7 Steps For An Agency To Create A Social Media Pitch

Jun 9, 2023 8 min read

Let's face it, when prospects are considering agencies like yours, they are doing their homework. They are checking out your competitors, comparing services, and trying to figure out who's the best fit. That's where your pitch deck comes into play.

Your pitch deck is your chance to show why your agency is the cream of the crop. It's your opportunity to highlight what makes you unique, why you are the go-to solution, and how you will solve their problems like no one else can.

In this article, we're going to spill the beans on creating an irresistible sales pitch deck that will win over those prospects (and even impress your existing clients).

Step 1: Understand Your Client

Your first task would be to understand your prospect's specific needs, as well as identify their problems, weaknesses, and strengths. In order to do this, you will have to arrange a meeting with your potential client to ask questions. This is a very important process called "a discovery session."

The key to being successful with your pitch deck depends on what you learn during this discovery session.

It will give you insight into what their struggles and goals are, so you can, later on, offer creative and adequate solutions, strategies, and approaches that address their problems and goals.

Understand Your Client

Image Source: SlideTeam

Who Are They?

Ask your potential client to tell you the story of their brand.

  • For how long have they been in the business?
  • What inspired them to launch their company in the first place?
  • What is their mission?
  • How many people are on their team?
  • Who makes the important decisions?
  • What are their company values?

The goal is to understand who these people really are and think about what they might want to hear from you.

What Services Or Products Do They Provide?

Learn what problems their services/products solve. This information is important for building the profile of their target audiences. Since you will be potentially making social media campaigns targeted toward these audiences, you will want to know every little detail possible.

This will help you put on a pitch deck that proves your capabilities to appeal to your prospect's target audiences.

What are their challenges in the business?

Identifying their weaknesses and strengths is essential for running successful marketing campaigns for them later on. All your future initiatives should be focused on the particular brand's strong sides.

  • Examine their current and past campaigns
  • Understand the struggles and preferences of their target audiences
  • Identify the key selling point of the products or services they provide

What Is Their Budget?

Learning about your client's budget for marketing activities will help you get an idea if you can come up with a strategic growth plan that fits within this budget. It's important to discuss the budget early on and understand if there will be any related costs, such as creating landing pages, designing assets, or hiring third-party services.

When Would They Like You To Start?

Understanding your potential client's intentions will help you plan your time, resources, and priorities more efficiently.

  • Is this going to be a long-term commitment that will be worth returning a bigger investment?
  • Is it going to be a one-time task that won't require as much time and effort on your side?

Step 2: Tailor To The Specific Needs Of Your Potential Client

This is where your creativity gets a chance to shine! It's all about showing them what you are capable of while addressing their preferences.

Now, when it comes to tailoring your pitch deck, both the visual and written aspects should be customized to appeal directly to your prospect. Think about using a tone of voice that aligns with your client's style.

  • If they are more formal and corporate, keep it clean and professional.
  • If they are in the fun-and-leisure industry, let your deck be easy-going, colorful, and friendly.

By matching their communication style, you will make an instant connection.

Tailoring also means suggesting the most suitable advertising mediums and channels for their business. You want to show them that you have done your research and understand their target audience.

And, of course, budget optimization is key. When you provide a tailored forecast of costs and expected results, you set clear expectations from the start.

Remember, you don't need to give exact numbers, but presenting expenses within a reasonable price range adds credibility and professionalism.

Step 3: Introduce Your Agency & Your Team

Human factors often play a decisive role in doing business, especially when you are competing with other agencies offering similar services. So, one of the main reasons for telling your agency's story and introducing your team is to make your potential client simply like you! It's all about building that connection and rapport.

Introduce Your Agency's Story

Let your potential client get a glimpse into the heart and soul of your agency.

  • How did it all start?
  • What inspired you to do what you are doing?
  • Share how long you have been in the business and what keeps you motivated.
  • Talk about your mission and what sets your agency apart from the rest in your niche.

Introduce Your Team Members

Depending on what you think will resonate best with your prospect, you can either introduce each team member individually, highlighting their expertise and sharing some fun facts to make it more engaging.

You can also present your team as a whole, showcasing your working culture and the spirit in your office, and maybe even introduce your beloved office pet. It's all about showing your potential client what makes your team special.

Introduce Your Team Members

Step 4: Present Your Strategies & Solutions

When going through your pitch deck, your potential client wants to see the real meat of your proposal. They want to see your strategies and approaches, the numbers, and a clear understanding of their needs. That's why it's important to show that you know your stuff and have a solid plan in place. This is where you demonstrate your expertise and competence.

Present Your Strategies & Solutions

Key Elements To Include

  • Describe the specific services that your agency will deliver.
  • Explain your approach and why it will work.
  • Outline the expected results related to the estimated costs.
  • Present a schedule on how often you will provide reports on outcomes and costs.

Establish a clear communication plan to keep your client informed and involved throughout the process.

Key Elements To Include

Image Source: Beautiful.ai

Be Specific & Credible

When presenting your strategies and solutions, be as specific and straight to the point as possible. Your potential client wants to see real work and a well-prepared plan tailored to their needs.

  • Provide detailed cost breakdowns to convey transparency.
  • Show them expected results and estimated ROI.
  • Use actual numbers to build credibility and trust.

Make your client feel confident that their business is in good hands when they choose you.

Highlight Your Unique Selling Point

Ask yourself what makes your proposition better than the competitors.

  • What sets you apart?
  • What is the unique selling point that you will highlight?

Ensure to emphasize the key factors that make your agency stand out from the rest. This is your chance to make a compelling case for why your potential client should choose you over the competition.

Highlight Your Unique Selling Point

Step 5. Provide Proof Of Work Results

It's one thing to talk about the results and ROI you can achieve, but it's another to back it up with actual proof. Your potential clients want to see real examples of your ability to deliver successful outcomes. This is where you can showcase your past accomplishments and demonstrate your expertise.

Present Relevant Case Studies

Now is the perfect time to share case studies of your previous work. Choose case studies that are the closest in nature to what you are presenting to your potential client. Focus on projects that are relevant to their industry or address similar challenges that they are currently facing.

Benefits Of Case Studies

Presenting real case studies has multiple benefits. Firstly, it provides tangible evidence of your skills and capabilities. Your potential clients can see that you have successfully implemented strategies and achieved results for other clients. This builds trust and confidence in your ability to handle their accounts.

Establishing Trust & Reliability

By sharing case studies that can be independently researched and verified, you demonstrate that you can be trusted with sensitive information and access to their accounts. This shows your potential clients that your proposition is backed by real skills and proven experience.

Step 6: Make Your Pitch Visually Appealing

In a world where attention spans are short, a visually appealing pitch deck can make all the difference. It helps create a positive first impression and positions you as a reliable and professional partner. Visual elements such as images, charts, and illustrations make your content more engaging and easier to understand.

Optimize Slide Length & Text

While it's important to present all the necessary information, it's equally important to keep your presentation concise and focused. Aim for a pitch deck size of around 10-15 slides, providing key information without overwhelming your potential clients with unnecessary details. Keep the text on each slide short and to the point for your prospects to easily grasp the essential aspects of your proposition.

Optimize Slide Length & Text

Tailor Design To Your Audience

The design style of your pitch deck should align with your audience's preferences and brand identity. Use color palettes and visual elements that harmonize with your prospect's brand tone and culture. This customization creates a sense of familiarity and increases the chances of them connecting with your proposition.

Step 7: End With A Call To Action

The closing slide of your pitch deck should feel like an open invitation for your prospects to contact you. Make yourself easily approachable and provide multiple contact details, such as phone, email, website, and social media profiles. And don't forget to make them clickable for convenience.

End With A Call To Action

Move Beyond "Thank You"

While expressing gratitude for your prospect's time is important, a simple "Thank you" at the end of your pitch deck might feel a bit abrupt. Instead, use this moment to start a conversation and initiate a potential partnership. Ask a question that prompts them to take action, such as "Are you ready to discuss the plan for your success in detail?" or "We'd love to hear your thoughts on this offer. Drop us a line with any questions that come to mind."

To Summarize

Creating a social media pitch deck is more than just putting together a presentation. It can attract real clients and boost your profits. Taking the time to personalize your pitch deck with the right information and visual content tailored to each prospect. Remember, if you have the skills to help others achieve their goals but struggle to sell yourself effectively, your success in the business may be limited.

Keep refining your approach and striving for improvement, and you'll be well on your way to creating an outstanding pitch deck.

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Rushali Das

Rushali is a B2B SaaS content writer who specializes in writing research-driven blog posts around marketing for B2B SaaS brands.

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