7 Effective Ways To Create Engaging Twitter Threads

Nov 28, 2022 9 min read

Twitter encourages brevity with its 280-character limit that forces users to keep their messages concise, clear, and to its core.

But it also comes as a limitation for those who want to publish longer posts. One way to Tweet longer posts is through Twitter threads. Twitter threads even increase the reach of your thread compared to a normal Tweet in general, as with multiple Tweets, you have multiple entry points for the thread.

It also allows others to respond to specific parts of your thread. In this blog, we will help you to compose a Twitter thread with super easy tips with which you can express your thoughts in more than 280 characters. Let's start!

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How To Create A Twitter Thread?

Click the Tweet button & add the first Tweet of the thread. Click the plus icon to add another Tweet. After adding all the Tweets, click the Tweet all button to post.

What Is A Twitter Thread?

Twitter threads are basically Tweets connected to one another and meant to be read as a continuous post.

Twitter threads can be used to dive deeply into an idea, compose a collection, prepare a list, or elaborate on something that couldn't possibly be covered in 280 characters of a single Tweet.

The grey line on the left connecting all the profile pics shows that though those are separate Tweets, they are connected (threaded) together.

The phrase "Tweet thread" is also used to describe a Tweet with several replies beneath it.

Why Create Twitter Threads?

Research has proved that Twitter threads receive more engagements and impressions than single Tweets. Here are some more benefits of creating Twitter threads:

Make Longer Posts On Twitter

You can push the boundaries of the 280-character limit the platform has made by creating a series of Tweets forming a thread. You can also be sure that your threads will be read in their entirety that too in the correct order, unlike if it was posted as individual Tweets.

Open Up A Conversation

Creating Tweets is all about reaching out to your target audience, but making a Twitter thread brings up a lot of ideas that Twitter users can mull over. Each Tweet can open up a point that, in turn, opens up a conversation.

You will be able to interact with your target audience on each specific topic or idea. They will form an affinity with you and your brand when you make this connection with your audience.

Get More Engagements

Each segment of a Twitter thread still acts as a regular Tweet. That means Twitter users can like, reply, or retweet on each segment.

The chances of getting these engagements increases by having more Tweets in one thread. Your chances of making money on Twitter increase when you have more engagements.

How To Create A Twitter Thread?

Step 1: Click the Tweet button & add the first Tweet of the thread.

How To Create A Twitter Thread

Step 2: Click the plus icon to add another Tweet.

How To Create A Twitter Thread

Step 3: After adding all the Tweets you want to include in a thread, click the Tweet all button to post.

How To Create A Twitter Thread

Alternatively, you can create a Twitter thread by:

  • Posting a Tweet.
  • Posting the next Tweet as a response to the first Tweet.
  • Post the next Tweet in response to the previous Tweet.
  • Keep Tweeting in response to the previous Tweet until the last Tweet.
  • You have a thread.

7 Ways To Create Engaging Twitter Threads

It's time to start creating threads ?. But you might be thinking, what kind of content can I share in my Twitter threads? Here are a few ideas to help you jump on the bandwagon.

Tell Your Audience A Story

This is how most people use Twitter threads: to tell a story. Since stories are long, they don't fit into one Tweet because of the 280 character limit. The threads come in handy here because you can easily connect multiple Tweets that are part of the same sequence. This way, your followers who follow along don't need to search for every subsequent Tweet. They can find everything right in one place!

If you know you have a captivating story to share that your audience will love, use Twitter threads to get your thoughts across as easily and succinctly as possible.

Share Tutorials

Do you often find yourself sharing tutorials with your audience in order to teach them how to do something? Then, why not try giving them the details of each step through Twitter threads?

Every Tweet in your thread can feature the description in a single step. It can even include any necessary images or videos to make it easy to follow along for your audience. It's simple yet effective!

Provide Valuable Tips

Have you ever wondered why your Twitter community follows you? It's because they want to see great content from you, right? Twitter threads are the perfect way to share valuable tips and tricks on Twitter that they can use themselves. You can create a thread focused on tips for a specific topic, making it easy for your audience to follow them along and consume plenty of great tidbits.

For instance, if you frequently share about how to grow on Twitter, then you can create a thread with tips on increasing Twitter engagement. Share one tip per Tweet. This way, you will have tons of helpful advice to share with your Twitter community. You can add additional tips later or create version 2 of the same Twitter threads with updated info.

Schedule Twitter Threads

Scheduling Twitter threads can bring a multitude of benefits to your social media strategy, making it easier to collaborate with your team and create engaging content that resonates with your audience.

Planning and queuing your Twitter threads in advance provides several benefits, including the ability to strategically space out your content and maintain a consistent posting schedule. This helps to maximize engagement and reach a broader global audience, especially if your target audience resides in different time zones.

By taking a more intentional approach to posting threads, you can also increase Retweets and replies, while minimizing the risk of posting content that is impulsive or poorly thought out.

But Twitter does not allow scheduling threads natively. Don't worry because we have a rescue for you here! With Statusbrew, you can plan and schedule multiple tweets in a thread and ensure that your message is conveyed clearly and effectively.

How To Schedule Twitter Threads In Statusbrew

Schedule Your First Twitter Thread

Build Excitement Through Each Tweet Within A Thread

Do you want to get your community excited about something that's coming up for your brand? It can be a new product launch or even an event! You can start teasing this brand-new thing through a Twitter thread.

Use each Tweet to leave them wanting more as you lead up to the big announcement.

Use Threads During Twitter Chats

One exciting way to use Twitter threads is by participating in Twitter chats. You can use Twitter threads to reply to chat questions with a series of answers whenever you have a lot to say. Let's say you are on the #TwitterSmarter chat and want to reply to Q1. You can write your Tweet and then click on the "+" sign. Add another Tweet until you have strung together a series of valuable answers.

It's a simple way to keep all your answers and thoughts together instead of having them scattered. In that case, other chat participants will be more likely to see each part of your response. That's essential when you consider how fast-paced a Twitter chat can be! People would have to otherwise actually visit your profile to see all your responses to a single question.

Make Your First Tweet A Hook

As your readers will only see your first Tweet, you should ensure your first Tweet contains words that will trigger the reader to continue reading other Tweets of the thread to get the whole story. To ensure your Twitter thread becomes viral, you should make your first Tweet catch the reader's attention, open your thread, and read it.

Alerting your Twitter followers of a thread is the most commonly used trick when you want to briefly introduce what your thread is about and then you allow your readers to know it is a thread. It will then trigger them to click on your line and read all the Tweets.

Read more about Twitter Analytics: A Complete Guide For Marketers

Add Images To Catch The Reader's Attention

Images attract clicks. It will make people want to read your thread if you add them. So if you are going to create an engaging thread, you might want to consider adding relevant images or even GIFs if that thread needs it. Remember that not all threads need images. Adding pictures will boost your clicks and retweets.

Ready To Create Your First Twitter Thread?

A Twitter thread is a much more effective strategy to reach audiences as compared to Tweets. They even help in increasing the engagement and impression levels on individual Tweets. Posting when your audience is online is a common strategy to increase user impression and engagement levels on your Tweets.

This approach can be optimized further by using Twitter threads, which can drastically increase your growth metric. If you want to get Twitter followers, you should first start by writing engaging Twitter threads, and in this blog, we have precisely covered that question you have always been asking.

We answered this question with the top 7 proven ways.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Here are some commonly asked questions about creating Twitter threads:

How long can a Twitter thread be?

There is no limit to how many Tweets can be in a thread. But Twitter will only allow you to post 20 consecutive Tweets in a single instance.

How to delete a thread on Twitter?

Tap the blue delete icon to delete the entire thread on Twitter.

How can I delete a Tweet in a thread?

Tap the gray delete icon to delete any of your Tweets in a thread.

How to create a Twitter thread on mobile?

Log in to your Twitter account and tap the compose icon. Type your first Tweet. Select the blue + icon in the lower-right corner to add more Tweets. Tap Tweet all after you have written all the Tweets of the thread.

Rushali Das

Rushali is a B2B SaaS content writer who specializes in writing research-driven blog posts around marketing for B2B SaaS brands.

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