How To Create Black Friday Social Media Content Calendar [+Template]

Nov 9, 2022 8 min read

The first Friday following Thanksgiving in the US, Black Friday takes place annually and is an exciting day with plenty of special deals and big discounts.

With the day fast approaching, brands are beginning to prep for this key day in the marketing calendar with countdown campaigns and teaser posts across social media to entice their customers and get their followers ready to fill their carts.

If your brand hasn't started creating its Black Friday social media content calendar yet, take a look at this blog to prepare one and get inspired with ready-to-serve templates.

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Prepare Your Black Friday Content Calendar Early

The early bird always gets the worm, and so is with brands on social media. Use other social media campaigns before Black Friday to get users to opt in, follow, or like to get the deals first.

Create hype around your social media campaign as soon as possible. Every year more and more brands have been creeping up on the time as they open their stores for the Black Friday sale. And this year is no different, with more brands joining the Thursday evening bandwagon.

So don't let your brands miss the boat this year.

Choose Your Products Wisely For Sale

It isn't feasible to offer huge discounts on your entire inventory. Some businesses even choose to take a loss for Black Friday just to acquire new customers. But, this may not be the best strategy.

Instead, you should choose to discount a handful of selected items or a product category that will draw your customers in. Encourage your customers to add extra items to their cart, even if they only came in search of one item.

Feature A Different Product Or Service Every Day

If you choose to discount a few items, you should consider offering a different discount each day over Black Friday week. Promote each sale as being only available for a limited time. This will create a sense of "buy now" urgency and will keep them coming back each day to know about your next deal.

Use a variety of marketing tactics to advertise your daily deals. Have your first and last products be the most exciting deals to create the maximum impact.

Decide Where Your Audiences Are

By generating key online behavioral insights and identifying your target audience, you will be in a strong position to unlock an effective Black Friday social media plan. By creating a buyer persona, you can identify on which platform they are the most active.

Running Black Friday campaigns on the social platform where your audience is most active will give you the most success.

Focus On Relevant Themes To Connect With The Audience

Brands should always stay on top of marketing trends, especially during Black Friday time. People are actively waiting for all the creative campaigns from different brands at this time.

So, brands need to capitalize on finding a relevant theme to fit into the Black Friday spirit. It's critical for brands to stay relevant, considering themes associated with Black Friday.

Brainstorm Black Friday Sales Ideas To Delight Your Audience

Define your goals and deals. Black Friday marketing campaigns depend a lot on the deals you decide to offer. You can offer the following deals to your customers:

Flash Sales

Flash sales have proven to bring more actions and transactions, especially during the festive season, as they create a sense of urgency. You nudge your customers to act right away by putting a time limit on your offer. It's a proven strategy for increasing sales and conversions.

Free Shipping

Free shipping is the number one incentive to offer your customers when it comes to Black Friday offers and deals. People overvalue the benefits of "free." So, free shipping adds a powerful boost to your average order value.

Freebies With Purchases

You can try to give out a product at its original price and offer a freebie. Offers like buy-one-get-one promos spark the interest of your customers.

Product Bundles

Bundling is a good alternative for increasing seasonal sales. With bundling, you can increase the average order value and upsell customers to higher prices.

Exclusive Offer

Black Friday season stirs up the buyers' enthusiasm. After all, who can resist all those special offers and discounts? These selling tactics work well when combined with limited-time offers and pre-order discounts.

Loyalty Cards

Don't forget your loyal customers, who will buy your products even if they are not discounted. They even have the power to recommend your offerings to their friends. So, offer something special (such as special discounts or coupons) only to them.

Determine Your Content Cadence

Ask yourself: How often should you post on your social media about Black Friday?

Consumers spread out their holiday spending throughout November. So you should start posting as early as possible in the month of November.

Kick off the Black Friday campaign the week before Black Friday and highlight discounted stock. Also, publish content around other days of interest in October, for instance, Boss's Day, Halloween, etc.

Focusing on building excitement and creating anticipation in this week with teasers, sneak peeks, and flash sales. On Black Friday day, post about the Black Friday announcement. Make your offers visible, run your social media campaigns, and support the buying experience.

For the weeks before Black Friday, post excitement posts. You can even put out countdown posts. Send out more posts between Tuesday and Thursday before Black Friday to create excitement.

In the month of December, you can even extend the final sale. Try engagement tactics and boost the festive season sales.

Post depending on your supply chain and when you can guarantee holiday delivery in December, between Monday to Wednesday.

Schedule Your Social Media Content

After you have prepared your social media content, it's time to schedule your Black Friday content. It will also help you visualize if the correct posts are being published at the right time.

Social media management tools like Statusbrew can help you set up a custom publishing queue to automate publishing workflows and send out your posts exactly when you specify. So now you can "set it and forget it"! In fact, you can even bulk schedule your posts through Statusbrew.

Bulk Schedule Content In Statusbrew

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Besides, you may also want to adjust your social media profiles to reflect your holiday sales. You may want to create a new cover photo or profile photo or add a different link in bio.

Post During Peak Times

People like to spend more time online on social media during the month of Black Friday. They know that brands would be running deals and discounts for a limited time period, and they don't want to miss out on those.

However, it should be noted that even though people are active on social media at the time of Black Friday, they do not remain active for the entire time. They might check social media on weekends, during their lunch breaks, or in the evenings. So, you should focus on keeping a check on when your audience is most active during the day and plan to push out posts at those peak times only to gain maximum eyeballs.

Monitor, Analyze, And Optimize

Planning an effective Black Friday social media campaign needs to be based on a foundation tailored to your target audience. By listening to your customers and social media audience, you can create a better marketing strategy that will bring you success.

People tend to interact and engage with brands during the Black Friday season more than at any other time of the year; hence, it's essential to capitalize on this opportunity.

Social analytics tools like Satusbrew can help you analyze your social media campaigns with ease. With over 180+ metrics, you can get insights on every single like, comment, view, message, and more. It integrates with several social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, allowing you to generate multi-platform reports.

Statusbrew Reports

Statusbrew's in-depth reporting feature lets you understand the impact of your every social effort in a single dashboard. So you can visualize your data in a way that makes the most sense to you. Here are the features that the Statusbrew reporting feature can offer:

  • With several ready-made reporting templates, you can save time and prepare instant reports with a few clicks.
  • Every widget and report can be exported in a CSV or PDF format.
  • Using widgets, you can build your own reports withendless customization options.
  • Schedule reports to arrive in emails as per your preferred time.
  • Create shareable dynamic reports links to share reports with people without sharing access to your Statusbrew dashboard.

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Start Preparing Your Black Friday Social Media Content Calendar Now!

It's time to stop hesitating and get your social media ready for the holiday sales season!

All year long, brands hope to persuade shoppers to take out their wallets and make a purchase. Black Friday is the best opportunity to make the most of this time and maximize your sales.

Take notice of the steps given in this guide, and consider how you can apply those to create your own Black Friday social media content calendar to make the most amount of sales in this quarter.

Use a social media management tool like Statusbrew to manage your Black Friday social media campaigns with ease, monitor results and collaborate with your team.

Book a demo if you wish to carry out your Black Friday campaign effectively.

Try Statusbrew

Statusbrew is an all-in-one social media management tool that supports Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and even Google My Business.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Here are some commonly asked questions about Black Friday and its marketing:

How do I prepare for social media on Black Friday?

Here's how you can prepare for social media on Black Friday:

  • Update your bio on your social handles
  • Update your profile picture, cover photo, and description as required
  • Create a content plan
  • Invest in ads
  • Engage with your target audience on social media

How do you attract customers on Black Friday?

Here's how you can attract customers on Black Friday:

  • Create a Black Friday landing page
  • Run different social media contests to generate excitement
  • Use Black Friday hashtags to reach a wider audience
  • Partner with influencers to promote your Black Friday sales
  • Use retargeting ads to reach people who have visited your website before

How do you plan a Black Friday campaign?

Here's how you can plan a Black Friday marketing campaign:

  1. Build your Black Friday email list
  2. Schedule your social media posts
  3. Post at the peak times
  4. Make your Black Friday sale memorable
  5. Extend the holiday sale till Christmas

When should I start promoting Black Friday?

Don't wait until the week before Black Friday to promote your offers. Start your campaign at the beginning of November or mid-October.

Rushali Das

Rushali is a B2B SaaS content writer who specializes in writing research-driven blog posts around marketing for B2B SaaS brands.

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