How To Design Interactive Facebook Posts

Nov 6, 2021 12 min read

If you come across the most thriving pages on Facebook, you will observe that most of these pages get their audiences engaged through out-of-the-box interactive Facebook posts.

Firstly you should know that the Facebook algorithm loves engagement. Thus, Facebook engagement matters because it helps extend organic reach. Moreover, these engagement posts also work best when attracting new people interested in the type of content your page offers.

What Are Interactive Facebook Posts And Why Are They Important?

Interactive content offers an avenue for brands to connect with their followers and audience.

Interactive Facebook posts include content that a user can click on, answer to, or play with. Users generally spend more time on such content, and brands gain more value and engagement from such posts.

Apart from generating engagement, here are some more benefits that a brand can gain by creating interactive Facebook posts on their page:

  • Give a boosts to your present engagement
  • Generates leads and increases conversions
  • Increases retention of audience and followers on your Facebook page
  • Drives traffic on your website from your Facebook page
  • Allows for brand differentiation from competitors
  • Allows for advanced personalization when interacting with the audience

Just in case you are wondering about the Facebook interactive posts ideas, this post has got you covered with the list of top ideas that will help keep your followers active and engaged in the best possible way. Let's dive in!

Table Of Content:

  1. Share User-Generated Content
  2. Host AMA (Ask Me Anything) Sessions
  3. Take Your Audience Behind The Scenes
  4. Hop On Daily Trends
  5. Do Polls Using Reaction
  6. Create More Video Posts
  7. Share Infographics
  8. Put Out Snippets Of Blog Posts
  9. Share Tips And Insights
  10. Organize Giveaways And Contests
  11. Post About Trending Holidays Connected To Your Brand
  12. Ask Questions
  13. Use Facebook Insights To Track Marketing Performance

You can directly jump to a section of your choice or keep scrolling.

#1: Share User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) shows your followers what your brand is like from the point of view of a fellow client or customer, which adds an extra layer of transparency and trust. Plus, loyal fans love it when they see their photos featured by their favorite brands.

Search on Facebook to see if a user might have posted about your brand and its products. Some users might have tagged you in their posts, so such posts are usually easy to find. But there might be some users who would have forgotten to tag you in their post. Social listening will help you figure out such posts.

Once you find these posts, just ask the user if you can reshare their post with credits to their official account. If the user agrees, reshare their post with some captions to thank them for being loyal customers.

But if you don't find such posts created by your customers, don't be afraid to ask them. Another great way to ask for user-generated content and to build brand awareness through online word-of-mouth is:

  • Create a post on your Facebook page wherein the caption tells your followers that you would love to hear from them and see their experiences.
  • Thus, encourage them to share their photos on their pages and tag your username with @mention or use your company's hashtag.

Another great way to form interactive Facebook posts by using video format from user-generated content is posting unboxing videos of products shared by your customers.

Believe it or not, everyone enjoys the experience of opening presents. It’s the anticipation and excitement of not knowing what is inside and wanting to savor the moment.

And in recent years, unboxing videos has transformed from a seasonal pleasure to an online fad as new materials arrive. Such unboxing videos from your customers take on the positive attributes of the brand itself, such as attention to detail while delivering products and a great service experience.

And this experience is what turns your news customers into repeating ones and catches the eyeballs of some new customers as well.

#2: Host AMA (Ask Me Anything) Sessions

Also known as an AMA (ask me anything), hosting a Q&A session is an opportunity to build trust with your followers by showing transparency and interacting with them on a one-to-one level. Q&A sessions gained popularity on Reddit and have now become fairly common on Facebook and Instagram Stories.

As followers ask questions, you can answer them in real-time by responding to comments. Here's how you can do an AMA session:

  • Share interactive Facebook posts asking your followers if they have any questions related to your company, your product or service, or anything in general; they can leave a comment on your post.
  • Then, answer and reply to all comments on your Facebook post.
  • After your Q&A session is over, you can use the questions to create an FAQ infographic and to share on your feeds.

You can also choose to go live on Facebook and ask your audience to drop in instant questions, which you or anyone from your team can answer. This helps to have a face-to-face interaction with your audience.

Host AMA (Ask Me Anything) Sessions On Facebook

Image Source: Target Facebook

#3: Take Your Audience Behind The Scenes

Behind-the-scenes (BTS) clips help to humanize your brand. It is an excellent way to connect with your fans or followers.

You can show your followers what a normal working day looks like inside your office. This will make them feel as if you are giving them an "exclusive" sneak peek, which is a vital part of building your brand's community online.

You could also post something about your process, such as how you come up with ideas for your products and why you chose to create a certain line of products. You could talk a little about your secret sauce (without sharing the whole secret!)

Behind-the-scenes content shows the more human side of your brand to your audience. And building a human connection with your audience fosters a deeper trust. As an added bonus, BTS is really easy to create when it comes to producing content since you are just showing what is actually taking place.

By posting such interactive Facebook posts, you can easily emphasize the uniqueness of your brand and show how it stands apart from your competitors.

Trends on Facebook change with each day of the week. These daily trends consist of hashtags such as #MondayMotivation, #TriviaTuesday, #WhackyWednesday, #ThrowbackThursday, #FridayFeels, #SelfieSaturday, and #SundayFunday.

When these hashtags are incorporated in your interactive Facebook posts, it makes your brand appear engaged and consistent with its Facebook presence. This can also help gain new followers. Those who already follow you will daily have something to look forward to on your Facebook page.

However, it also should be noted that the trends you use are relevant for your brand. If your hashtags are not relevant to the services or products offered by you, they might confuse your customers. This will give rise to incorrect messaging and create a dissociative brand identity, which is best avoided.

Statusbrew provides you with hashtag insights that help you measure the performance of your most engaged hashtags.

Hashtag Performance gives you the total post count (total count of posts published with a specific hashtag) and average data of metrics such as clicks, comments, engagement, etc. for a specific hashtag on a particular post in a profile. This helps you to decide which hashtags bring you the maximum engagement.

You can also climb on the momentary trends and gain engagements on your Facebook posts. This practice is popularly known as Newsjacking and has gained a lot of popularity in recent times to gain instant engagement from your audience.

Know more about A Marketing Team's Guide On How To Excel At Newsjacking

Using Statusbrew's RSS Feeds, you can discover content from across the web and share it directly to your social networks. All you need to do is connect your favorite publications by adding their RSS feeds to Statusbrew.

#5: Do Polls Using Reaction

Polls are a fun interactive Facebook posts ideas to gather opinions on a subject and get your audience to engage with you! Ask a question that is related to your follower's interests, and you can mold your brand into the picture.

For example, a food brand can ask its audience, "What is your favorite meal of the day?" with breakfast, lunch, and dinner choices. That was a very basic question, but your polls can get pretty detailed. Such polls can offer you insight into your audience's behaviors and preferences. You can, in turn, use it to develop better content or even to improve your product experience.

You can leverage real-time (brand-related) conversations and events to create your polls. Since Facebook has reactions, you should as well have a little fun with them. You can create polls using reactions by overlaying the reaction faces over a grid of choices. You can then ask your followers to vote using reactions.

Reaction polls consist of a visually attractive design. They are used within a Facebook live video for the audience to vote or react using emojis such as Like, Love, Angry, WOW, Sad, and Haha. When people react to Facebook posts, their friends learn about them and also get engaged.

By leveraging this viral nature of Facebook Live video and reactions, the polls increase the engagement and interactions and help connect brands to more people and followers. Reaction polls also allow voters and viewers to observe the results of the poll in real-time.

Polls Using Reaction On Facebook

#6: Create More Video Posts

There's no disputing that video is the champion of all content formats on Facebook. In fact, video content performs better than any other form of content on the platform.

Facebook videos are incredibly engaging since they promote interaction, and they are highly shareable.

Know more about How To Create Engaging Social Media Videos In 2021

One thing you should keep in mind when creating interactive Facebook posts using videos is how popular it is for people to watch the videos without sound. Simply put, it means that you should optimize your videos to play without sound.

You can also add external video links to your Facebook post, such as YouTube links, but Facebook will provide you with additional advantages if you upload native videos on the platform.

As an added bonus, videos automatically start playing on users' news feeds by default. And that's why it's so essential to make the first few seconds of your video as captivating as possible.

Know more about Video Marketing: Everything You Need To Know

#7: Share Infographics

Your path to creating interactive Facebook posts would get a magical touch by creating this extended data visualization which is an easy way to share detailed information. Infographics are visual representations of data, information, or knowledge aimed to present information quickly and clearly.

Infographics help in improving cognition by using graphics that enhance the human visual system's ability to see patterns and trends.

You should also take care of the image size that Facebook allows since you can't afford to put out an infographic that is half-cut & doesn't display the most essential information of the infographic.

Know more about Social Media Image Sizes Guide 2021

When you manage a brand page on Facebook, you have plenty of options on how your infographic can be uploaded.

When you create a new post, you get the option to upload a single image by clicking on the “Share a Photo” option. If you click “Multimedia,” you get more options to upload infographics in your Facebook posts, such as:

  • Create Photo Album
  • Create a Photo Carousel
  • Create Slideshow

One thing to note here is that whatever Facebook post type you choose, you should share only a portion of your infographic if possible. The home of your entire infographic content should not be only on Facebook if your infographic is too long and detailed.

Interactive Facebook posts should aim to show an integral part of your infographic and direct the viewers to see the rest on your website, blog page, or any other page that appropriately hosts your infographic in its beautiful and readable glory.

Facebook should be used as a vehicle to share your infographic, not house it. Also, remember that when you showcase a portion of your infographic, crop a visually compelling portion such as the header of the infographic or the section with a persuasive stat.

This is because since users will only view this cropped section on Facebook, it should drive them to click and view the full infographic.

#8: Put Out Snippets Of Blog Posts

Content and social media just work together. A tried and true interactive Facebook post idea that will never go away is sharing your company's blog posts.

Why? Because first of all, content marketing is just as important as social media marketing. So you are probably already creating both types of content.

And second, it's easier to pull out interesting snippets from the middle of your blog post and feature them as short interactive Facebook posts. This can lead to even more clicks on your content blogs.

#9: Share Tips And Insights

Think about the areas in which you and your business are experts. What is something that comes very easily to you but is still a mystery to other people? Give some tips to people on those topics because people love to hear suggestions from industry experts.

Whatever niche you belong to, it's essential to share tips, tricks, and facts with your audience. They love to learn new things every day, and if you would provide them with a platform that can teach them something new, they would be tempted to follow you.

“How many of you know the difference between the fonts you use on a daily basis? We are sure many writers who type every single day would also not know the difference.” Interactive Facebook posts as simple as these even stand out and attempt to enlighten the audience.

#10: Organize Giveaways And Contests

A surefire way of capturing the audience's attention and increasing engagement is to host contests or giveaway prizes that would interest your target audience. This helps to maximize visibility, participation, total followers, and brand recognition.

You may consider giving away coupons. Pick a reward that's a lot more specialized to your brand. One of the best prices for a contest or giveaway is your product or a subscription to your service. You should consider what else would interest your specific audience if your business operates a bit differently.

#11: Post About Trending Holidays Connected To Your Brand

Holidays are a great chance to boost your impressions by tapping into trending hashtags and topics. It's an opportunity for fun and conversational brand awareness posts.

Of course, you will want to wish your followers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, but there are also a ton of specialty holidays like Social Media Day that you can incorporate into your marketing strategy.

The best thing about capitalizing on the holiday season is that you can plan them well in advance and add them to your social media calendar. But the disadvantage is that they reserve a fixed spot in your social content planning calendar.

Another great option to increase engagement is by sharing flipbooks as interactive Facebook posts. Hence you will have to fit other kinds of interactive Facebook posts in other slots of your calendar.

Just search for holidays that are relevant to your brand. Select the holiday that seems interesting in posting about your brand. Plan a post that connects your brand to that day and schedule it for that day. Usually, holidays will have their own hashtag that you should include in your post.

Know more about 2021 Social Media Holiday Calendar

Statsubrew lets you create your social media calendar that is detailed, easy to share, and collaborative with your team, schedule posts, and even make changes to it later (before the post gets published.)

Know more about How to Create a Social Media Content Calendar that Works

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#12: Ask Questions

One great way to start conversations with your followers is by simply asking questions. It is a very fundamental idea so you need to think creatively about the types of questions you can ask and create powerful interactive Facebook posts.

You can ask random questions that are relevant to your industry in an attempt to get more engagement on your post initially. As you build your audience you can slowly and gradually start asking specific questions to know the problems faced by your target audience.

Consider how you can also ask your audience relevant questions that are fun and interesting to respond to. You can even generate future content ideas from your audience’s responses.

#13: Use Facebook Insights To Track Marketing Performance

Statistics provide tons of valuable data to gauge how well your interactive Facebook posts are performing. Tracking statistics regularly will help you understand what content is liked the most by your audience.

When it comes to deciding which interactive Facebook post works best for your brand, engagement is a more valuable indicator.

It tells the algorithm that your content is interesting and worth promoting. Hence, you may like to track which types of the post gets you the most likes, comments, and shares rather than just views.

Statusbrew’s Reports Lab feature allows you to measure data to the extent you want to with 180+ industry-rich metrics. Simply put, it means that you can slice and dice insights on every single like, comment, view, message.

Facebook Performance Reports

You can even choose from tons of ready-made reporting templates or build your own reports with endless customization options using widgets. Share dynamic reports with real-time updates even when team members are not covered under the plan.

Want to discuss more? Snag a free trial today!

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Statusbrew is an all in one social media management tool that supports Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, and even Google My Business.

Rushali Das

Rushali is a B2B SaaS content writer who specializes in writing research-driven blog posts around marketing for B2B SaaS brands.

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