Introduction To Publish

Comprehensive insights into the functionality of the Publish feature, including approval workflows, bulk scheduling, strategic planning, and more


Statusbrew allows you to quickly save your posts as drafts. You can use the Drafts feature to quickly write down important ideas or a post that you'd like to come back to. Drafts help team members working on the same campaigns to collaborate and share ideas. They can include images, videos, links, and can be scheduled once complete.

Drafts are meant for single-use, meaning they will disappear from Drafts once they are scheduled.

To create a draft in Statusbrew, follow these simple steps:

  • Click on the Home button in the top left of your screen to open Statusbrew Home and click on Compose

  • Add any text, links or images to create a post

  • To save the post as a draft, click the drop-down arrow next to Send Now and select Save as Draft

    Save as draft

    Any post saved as a draft can be found in Statusbrew's Planner. Here, anyone with at least Read-Only access of Publish section will see drafted posts for various profiles. To access the drafts,

  • Click on the Home button in the top left of your screen to open Statusbrew Home and click on Planner

  • Under Planner, you can view all your drafts in a single place

    Publish Planner (Draft)

Click on any Draft to open the detailed view, you can now get a preview of the post, share the post, edit the post, add a tag to it, delete the post or simply publish it directly.

Any user with, Full Access or Create Post access to Publish section will be able to perform the above actions to drafted messages for a profile, even if they were not the author of the original draft.