wherein you can get notified via emails, and you get to decide the reporting period and reporting frequency - daily, weekly or monthly. Also, you can specify the Internal and External recipients of these reports as per your preferences.

You can create Report Schedules in the Reports Section and view them in Settings.

What's Next?

Learn how to set up & disable notifications in Statusbrew