Additional Features

Explore shared links, notifications, customizations, and more to maximize your Statusbrew account's value and efficiency

Microsoft Teams Integration

If your organization uses Microsoft Teams for communication and team collaboration, you can integrate it with Statusbrew to stay updated on your social media activities.

How Does Teams Integration Work With Statusbrew?

When you connect Teams with Statusbrew, you receive instant notifications for your content publishing, community Engagement, and Admin activities on your desired channels.

For instance,

  • You get notifications for your content marketing activities so that team members who don't have access to Statusbrew also stay in the loop for your content creation workflows

  • If you're working with a client and require approvals/inputs from them, you can set up a shared Teams Channel. Clients will get notifications when approval is requested and can communicate efficiently

  • To better manage your community on social or improve your brand response times, you get notifications for new messages, comments, and mentions across social in your desired channel

[[quote (blue)]] Teams Integration is available in Standard Plan as well as Plans above it. See full feature comparison of Statusbrew here.

Connect Your Teams Channel With Statusbrew

To receive social updates in your Teams Channel, you must first set up a connection between Teams & Statusbrew. Only Statusbrew account owners & admins in Sprout can configure this integration.

Steps To Be Done In Teams - Creating The Webhook

In order to connect a Teams channel with Statusbrew, you need to configure Incoming Webhook for Statusbrew.

  • Go to and log in to your teams account

  • Once you see a list of all your Team and Channels, choose a channel where you want the alerts

  • If you want to get social/Statusbrew updates in a separate channel, you can setup a new channel for it

  • Now hover your mouse in front of your desired Teams Channel and click on the three-dot menu, and then Connectors

  • A dialog box will open; you need to click on the Configure button next to Incoming Webhook

  • You can then enter the name Statusbrew for this webhook ad and upload SB Logo to make the alerts more recognizable. Click on Create once you're done adding name and logo

  • Copy the URL, save it to your clipboard and click on Done. You'll need to paste it in Statusbrew when you'd be setting up the connection

It's time to head back to Statusbrew now.

Steps To Be Done In Statusbrew - Connecting the Webhook

  • Go to and login to your Statusbrew account

  • From your Statusbrew dashboard, head over to Settings > Integrations

  • Click on Manage in front of Microsoft Teams Connector and then click Add Connector

  • A dialog box will open; start by giving your connector a name (you can give it the name of the channel where you want the alerts for easy recognition)

  • Now paste the webhook connector you generated in MS Teams and click on Save

  • Your connector has now been added correctly, so it's time to set up Alerts. Hit the Notification Rules button, and let's set up notifications

Setting Up Alerts/Notifications

Content Publishing

Community Engagement


Post Created

Message Received

Channel Added

Post Updated

Message Replied

Channel Removed

Post Deleted

Conversation Snoozed

Channel Re-authenticated

Post Approved

Conversation Closed

Channel Disconnect Warning

Post-Step Approved (Workflow)

Conversation Re-opened

Channel Disconnected

Post Rejected

Conversation Assigned

Post Recalled

Conversation Note (Internal)

Post Published

Post Failed

Post Note

You'll be setting up alerts in the Notification Rules menu in Settings.

Here's how you set them up -

Social Posting Updates

  • Start by clicking on Add new Rule and giving your alert a name

  • Select your preferred social channels

  • Now it's time to select activities for which you want to be notified, which in this case would be around Post Publishing, Approvals, Updates, etc. So you can select these triggers from the dialog box

  • Once the triggers are selected, click on Add a new action > Microsoft Team Alerts Select your desired Connector (channel) and click on Submit

Community Engagement Updates

  • Start by clicking on Add new Rule and giving your alert a name

  • Select your preferred social channels

  • Now it's time to select activities for which you want to be notified, which in this case would be around Message Received, Message Replied, Message Assigned, etc. So you can select these triggers from the dialog box

  • Once the triggers are selected, click on Add a new action > Microsoft Team Alerts

  • Select your desired Connector (channel) and click on Submit

Admin Updates

  • Start by clicking on Add new Rule and giving your alert a name

  • Select your preferred social channels

  • Now it's time to select activities for which you want to be notified, which in this case would be around Channel added, channel disconnected, etc. So you can select these triggers from the dialog box

  • Once the triggers are selected, click on Add a new action > Microsoft Team Alerts

  • Select your desired Connector (channel) and click on Submit