11 Easy Tips To Get Free Instagram Likes In 2024 [+Infographic]

Jun 24, 2023 14 min read

Even though the public visibility of likes on Instagram posts is a thing of the past, the amount of hearts a picture receives can still tell a lot about your reach and engagement. According to industry norms, an average post gets around 1% and 3% likes.

More Instagram likes means more engagement, and for brands trying to grow on this platform, that is still a metric that matters. Instagram relies on this metric to assess if your account is valuable or not and, if or not to show its content to other users.

Are you looking to boost the number of hearts your Instagram posts get? Here are some tips that will help you gain free Instagram likes on your post the legit way, to help your feed stand out from the competition. Let’s start!

How to Get Free Instagram Likes In 2024 (It's Easier Than You Think)

Why You Should Earn Free Instagram Likes? (And Not Buy)

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Click here to download detailed infographic on how to get free Instagram likes.

How to Get Free Instagram Likes In 2024 (It's Easier Than You Think)

Instagram has done away with its chronological posting, largely impacting brands. Today the Instagram algorithm favors posts with high engagement rates. That means interactions such as Likes, Comments, Views, Saves, and Shares are highly valuable and can determine if your posts get seen by more than just your social media team.

Why Should You Never Buy Instagram Likes?

Some users of Instagram have turned to other options to cut corners, such as buying free Instagram likes. A quick Google search will bring up a never-ending supply of businesses that offer such services at cheap rates.

How to Get Free Instagram Likes

Brands can buy 200 free Instagram likes for as low as .69 cents. For marketers, this looks like a dream come true. In some other cases, this can be deceiving. Getting thousands of likes and followers at a very low cost is tempting, right? Here are 5 reasons why you should never buy Instagram likes:

  • You will never know what your actual engagement rate is
  • It Affects your account credibility
  • Instagram Algorithm will start making your content less visible to relevant people
  • It is against Instagram terms and conditions
  • It won't help in conversions

However, this is not the only way to buy free Instagram likes. Several legit ways have also brought tremendous results for brands in the past. We have listed the top 10 methods to help you grow your Instagram engagement organically, bring in free Instagram likes, and reap huge benefits over time.

Expand Your Horizons But Stay Authentic!

If you feel like your Instagram growth is stuck, the easiest way out is to expand your horizons.

Looking at how other brands produce content on Instagram can help you break out of the same posting routine you have been stuck in. This can help you engage with your audience better, attract new followers and get more red hearts and free Instagram likes on your posts.

A common Instagram pitfall revolves around the pressure to always seem humorous, exceptional, or interesting in some way or the other. This may make you try too hard but avoid doing this. In the pace to get inspired by other brands, don't forget to show your true self and remain authentic, which are the key to getting free Instagram likes on your posts.

Be In It To Win It

One of the surefire ways to increase your engagement and gain free Instagram likes is to run a like-based competition.

If it works for your brand, organize a giveaway where the winner is the one who likes your post and drops the best comment on your post. This will be a quick way for you to get free Instagram likes on your posts.

Such competitions are a tried and tested low-cost way to boost your brand awareness and sky-rocket engagement and acquire free Instagram likes on your posts.

You might have also seen some brands asking to double tap on the post instead of asking to like the post. The idea here is to encourage the action of double-tapping, which can increase your engagement also while giving you free Instagram likes.

A perk of running such a Like to Win contest on Instagram is to increase the chances of showing up on Instagram's Explore page and also bring in free Instagram likes. Because this is the page where Instagram shows users images based on the people they follow, like, and images that are popular in their location.

It's great exposure for both your contest and account. These are also very easy contests to participate in as the participants just have to like the post, so it's a pretty simple way to increase your Instagram reach and gain free Instagram likes.

Brush Up On Your Hashtags

Instagram users interested in a specific category are likely to search for related hashtags and follow them to stay updated whenever a new post gets published for the hashtag. As such, using Instagram hashtags in your post gives you a chance to get your content in front of the relevant audience (i.e., people who are most likely to tap that heart button). This is why it's a good idea to find out and include the best Instagram hashtags in your post for free Instagram likes.

The Instagram algorithm takes hashtags into consideration when determining which users would want to see what content in their Explore section or in their "suggested" content in-feed. Hashtags are also one of the easiest ways to expand your reach quickly on Instagram & get free Instagram likes.

More eyes are approximately equal to more free Instagram likes. And to get more eyes on your posts, upping your hashtag game is a great way. Essentially, you need to do your research for hashtags that work for you.

The more selective you become with what hashtags you use in your Instagram post, the better reach your post will have. Real art is required to find that perfect hashtag, and when it's done correctly, you will get your Instagram posts on the feeds of new audiences, thus creating better engagement, boosting your brand awareness and generation of free Instagram likes.

Know more about 300+ Best Hashtags For Instagram In 2024

Use Tagging And Geolocation

If you are a retail, travel, or hospitality brand, tagging your location is especially important.

A simple location tag ensures that your Instagram post shows up when users are scrolling through that geo-tag. This is a great way to sell your brand to people who are looking for places to eat and hang out in your area, allowing your posts to organically reach a new audience without much effort and get free Instagram likes.

It has been researched that engagement increased by 79% when you use location tags on your Instagram posts. This simply means it's a great way to get free Instagram likes.

Instagram Story Location Stickers

Image Source: Hopper

Be sure to include location tags on posts when relevant, so more people from your target audience will discover you and engage with your post so you get free Instagram likes. This is especially important if you have a small business and want to connect with others nearby.

Location tags can also apply to Instagram Stories. Use the location sticker to feature it on the location Story, which ultimately would increase your reach.

Also, if you are collaborating with another brand or reposting content from someone else's account (make sure you get permission first!), tag them in your caption and on the photo itself.

Hopefully, they will repay the favor by giving free Instagram likes. And this works both ways – if someone wants to share your post content, send them a friendly reminder to tag you and give you full credit in the post.

Organize and revisit your Instagram likes! Find how to see liked posts on Instagram and curate a personalized collection of past interactions.

Write A Creative Copy

A picture says a thousand words. Having said that, don't underestimate the importance of well-written captions to lure in those free Instagram likes.

With the right tone and style, your caption ends up being just as engaging as your pictures.

Consistently well thought out copy will create expectations in your target audience, thus looking for your post first whenever they have a doubt and to find the answers to their question. When your post answers their questions, you gain free Instagram likes in return.

Whether your captions are informative, witty, or both, nailing your Instagram captions will take your posts to the next level and get you lots of free Instagram likes.

Compelling captions create more engagement, which is essential when it comes to Instagram's algorithm. Strong copy in your caption helps you shape your brand's story and personality, which in turn makes your followers realize they need what you are selling.

Know more about 350 Best Instagram Captions For 2024

Putting a glimpse of your latest post on your Instagram Stories is a great way to make it seen by your audience and gain free Instagram likes.

Bright stickers, graphics, and even music can be used on Instagram Stories to help your posts pop and encourage your audience to click on your page.

When you don't want your followers to miss out on a new post that you just put up, repost it to your Story. Reposting your feed post as an Instagram Story gets your followers notified about recent uploads, thus increasing the number of free Instagram likes on your posts.

Know more about Instagram Stories: 5 Tips To Improve Engagement

Give People What They Want

It's easier said than done.

But, for consistent success (and free Instagram likes!), you need to really get to know your audience to the depth.

You will come to find that specific posts do better than others, so keeping track of which kind of post performs well for your audience and which ones don't is the key to nailing your posts every time to receive free Instagram likes on your posts.

It could be something as small as a time of day, a filter, or a caption, but tracking what performs best will help you make sure you are constantly giving your audience the type of content that they want to engage with. Thus, increase the number of free Instagram likes on your post.

Instagram Reach vs Instagram Impressions

Be Real!

In 2024, people wish to see authentic content.

Even on a visual platform such as Instagram, where everything is perfectly edited, people should still opt to share genuine posts. Solely because their audience also knows that real people working behind the brand are bound to make mistakes.

For brands, posting a behind-the-scenes look from their day-to-day life is an effective way to stand out and gain free Instagram likes.

By posting this type of content, you are also strengthening and developing your brand's personality, tone of voice, and relationship with your audience.

Allowing your audience to get to know the real and imperfect you will turn them from passive followers into loyal fans apart from getting free Instagram likes.

86% of consumers say that a brand's authenticity is essential when they decide what to buy. With almost half of the Instagram users following brand accounts, it's likely that a brand's presence on Instagram factors into how authentic the brand is perceived as being.

With over 2 million followers on Instagram and a total valuation of $1.2 billion, Glossier is the perfect example of a brand that has leveraged a down-to-earth presence on Instagram to sky-rocket the success of its brand and gain hundreds of free Instagram likes.

Their high-quality photos aren't overly styled. The photos of their products seem like the ones that one could take easily. The makeup company is popularly known for reposting photos their customers share on Instagram.

Know more about 18 Instagram Marketing Tools To Boost ROI & Engagement [Free & Paid]

Collaborate With An Influencer

It is said that two heads are better than one. The same applies to Instagram, too: getting a repost or mention from another account will do more good for your brand and also help you get free Instagram likes than just you focusing on your own account.

Find your Insta-soulmate who could be a person or brand with a similar target audience. Agree to give each other shoutouts or feature each other's content on your stories or feed once in a while. Better yet, create an exciting project together so that you both have a cause to talk about.

Another way to get extra exposure for your brand to gain free Instagram likes is influencer marketing. Finding the perfect Instagram influencer can be tricky, but when done right, you can see a flux of new followers, engagements, and potential customers. Just make sure you choose the right person!

Influencer marketing should never be underestimated.

Finding the right influencer for your brand will put you on the feeds of such an audience who are already engaging with similar content. Hence, it's essential to collaborate with the influencers of your niche so that you share a similar target audience base and get free Instagram likes in return. Influencers also help to increase your credibility through more organic and word-of-mouth style marketing.

Know more about Instagram Influencer Marketing: All You Need To Know

Give Likes To Gain Likes

There's nothing wrong with liking, commenting, and following accounts relevant to your industry to get some exposure. But gaining likes and follows just for the sake of free Instagram likes and follows will not help your account in the long run.

Just be sure you are doing this manually yourself (it should not look like a bot), and make an effort to be genuine, interesting, and never appear spammy. You don't need to write an essay in the comments section, but giving an opinion or asking a question with respect to the actual post content is an excellent place to start and gain free Instagram likes in return. Set aside half an hour to an hour per day to focus on engaging on Instagram. This will have a significant impact on your growth over time.

Consistency Is Key

If you want to keep your Instagram followers engaged and use that like button for your post, make sure you keep up with a posting schedule.

Knowing when your best time to post is knowing when your audience is more likely to engage with content, which is the key to expanding your audience base.

Know more about The Best Times To Post On Instagram In 2024

Brands need to be active to attract followers and boost engagement rates. Posting consistently keeps your feed fresh and relevant, allowing you to attract even more eyeballs to your content and get free Instagram likes.

The frequency of consistency is different for different brands depending on your target audience. And there's no magic bullet for knowing the perfect frequency to remain consistent to capture free Instagram likes.

Best Time To Post Heat Map

You need to uncover your followers' Instagram usage habits by using the Instagram Insights feature of your Business account.

Know more about How To See Post Insights On Instagram

This will help you identify when your followers are the most active on the platform and allows you to schedule accordingly, ensuring that your posts continue to appear at the top of your target audience's feeds.

Why You Should Earn Free Instagram Likes? (And Not Buy)

Buying Instagram likes and followers is only a short-term solution. If you think that buying followers will generate more free Instagram likes, in turn, you may want to think again. There are various ways one can choose to purchase followers, and there is no shortage of websites that offer these services.

Websites that offer such services use shady practices such as deploying bots or fake profiles to follow several profiles in hopes of some follow-backs. When the following users don't return the favor, they are unfollowed. Such services undoubtedly grow your following & get you free Instagram likes in the blink of an eye.

But authentic brands will easily find out how "real" your Instagram audience is and how you have acquired free Instagram likes on your posts. Even if they don't, what good is your large following if they can't deliver results? Such freeloading profiles will not bring you the kind of valuable engagement you need. And lack of engagement ultimately means a lack of visibility on one of the most popular social media marketing platforms out there.

Why You Should Earn Free Instagram Likes

Image Source: Makmodo

Thus, you might have understood by now that automating or buying any of your efforts on Instagram (likes or followers) will cost you in the long run. Think it through. Even if your post has thousands of free Instagram likes – what good of value are they if they are coming from the profiles that have no interest in your product or service.

Plus, Instagram's terms of use forbid such practices. Any form of free Instagram likes automation violates your agreement with Instagram. In fact, Instagram is constantly doing community clean-ups to delete fake profiles from the visual platform. The worst consequence can lead to suspension or even ban your Instagram account.


Starting an Instagram account & publishing your first post looks enticing & easy. But, getting free likes can be a little tricky, especially if you are just starting out. Strategies to increase & get free Instagram likes must be well-planned & realistic if you want them to succeed on the platform.

Purchasing Instagram Likes might seem inexpensive, simple, and affordable, but this quick fix does not prove to be helpful for those who want to remain in the game for long. You must focus on the strategies described in this blog for long-term results. It’s crucial to pay attention to the importance of consistency, quality, & relevancy if you want to get free Instagram likes. These elements will determine if your content will appeal to your intended audience.

For an extra helping hand, consider using a tool like Statusbrew's Instagram Publishing and Reports Lab to further hone your content delivery strategy.

Instagram Publishing with Statusbrew

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How to get free Instagram likes Infographic

Citation Policy: Please feel free to use these infographics in any commercial or non-commercial capacity. If you use the infographics, we require a reference back to Statusbrew Blog.

Click here to download detailed infographic on how to get free Instagram likes.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to get free Instagram likes?

Three quick techniques to get free Instagram likes for your brand in the safest way possible are:

  • Guide your strategy with statistics.
  • Be genuine and original.
  • Create a unified aesthetic

Is getting free likes on Instagram easy?

Simply said, it takes time and effort to produce high-caliber posts that deserve real Instagram likes from real people. In the end, the purpose of Instagram is to showcase your best side by posting relevant content.

Rushali Das

Rushali is a B2B SaaS content writer who specializes in writing research-driven blog posts around marketing for B2B SaaS brands.

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