Rule Engine

Implement condition-based automations to automatically hide, delete, tag, and route conversations through the Rule Engine

How Can I Hide All Comments

Comment management is a wide term that encompasses many tailored workflows about dealing with user comments on social media. Each brand has its own way of handling comments on social media. While others let everything open to the audience and moderate only extreme comments, some brands follow a different approach.

Statusbrew's Rule Engine allows you to create custom rules that allow the automation of complex workflows. One of the ways you can set up your rules is to hide all the comments.

Before we continue, read:

Set Up Rule To Hide All Comments

Here are the steps to set up a rule to hide all comments:

  • Click on the Statusbrew logo in the top left of your screen to go to Statusbrew Home and click on Rule Engine

    Rule Engine (SB)
  • To add a new rule, click on Add New Rule button in the top right corner & give your new rule a name (eg. Delete all comments)

  • Select your desired social profile(s) & profile groups for which you want to hide all comments from

  • Add Trigger Type - Message Received

  • In Filters, do not add any condition

  • Next, in the Action section, select Hide Comment

  • Click Submit

    Hide All Comments (Rule)

Set Up Rule To Hide All Facebook Ad Comments

To hide all Facebook Ad comments using Rule Engine,

  • Start by giving your new rule a name (eg. Delete all comments)

  • Select your desired social profile(s) & profile groups that you want to hide all comments from

  • Add Trigger Type - Message Received

  • In Filters, click on 'Add Condition' & select the conversation type as 'Facebook Ad Comments' and click on Apply

    Conversation Type Facebook Ad Comments
  • Next, in the Actions section, select Hide Comment

  • Click Submit

    Hide Facebook Ad Comments

Tip: You can also select 'Add tags' action to this rule for easy tracking. Read Best Practices For Rule Engine