Additional Features

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Slack Integration

If your organization uses Slack for workplace communication and team collaboration, you can integrate it with Statusbrew.

How Does Slack Integration Work With Statusbrew?

Statusbrew's Slack Integration changes the way Brands and Agencies can bring in their teams to collaborate for Social Publishing and Brand Monitoring. When you connect your Statusbrew with one or more Slack channels & workplaces, you receive instant Slack notifications for configured activities performed in the Statusbrew Platform.

Slack Integration is available in Standard Plan as well as the Plans above it. See full feature comparison of Statusbrew here.

You can choose to receive the following notifications on your Slack channel:


  • Bulk Upload

  • Post Created

  • Post Edited

  • Post Deleted

  • Post Approved

  • Post Step Approved

  • Post Rejected

  • Post Recalled

  • Post Failed

  • Post Published

  • Note Added to a Post


  • New message received

  • Comment Received

  • Message Replied

  • Conversation Snoozed

  • Conversation Closed

  • Conversation Re-opened

  • Conversation assigned

  • Note Added to a conversation


  • Channel Added

  • Channel Removed

  • Channel Reauthenticated

  • Channel Disconnected

  • Channel Disconnect Warning

Connecting Slack With Statusbrew

Any Slack user can set up and manage Slack Integration at the Organization level for all team members. To begin connecting one or more workspaces,

  • Click on Settings in the left nav of your screen and click on Integrations.

  • Go to "Slack" and click on Manage.

  • Enter your slack workspace URL & Authorize Statusbrew on the next page

Once you have successfully connected a Slack workspace, the next step is to Add Slack Alert

Setting Up Slack Notifications (Alerts)

With your Slack connected, you can now set up Alerts. This step is triggered automatically when you add a new workspace. You can manually go to this screen via "Statusbrew Home > Settings > Integrations > Slack - Click Manage" and Click on Manage Slack Alerts and then click on ADD new rule.

  • Here are the steps you need to follow to configure your Slack Alert:

  • Click Add New Rule

  • Enter the Rule Name for the Slack Alert

  • In the next field - Data Sources, add all the Profile/Profile Groups you want to set the alerts for

  • Under Trigger type - select all the activities you wish to be notified for

  • Under Actions - select Slack Alerts

  • Then select the Slack Team and Channel where you wish to be notified Click Submit

You can set up Multiple Alerts by adding multiple Slack Teams and New Rules depending on where the concerned team members or clients are available.

Managing Slack Alerts

Here's how you can edit or remove Slack alerts in Statusbrew:

  • Head to Settings from the left nav and click on Integrations

  • Go to Slack and click on Manage

  • Click on Manage Slack Alerts

  • From all the rules created, go to the rule you want to edit and click on the three dots option beside the rule

  • From the three-dot menu, Select the Edit rule option, make all the changes and click Submit

  • If you want to remove the alert completely, you can Click the Delete option from the three-dot menu

  • Then select Delete Rule on the confirmation dialog box, and the rule will be deleted

If you want to stop the alerts on a temporary basis, instead of 'Deleting the rule' you can 'Pause the rule.' It'll stop the execution of the rule and Slack alerts on a temporary basis unless you activate it back. You can 'Pause a rule' in the 'Edit rule window' of the rule.

Adding a new Slack Team

If you'd like to add a new workspace for your own organization or for your clients, here are the steps to do so:

  • Go to Settings from the left nav and click on Integrations

  • Go to Slack and Click on Manage

  • Click on Add Slack Team option on the top right

  • Give the required permissions to add the Team

Now, you can create Slack alerts for any channel in all the Slack teams connected to Statusbrew.

Controlling Shareability For Slack Teams

Statusbrew allows you to control the shareability of your slack teams to manage your workflows and integrations better.

Here are the steps to change the visibility for Slack Teams:

  • Go to Settings from the left nav and click on Integrations

  • Go to Slack and Click on Manage

  • Here you will be able to see a list of all the workspaces added

  • Hover over the workspace for which you want to change the shareability and click on the three dots option beside it

  • Now click on Edit

  • Here you can either Share with all or choose Specific Users / User groups and click the Save button

By default, all your slack teams are shared with all and remain that way unless you change the shareability manually.