Rule Engine

Implement condition-based automations to automatically hide, delete, tag, and route conversations through the Rule Engine

Rule Engine Best Practices

The Rule Engine in Statusbrew is used to automate various aspects of your social media management. Below are detailed best practices for using the Rule Engine to automate your inbox.

Before we begin, make sure to go through the following to make the most out of Statusbrew Rule Engine.

Auto Tag Conversations With Rules

Automatically Tag and manage your inbox using Rules in Statusbrew.

  1. From the Statusbrew dashboard, go to the Rule Engine and click Add New Rule.

  2. Name your rule descriptively, e.g., "High Priority Tags.”

  3. Select the relevant Data sources (e.g., Facebook, Instagram).

  4. Set a Trigger type, such as Message received for all incoming conversations.

  5. Apply Filters to narrow down the scope:

    • Add condition > Message Content > In(=) > 'urgent' to tag messages containing "urgent.”

    • Add condition > Conversation Type > In(=) > Instagram Comment to target public interactions on Instagram.

  6. Select Actions to execute the rule:

    • Add a new action > Add tags and choose tags like "High Priority" or "Customer Support.”

  7. Click Submit to save and activate the rule.

Auto Manage Custom Inboxes

Ensure messages are handled by the appropriate teams automatically.

  1. Navigate to the Team Inbox section in Statusbrew Engage and create a custom inbox. Add collaborators to manage this inbox.

  2. From the Statusbrew dashboard, go to the Rule Engine and click Add New Rule.

  3. Select the relevant Data sources (e.g., Facebook, Instagram).

  4. Define a Trigger type, such as Message received for all incoming conversations.

  5. Add Filters:

    • Add condition > Message Content > In(=) > help to move conversations containing "help" to a specific inbox.

    • Add condition > Conversation Type > In(=) > Twitter DM to target Twitter DMs containing "help."

  6. Select Actions:

    • Add a new action > Move to Engage Inboxes and choose the inbox (e.g., "Customer Support").

  7. Click Submit to save and activate the rule.

Manage Spam With Rule Engine

Set up a rule to automatically manage and hide spam comments.

  1. From the Statusbrew dashboard, go to the Rule Engine and click Add New Rule.

  2. Name the rule (e.g., "Spam Filter").

  3. Select the Data sources (e.g., Facebook, Instagram).

  4. Define a Trigger type (e.g., Message received).

  5. Add Filters to target spam comments:

    • Add condition > Message Content > In(=) > Buy Likes, Buy Followers, Cheap, Fake to filter comments containing these keywords.

    • Add condition > Conversation Type > In(=) > Facebook Ad Comments, Instagram Ad Comments to target spam comments on ads.

  6. Click Add a new action and choose Hide Comment.

  7. Click Submit to save and activate the rule.


  • To delete spam comments, add another action to Delete Comment.

  • To hide comments and move them to a specific Team Inbox for moderation, add an action to Move to Engage Inboxes.

Set up a rule to automatically remove spammy links from your comments section.

  1. From the Statusbrew dashboard, go to the Rule Engine and click Add New Rule.

  2. Name the rule (e.g., "Remove Spam Links").

  3. Select the relevant Data sources (social profiles).

  4. Define a Trigger type (e.g., Message received).

  5. Add Filters:

    • Add condition > Message Links Count > Is not null to identify comments containing links. Add condition > Conversation Type > In(=) > Facebook Ad comments to target spam comments on Facebook ads.

  6. Select Actions:

    • Add a new action > Hide Comment or Delete Comment based on your preference. Click Submit to save and activate the rule.

  7. Click Submit to save and activate the rule.

Automate Customer Service With Rule Engine

Use Statusbrew's Rule Engine to assign high-priority conversations to customer service agents based on sentiment analysis.

  1. Go to the Rule Engine and click Add New Rule.

  2. Name the rule (e.g., "High-Priority Sentiment Assignments").

  3. Select the relevant Data sources (social profiles).

  4. Define a Trigger type (e.g., Message received).

  5. Add Filters:

    • Add condition > Sentiment > In(=) > Negative to identify negative sentiments.

    • Add condition > Conversation Type > In(=) > Instagram Comment to target negative comments on Instagram.

  6. Select Actions:

    • Add a new action > Assign conversation and choose the user or user group (e.g., senior customer service agents).

  7. Click Submit to save and activate the rule.

Set Up Automatic Private Replies For Instagram & Facebook

Automate private replies to users who mention "help" in their comments.

  1. From the Statusbrew dashboard, go to the Rule Engine and click Add New Rule.

  2. Name the rule (e.g., "Automatic Help Replies").

  3. Select the relevant Data sources (social profiles).

  4. Define a Trigger type (e.g., Message received).

  5. Add Filters:

    • Add condition > Message Content > Contains > "help"

    • Add condition > Conversation Type > In(=) > Facebook Comment

  6. Select Actions:

    • Add a new action > Send Private Reply > "Thank you for reaching out! How can we assist you further?"

This rule can also be applied to Facebook dynamic ad comments to ensure prompt responses to potential customers.

Set Notifications With Rule Engine

  1. From the Statusbrew dashboard, go to the Rule Engine and click Add New Rule.

  2. Name the rule (e.g., "Customer Success Notifications").

  3. Select the relevant Data sources (social profiles).

  4. Define a Trigger type (e.g., Message received).

  5. Add Filters:

    • Add Condition > Sentiment > In(=) > Negative to identify negative sentiment.

    • Add Condition > Conversation Type > In(=) > LinkedIn Comment to target LinkedIn comments.

  6. Select Actions:

    • Click Add a new action and choose the notification methods:

      • Slack Alerts: Select your Slack Team and channel.

      • Other options: Desktop/Mobile notifications, Email Notifications, Microsoft Teams Alerts.

  7. Click Submit to save and activate the rule.

Auto Filter Conversations On Language Basis

Automatically hide Facebook comments containing attachments.

  1. Go to the Rule Engine and click Add New Rule.

  2. Name the rule (e.g., "Hide Facebook Comments with Attachments").

  3. Select the relevant Data sources (social profiles).

  4. Define a Trigger type (e.g., Message received).

  5. Add Filters:

    • Add Condition > Message has attachments > Is(=) > True to identify comments with attachments.

    • Add Condition > Conversation Type > In(=) > Facebook Comment to target Facebook comments.

  6. Select Actions:

    • Add a new action > Hide Comment

  7. Click Submit to save and activate the rule.

Auto Hide Comments With Attachments

Automatically hide Facebook comments containing attachments.

  1. Go to the Rule Engine and click Add New Rule.

  2. Name the rule (e.g., "Hide Facebook Comments with Attachments").

  3. Select the relevant Data sources (social profiles).

  4. Define a Trigger type (e.g., Message received).

  5. Add Filters:

    • Add Condition > Message has attachments > Is(=) > True to identify comments with attachments.

    • Add Condition > Conversation Type > In(=) > Facebook Comment to target Facebook comments.

  6. Select Actions:

    • Add a new action > Hide Comment

  7. Click Submit to save and activate the rule.

Auto Close Conversations With Mentions & No Text

Save time by automatically closing Twitter mentions that contain no text.

  1. Go to the Rule Engine and click Add New Rule.

  2. Name the rule (e.g., "Close Twitter Mentions with No Text").

  3. Select the relevant Data sources (e.g., Twitter).

  4. Define a Trigger type (e.g., Message received).

  5. Add Filters:

    • Add Condition > Message Mentions Count > Is not(=) > 0 to identify mentions.

    • Add Condition > Message Content > Is null to identify mentions with no text.

    • Add Condition > Conversation Type > In(=) > Twitter Mention to specify Twitter mentions.

  6. Select Actions:

    • Add a new action > Update conversation state > Close

  7. Click Submit to save and activate the rule.

Auto Notify About Conversations From A Particular Campaign

Automate notifications for conversations from specific marketing campaigns.

  1. Go to the Rule Engine and click Add New Rule.

  2. Name the rule (e.g., "Campaign Notifications").

  3. Select the relevant Data sources (social profiles).

  4. Define a Trigger type (e.g., Message received).

  5. Add Filters:

    • Add Condition > UTM Campaign > Is(=) > "Summer Campaign" to filter messages from the specified campaign.

  6. Select Actions:

    • Add a new action > Slack Alerts and choose the desired Slack workspace and channel.

  7. Click Submit to save and activate the rule.

Tag Spam Or Troll Accounts

Automatically tag and manage spam or troll accounts using Rules in Statusbrew.

  1. From the Statusbrew dashboard, go to the Rule Engine and click Add New Rule.

  2. Name your rule descriptively, e.g., "Tag Spam or Troll Accounts.”

  3. Select the relevant Data sources.

  4. Set a Trigger type, such as Message received for all incoming conversations.

  5. Apply Filters to identify potential spam or troll accounts:

    • Add condition > Message Content > In(=) > 'spam,' 'troll,' 'fake' to filter messages containing these keywords.

  6. Select Actions:

    • Add a new action > Add tags and choose tags like "Spam" or "Troll.”

  7. Click Submit to save and activate the rule.

To notify Moderators, add action:

  • Add a new action > Send Notification and choose the notification method (e.g., Slack, Email) and specify the recipient (e.g., moderation team).

To move spam or troll messages to a specific inbox, add action:

  • Add a new action > Move to Engage Inboxes and choose the specific inbox (e.g., "Spam Review").