9 Pinterest SEO Tips & Tricks For Higher Visibility And Traffic

Jan 5, 2023 8 min read

Are you looking to boost your business through Pinterest? Buckle up because incorporating Pinterest into your marketing strategy can lead to a world of possibilities. From increased exposure and traffic to more sales, the benefits are endless.

But in order to truly reap the rewards, you must master the art of Pinterest SEO. Simply pinning content without optimizing it for the Pinterest search engine is like playing a game of chance - you may get lucky, but more often than not, you won't see the results you desire.

That's where this guide comes in handy. It's packed with the top 9 Pinterest SEO tips and tricks you need to confidently and effectively use the social platform to boost your business. Whether you are just starting out or looking to improve your existing Pinterest strategy, this guide has got you covered. Get ready to take your business to new heights with Pinterest!

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9 Pinterest SEO Tips & Tricks For Higher Visibility And Traffic

Do Keyword Research

If you want your content to be found and shared on Pinterest, you must put some thought into your keywords. Keyword research involves finding the words and phrases people use to search for specific information on Pinterest.

Just like with SEO for Google and other platforms, you need to use relevant keywords for your business to reach your target audience on Pinterest as well. There are several places on Pinterest where you can include relevant keywords such as the ones listed below:

  • Profile name
  • Profile description
  • Board titles
  • Board descriptions
  • Pin titles
  • Pin descriptions
  • Pin overlay

Pinterest Profile

Make sure to research and choose the right keywords to increase the chances that the right people will see your content.

Optimize Your Pinterest Profile

One of the first steps in optimizing your Pinterest presence is ensuring your profile is set up for success. Here are some tips for optimizing your Pinterest profile:

  • Upload a high-quality logo to represent your brand.
  • Write a concise and keyword-rich About section (140 characters max). This is an excellent opportunity to introduce yourself and your brand and let people know what your account is all about and what kind of content can people expect from your account.
  • Choose a display name that's 65 characters max and includes relevant keywords. This will help people find your profile and understand what you offer.
  • Pay attention to your username and choose one that reflects your brand. This will help people find you more easily on Pinterest.

By following these guidelines, you can set your account for success on Pinterest and increase your content engagement.

Pinterest Profile

Optimize Your Boards

Optimizing your boards on Pinterest is crucial for SEO, making it easier for both Pinterest and your target audience to understand and find your content. Here are some best practices for creating SEO-friendly boards:

  • Choose a board name that includes the main keyword and is 50 characters max.
  • Write a board description that includes multiple keywords and is 500 characters max.
  • Make sure only to pin content. that is relevant to the board.
  • Use a board cover image of 600x600 pixels with a 1x1 aspect ratio. You can also add overlay text with a simple font and strong contrast to make your board more visually appealing.

By following these guidelines, you can create Pinterest SEO optimized boards and make it easy for your audience to understand and navigate. This will help drive more traffic and engagement to your website or online store through Pinterest.

Pinterest Board

Optimize Your Pins

To get the most out of your Pinterest marketing efforts, make sure to follow these best practices when creating your pins:

  • Use a pin title that includes the main keyword and is 100 characters max.
  • Write a pin description that includes multiple keywords and is 500 characters max.
  • Double-check that your destination URL is live, not broken, and loads quickly on every device. The content on the URL should also be relevant to the pin.
  • Add alt-text to your pin images that include keywords and that describe the image.
  • Include a call-to-action (CTA) in your pin description to encourage engagement and guide users to take a specific next action.

When Creating A New Pin, Pin It First To The Most Relevant Board

If you are looking to maximize the power of Pinterest, here is a game-changing tip: create multiple boards for each topic or product you wish to sell or want to blog about. This helps the Pinterest algorithm understand exactly what your pins are about and makes it more likely that they will be shown to users who are interested in them.

For example, let's say you create a pin for a recipe for baked fries. You should start by pinning it to a board specifically for fries recipes and then add it to boards for quick dinner ideas.

When Creating A New Pin, Pin It First To The Most Relevant Board

Not only will this strategy help your pins get more visibility, but it's also super easy to manage with tools like Statusbrew, which allows you to schedule pins to specific boards and even create board lists for different topics.

Start maximizing the potential of Pinterest for your blog or business today!

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Add Keywords In Your Pin Image Text Overlay

Did you know that Pinterest's visual search function can actually read the text on your pin images? This means you can use relevant keywords in your image text to give the algorithm even more context about what your pin is about.

Just make sure to use simple, easy-to-read fonts like Georgia, Helvetica, Open Sans and Verdana, as the visual search may struggle to interpret fancy scripts. Using this tip can help bring more traffic to your website or online store. So don't be afraid to get creative with your pin images and text overlays - it could pay off big time!

Switch Up Your Pin Descriptions

To make the most of your Pinterest marketing efforts, Pinterest recommends one essential tip: to create multiple unique pins for each page on your website.

But don't just copy and paste the same description for each pin - try using different long-tail keywords in your descriptions to maximize the chances of relevant users to see your pins.

Not sure what long-tail keywords to use? No problem! You can easily find ideas using the Pinterest search bar at the top of its website or app. Simply type in a word or short phrase and you will see related or descriptive words appear in below your keyword in the search bar.

Add Keywords In Your Pin Image Text Overlay

By incorporating a variety of long-tail keywords into your pin descriptions, you will increase the chances that your pins will be seen by the right people and drive more traffic to your website or online store.

Add The Save Button To Your Website

Pinterest Save Button

Want to make it easy for your website visitors to share your content on Pinterest? One simple but effective way to do so is by adding the Pinterest Save button to your website. This will allow users to pin images directly from your blog or online store, making it super convenient for them to share your content with their own followers.

Plus, when people engage with your website on Pinterest, it signals to the platform that you have high-quality content, which can help increase your domain quality and make your pins more visible to a wider audience. So if you are looking to drive more traffic and engagement through Pinterest, be sure to add the Save button to your website and encourage your visitors to use it!

Know more about How To Get Followers On Pinterest In 2023

Use The Correct Pinterest Marketing Tool

To make the most of your Pinterest marketing efforts, it's essential to use the right tools and resources.


Statusbrew is a social media management tool that helps businesses optimize their social media marketing efforts across several social platforms, including on Pinterest. Some of the features that make Statusbrew a valuable tool for Pinterest marketing include the following:

  • Pinterest scheduling: Statusbrew allows you to schedule your pins in advance so that you can plan and execute your Pinterest marketing strategy more efficiently.
  • Pinterest analytics: With Statusbrew, you can track the performance of your pins and see how they are performing, as well as get insights into your audience and their behavior.
  • Pinterest team management: If you have a team working on your Pinterest marketing, Statusbrew makes it easy to collaborate and delegate conversations and content planning.
  • Pinterest engagement: Statusbrew syncs your comments in an all in one dashboard, so you can easily reply to them, add internal notes for your team members, categorize conversations using tags.

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Mastering Pinterest Marketing With SEO!

Optimizing your content for Pinterest SEO involves using keywords effectively and creating clear and relevant pins for your audience. By following the tips outlined in this blog and consistently producing high-quality pins, you will be well on your way to gaining the maximum out of the platform. With the right approach and a little bit of effort, Pinterest can be an incredible tool for driving success for your business.

Invest in the right tool for Pinterest marketing to maximize the effectiveness of your Pinterest marketing efforts.

Try Statusbrew

Statusbrew is an all-in-one social media management tool that supports Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, WhatsApp and even Google My Business.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Here are some commonly asked questions about Pinterest SEO:

What is Pinterest SEO?

Pinterest SEO stands for optimizing your Pinterest account, pins, and boards in a way that Pinterest's algorithm clearly understands and determines what users will see in their smart feed.

How do I get noticed on Pinterest in 2023?

To get noticed on Pinterest, you should pin what's popular, write interesting descriptions, make it easy for others to pin your content, and be mindful of Pinterest SEO.

Why are my Pinterest pins not getting views?

There could be several reasons why your pins aren't getting enough views:

  • You don't have enough followers.
  • You are not using the correct keywords.
  • Your pins are not enticing.
  • You are not adhering to Pinterest SEO best practices.
  • You are not posting consistently.
  • You are not posting at the best time to post on Pinterest.

What are the best Pinterest marketing tips?

Some of the best Pinterest marketing tips are:

  • Pin consistently
  • Write keyword-rich descriptions.
  • Using hashtags in descriptions.
  • Create a Pinterest marketing strategy.

Which is the best Pinterest marketing tool?

Some of the best Pinterest marketing tools with their key features are:

  1. Statusbrew: Allows for easy scheduling of eye-catching pins.
  2. Pinvolve: Converts your Facebook photos into pins.
  3. PinGroupie: To find Pinterest group boards where you can join and contribute.
  4. Pinterest Analytics: Measure the performance of pins.

How can brands use Pinterest for more sales?

Brands can increase their sales through Pinterest by creating stunning visuals, focusing on Pinterest SEO, using promoted pins, organizing pins into catalogs, tagging products in pins, and sharing user-generated content (UGC).

Rushali Das

Rushali is a B2B SaaS content writer who specializes in writing research-driven blog posts around marketing for B2B SaaS brands.

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