What Is The Best Time To Post On Twitter In 2024? [Find Yours]

Apr 14, 2023 11 min read

As Twitter continues to be a dominant platform for businesses and influencers, one crucial question begs to be answered: "What is the best time to post on Twitter?"

With Twitter's dynamic nature and constant updates, the optimal time to post can significantly impact the reach, engagement, and effectiveness of your tweets. As Twitter algorithm and user behavior continue to shift, staying informed and adapting your posting strategy is vital to achieving maximum visibility and interaction with your audience.

In this blog post, we will delve into the tips to find your best time to post on Twitter to help you make informed decisions on when to schedule your tweets. From understanding peak engagement times to analyzing user demographics and behavior, we will provide you with actionable tips, strategies, and tools to optimize your Twitter posting schedule and elevate your social media marketing game.

Whether you're a social media manager, marketer, influencer, or business owner, the data in this blog will help you unlock the potential for enhanced engagement, brand visibility, and business success. Let's dive in and decode the optimal timing for Twitter success.

Table Of Contents:

Importance Of Posting At The Right Time

Tweeting at the optimal time is crucial to achieving maximum reach and engagement. Here are some reasons why posting at the right time on Twitter matters:

Higher Visibility

Given the fast-paced nature of the platform and the tweet length, tweets can have a really shorter life span compared to content on other social platforms.

Posting at the right time ensures that your tweets are more likely to be seen by your followers and other users who are active during that time. This can increase visibility, as your tweets have a higher chance of appearing in users' feeds, getting retweeted, and attracting likes and comments.

Higher Engagement

Posting when your audience is most active on Twitter increases the likelihood of getting higher engagement on your tweets. Engagement, such as likes, retweets, and comments, is a key metric that indicates the level of interaction and interest your tweets generate.

By posting at the right time, you can capture your audience's attention, spark conversations, and encourage them to take action, resulting in higher engagement rates.

Attracts Your Target Audience

Different target audiences on Twitter have different usage patterns. Understanding your audience's behavior and preferences is vital in identifying your best time to post on Twitter.

For example, if your target audience is located in a specific time zone, posting at the right time can ensure that your tweets are seen when they are most likely to be active on Twitter, increasing the chances of engagement.

Beat The Twitter Algorithm

Twitter's algorithm takes into account various factors, including engagement, relevance, and recency, to determine which tweets are shown to users.

Posting at the right time when your audience is most active can increase the visibility of your tweets and improve the chances of getting them prioritized by the algorithm.

Achieve Ad Campaign Goals

If you are running Twitter ads, posting at the right time is crucial to maximizing the effectiveness of your campaigns.

By aligning your ads with your audience's online behavior, you can ensure that your promoted tweets are seen when your target audience is most likely to be active, leading to better ad performance and ROI.

What Is The Universal Best Time To Post On Twitter?

When you search for the best time to post on social media or Twitter, you'll find hundreds of articles suggesting different "best times" backed by "research on millions of posts." Should you trust that data? Definitely not!

Because there is no universal "best" time to post on Twitter that applies to all users or industries. The ideal posting time can vary depending on various factors, such as your target audience, location, industry, and the type of content you are sharing.

However, as a general rule of thumb and thinking rationally, the best time to post on Twitter for optimal engagement is, typically, during the early mornings and evenings on weekdays, with some variations depending on your target audience and location.


Specifically, posting on Twitter between 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM on weekdays, particularly Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, can often yield higher engagement rates. Here's why this data makes sense! ?

During these times, users are more likely to check their Twitter feeds before and after work, during lunch breaks, and in the evenings when they have leisure time. Additionally, posting during weekdays rather than weekends may be more effective for engaging with professional audiences who tend to be more active on Twitter during working days.

Why Is Tweet Timing Different For Every Brand?

Tweet timing can significantly impact their performance on Twitter. However, determining the best time to post on Twitter is not a one-size-fits-all approach, as it can vary for different brands. Several factors come into play, and the right time to tweet can vary from brand to brand. Here's why!

The target audience is different for different brands

The characteristics and behavior of a brand's target audience significantly impact the optimal tweet timing. For instance, if the target audience consists of professionals who are primarily active during business hours, posting tweets during weekdays and daytime may yield better results. However, if the target audience comprises night owls or international audiences in different time zones, tweet timing may need to be adjusted accordingly.

The peak time varies for every industry

Different industries may have varying peak times of Twitter activity. For example, B2B brands targeting business professionals may find that weekdays and business hours are more effective, while B2C brands targeting consumers may see higher engagement during evenings or weekends. Understanding the industry's patterns and preferences can help determine the optimal tweet timing.

The audience's geographic location matters

Brands with a global or multi-national presence need to consider the geographic location of their audience when optimizing tweet timing. For instance, a brand targeting a predominantly U.S. audience may have different optimal tweet timing compared to a brand targeting a European or Asian audience. Considering time zone differences is crucial in ensuring tweets reach the audience when they are most active.

Audience's habits vs. content types

The type of content being shared on Twitter can also influence the optimal tweet timing. For example, tweets with time-sensitive information, such as breaking news or limited-time offers, may require immediate posting for maximum impact. On the other hand, tweets with evergreen content, such as educational articles or thought leadership pieces, may have different optimal timing that aligns with the target audience's browsing habits and interests.

How To Find YOUR Best Time To Post On Twitter?

Finding your best time to post on Twitter is a continuous process that requires experimentation, monitoring, and understanding audience behavior. While there are several tools to help you find your best time to post on Twitter, here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Analyze Your Audience Behavior

Understanding your audience's behavior and preferences is important to find your optimal tweet timing. Consider factors such as their demographics, location, time zone, online habits, and engagement patterns on Twitter. This information can help you identify when your audience is most active and likely to engage with your tweets.

2. Check Out Your Engagement Metrics

Analyze your Twitter data and engagement metrics, such as likes, retweets, and comments, to identify patterns. Look for trends in terms of the time of day, day of the week, or month when your tweets tend to receive the highest engagement.

3. Experiment With Different Posting Times

Conduct experiments by posting at different times and days of the week, based on your audience analysis and engagement metrics. Try posting during different time slots, such as early mornings, lunch breaks, evenings, and weekends, and monitor the performance of your tweets. Keep track of the engagement metrics and identify the times when your tweets receive the highest engagement.

4. Monitor Your Competitors' Activity

Keep an eye on your competitors and industry influencers to see when they are posting and what engagement they are receiving. This can give you insights into industry trends and help you identify potential optimal posting times for your own content, as the audience would more or less be the same.

5. Use Twitter Analytics For Insights

Utilize Twitter's built-in analytics tool, Twitter Analytics, to track and measure the performance of your tweets. Twitter Analytics provides data on engagement metrics, audience demographics, and tweet performance, which can help you identify patterns and trends in your audience's engagement behavior.

6. Adjust and Iterate To Optimize Your Strategy

Based on your data analysis and experiments, adjust your posting schedule accordingly. Continuously monitor and iterate your posting times to optimize your Twitter strategy for maximum engagement.

7. Use A Social Media Management Tool

A social media or Twitter management tool simplifies the process of optimizing the Twitter posting schedule by providing insights on audience behavior, suggesting ideal posting times, automating scheduling, and tracking performance metrics. It streamlines the process, saving time and effort, and ensures that tweets are posted at the most engaging times, leading to higher reach, visibility, and engagement for your Twitter content.

3 Best Tools To Optimize Your Twitter Posting Schedule

1. Statusbrew


Statusbrew is one of the most accurate tools to get insights on the best times to post on Twitter based on your engagement and reach data.

Several features like Scheduler, Analytics and Reporting, Smart Queue, and Timezone support collectively help users find the best time and optimize their Twitter posting schedule.

Statusbrew’s Category feature enables you to pre-save your best posting times for different campaigns (with different types of content like blogs, events, webinars, etc.) and target your prospects around the world by posting in their local active times using Statusbrew's Compose. It's worth giving a try!

Talking more about the Twitter Report, the charts in the report give users an overview of the performance of connected Twitter profiles over a chosen date range. It includes widgets such as Impressions, Engagements, Audience Growth, Top Engaged Posts, Sentiment Analysis, and even statistics for more than one connected profile.

The Engagements, Impressions, and Audience Growth widgets are the most useful ones in finding the best tweet timing. Here's why!



This widget provides data on engagement metrics such as likes, retweets, replies, and clicks. You can identify patterns and trends in engagement during different times of the day or week by analyzing these metrics. For example, if there is a spike in engagement during specific hours, it may indicate that those are the best times to post tweets for maximum engagement.



The report also includes data on impressions and reach, which can provide insights into the visibility of tweets. It helps determine when the tweets are reaching the most audience and generating the most impressions. This information can help users identify the best times to post tweets to maximize their reach and visibility.

Audience Growth


The data on audience growth provides insights into when the user's Twitter audience is most active and responsive to new content. By analyzing the follower growth data, users can identify periods of higher follower growth and engagement, which can indicate the best times to post tweets for attracting and retaining followers.

Depending on your Twitter objectives, be it higher engagement or reach or audience growth, the insights from these widgets can help you tweak your posting schedule to achieve that specific bottom line.

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2. Buffer

Buffer is a popular social media scheduling tool that allows you to schedule tweets in advance, helping you maintain a consistent posting schedule. It offers features such as scheduling, analytics, and team collaboration, making it a comprehensive solution for optimizing your Twitter posting schedule.

Buffer does not offer a built-in feature to find the best time to post on Twitter automatically. However, it does provide some helpful features that can indirectly help you determine the optimal posting times for your Twitter content.

Buffer's Analytics allows you to track the performance of your tweets, including engagement metrics such as likes, retweets, clicks, and replies. By reviewing these metrics, you can identify patterns and trends in terms of when your tweets tend to perform the best. You may notice that your tweets receive higher engagement during specific days of the week or times of the day.

Based on the engagement data provided by Buffer, you can manually experiment with different posting times to see which ones yield the best results for your specific audience.

3. Twitter Analytics

As mentioned above, Twitter Analytics, Twitter's native social media dashboard, can be of great assistance in finding your best time to tweet. It allows you to schedule tweets, monitor mentions, and manage multiple Twitter accounts from a single interface.

In Twitter Analytics, you can access the best time data by clicking on the "Analytics" icon (a bar chart) below each tweet in a column. Analyze the performance of your tweets and take note of the time and day when your tweets receive the most engagement. Experiment by posting on these times vs. the other times.


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Final Word

Determining the best time to post on Twitter is a critical aspect of optimizing your Twitter strategy in 2023. With the ever-evolving nature of social media and the Twitter landscape, it's important to leverage data-driven insights to identify the optimal posting times for your specific Twitter audience.

Start analyzing the engagement metrics, impressions, reach, follower growth, demographic data, and historical data to gain insights into your audience's behavior and preferences. This can enable you to schedule your tweets at the most opportune times, when your audience is most active and engaged, leading to higher engagement, increased reach, and improved overall Twitter performance.

Statusbrew makes it a breeze for marketers to fetch this data within minutes, so you don't have to manually look up on Twitter and gather it all in one place. Statusbrew does it for you. From engagement and reach to audience growth and tweet activity, creating a Twitter Report with Statusbrew can do wonders to your Twitter posting schedule.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does the best time to post on Twitter vary by industry or niche?

Yes, the best time to post on Twitter can vary depending on your industry or niche. For example, if you are targeting a global audience, you may need to consider different time zones. Additionally, audience behavior and preferences may differ based on the type of content you share, the demographics of your followers, and the nature of your industry. So analyze your own data and audience insights to determine the best time to post specifically for your niche.

How to post tweets if I have audiences spread across different timezones?

If you have audiences across different time zones, it's important to consider the time differences and schedule your tweets accordingly to maximize engagement. Once you have identified the best time to post for each time zone, create a posting schedule that takes into account the time differences. For example, if 1 pm is the best time to post for your audience in Eastern Time (ET), you can schedule your tweets to be posted at 1 pm ET, 1 pm Pacific Time (PT), and other relevant time zones.

Can I use Statusbrew to automate my Twitter posting schedule?

Yes, Statusbrew offers post scheduling features that allow you to automate your Twitter posting schedule, including Twitter threads. You can use the Smart Queue feature to create a posting schedule based on your customized recommendations and then schedule your tweets to be automatically posted at the optimal times, even when you're not actively managing your Twitter account.

Jagdish Purohit

Jagdish is a seasoned Content Marketer with a profound understanding of digital marketing and reputation management. He enjoys shooting hoops, cycling, and cooking vegan recipes in his spare time.

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