How To Create A Poll On Facebook In 2024

Aug 4, 2023 12 min read

Surveys conducted across various social media platforms have proven very successful in gaining user engagement while also indicating people's opinions on a specific topic. Facebook is especially one of the major platforms for major brands to collect views and preferences regarding their product and services.

If anyone wants to collect opinions of their followers and audience on Facebook to make some decisions, surveying will be of great help. You can conduct these surveys either manually by asking questions or using a feature like Facebook poll, as it can be both engaging and fruitful.

It's no wonder that Facebook polls help engage your audience, gauge their interest preferences, and generate feedback. Here in this article, we will show you how to create a poll on Facebook to grow your business and reach potential customers. Let's start.

You can directly jump to a section of your choice or keep scrolling.

What Are Facebook Polls?

A Facebook poll allows users to ask questions to their audience with a predefined set of answers. Results of the poll are instantly generated. Conducting a poll can provide you with a general sense of what your audience prefers.

Facebook polls are one of the most widely used features of the social platform. It enables users to ask questions to their audience and conduct a personal survey.

The topic or subject of a Facebook poll can be anything as long as it does not violate Facebook's guidelines. In fact, users participating in the poll can add their own options as well.

What Are Facebook Polls

Image Source: Anker

Can You Still Create A Poll On Facebook?

Facebook launched the poll feature back in 2017, and since then, they have been the pioneers of polls on social media. While a number of Facebook features come and go, the Facebook poll is one such feature that has been around for years now with some modifications.

Earlier, Facebook poll was allowed to be created on your newsfeed and timeline, which is no longer an option. Facebook has realized that the poll option is more useful for brands and groups than personal profiles.

Facebook introduced some personal profile features to ask questions but later obsoleted them. This simply means there is no formal way to conduct a Facebook poll for a personal profile. But there are ways to do it informally. For example, you may ask questions to your followers and friends in a normal Facebook post and ask them to drop their answers in the comments section. But the comment section is prone to spam and trolling in such cases. Or you could even track the reactions to your post.

Can You Still Create A Poll On Facebook

Image Source: Facebook

Can I Boost A Facebook Poll?

Yes, you can boost a Facebook poll in a similar way as you would boost a normal Facebook post. All you need to do is create & post your poll, go to your poll's settings, & find the option to boost it.

How To See The Results Of A Facebook Poll?

Anyone who clicks on the poll after the poll has ended will see the results & will no longer be able to cast a vote. The page admin will be able to see who voted for each option by clicking on the number of votes.

You even have the option of setting the results of your Facebook poll to be published after voting ends. You can also schedule results to be published at a time of your choice. In this manner, participants & nonparticipants of the poll will be able to see how the voting has turned out.

How To See The Results Of A Facebook Poll

Image Source: Facebook

Benefits Of Facebook Polls

Creating a Facebook poll can be very useful to know the opinion of other people on any specific issue or event. Polls can be used for multiple purposes. Different people can use this feature for different purposes. One can create a poll on Facebook for their personal growth as well by considering the answers for future content creation.

Different people have their own visions and opinions, and a poll helps in knowing the majority preferences. Here are some other benefits of creating a Facebook poll:

1. Enhanced Engagement

Just like Google, Facebook also has its own algorithm impacting the visibility of your posts. Often, the reach of a post is limited due to the nature of your content or even your audience's disinterest in that particular topic or subject. You can even use Facebook polls to test out such topics and subjects and increase your brand engagement with your audience.

2. Know Your Follower's Opinions

Before multichannel marketing, SEO, SMO, and other such digital marketing strategies, brands relied on polls and audience groups as their primary resource to gather consumer data. And it is still relevant to this day since polls allow brands to obtain valuable data relevant to their brand. You can conduct Facebook polls to know what your users like, how they feel about your brand and its products, and even make suggestions or improvements.

Benefits Of Facebook Polls

Image Source: Social Media Examiner

3. Attracts Attention

Images, videos, and memes are shared by almost everyone on social media. They are easy to catch attention while scrolling and gain a glance for a few seconds. You can break this monotonous routine & capture your follower's attention by creating a Facebook poll in which the viewer also has their own participation rather than simply scrolling through a post

4. Increases The Reach Of Your Posts

Usually, Facebook polls engage more people. Posts with polls gather more engagement than any other kind of post. This is true, not just for Facebook but for other social platforms as well. The Facebook algorithm favors posts with polls & allows you to reach more people.

Benefits Of Facebook Polls

Image Source: Facebook

How To Create A Poll On Facebook?

Facebook no longer allows users to create polls on their newsfeed or timeline. However, polls can still be created on a Facebook Group, a story, an event page, or Messenger. Let's see how we can create them.

How To Create A Poll On Facebook Groups From Desktop?

Whether you want to compare some products or gather opinions on specific topics, you can easily accomplish this using a Facebook poll. Polls on groups are usually more effective as groups consist of targeted audiences. Here's how to create a poll on Facebook Groups from desktop:

Step 1: Go to the Group you would want to create a poll in
Step 2: Click on 'Write Something' & add your poll question
Step 3: Click on 'Add to your post' & select 'Poll'
Step 4: Add your poll options
Step 5: Click on 'Post'

How To Create A Poll On Facebook Groups From Desktop

You can edit the Facebook poll options after the poll is posted in the Group and before any member starts voting. To edit any option, click on the three dots against the options & select 'Edit.' Remember that only the group members & admins can participate in a poll on a Facebook Group.

How To Create A Poll On Facebook Groups On Mobile?

Step 1: Open the Facebook app on your mobile device
Step 2: Tap on the hamburger icon at the bottom & click on 'Your groups'
Step 3: Select the Group you want to create a poll in
Step 4: Tap on 'Write Something' & add your poll question
Step 5: Tap on 'Add to your post' & select 'Poll'
Step 6: Add your poll options
Step 7: Tap on 'Post'

If you want your Facebook mobile app to run faster, use less data, and have a better display and graphics, try using Facebook Touch

How To Turn On The Poll Option In Your Facebook Group?

Sometimes the option to create a poll on a Facebook Group is turned off because of which the group members and even the admin of the group cannot conduct a Facebook poll. However, if you are an admin of the group in which this particular option is turned off, you can turn it on using the below steps:

Step 1: Open your Group on desktop
Step 2: Go to Group Settings from the left side menu
Step 3: Click on the pin icon against 'Post formats' under 'Manage discussion'
Step 4: Toggle the button in front of the 'Poll' if you want to allow creating Facebook polls in your Group

How To Turn On The Poll Option In Your Facebook Group

How To Create A Poll On Facebook Messenger?

Facebook added the feature to create polls in Messenger in 2017. This feature is not available in Japan & some countries in Europe. Also, you can create a Facebook poll only in a group chat. This means that you can't create polls in a private chat.

You can also create a poll in a group chat that you are part of. Or else, you need to create a group chat in order to create a Facebook poll in Messenger.

Here are the steps to create a group chat:

Step 1: Open the Facebook Messenger app on your mobile
Step 2: Tap on the edit button from the top right corner
Step 3: Tap on "Create a new group."
Step 4: (Optional) Add the name to your Group in the "Group name" field
Step 5: Search for the users you want to add to your group chat & tap on them to add them to the chat
Step 6: Once done, tap on "Create" from the top right corner

How To Create A Poll On Facebook Messenger

Image Source: Lifewire

Now that you have just created a group chat, you will be able to create polls in this chat & members of this group can cast their votes. In fact, the members of this chat will also be able to create a Facebook poll, and you can cast your vote in their poll.

Here's how to create a poll on Facebook Messenger:

Step 1: Open the Facebook Messenger app on your mobile
Step 2: If you are already in the group chat where you want to create a poll, open it or create a group chat
Step 3: Tap on the "+" icon from the bottom left corner
Step 4: Tap on the poll icon
Step 5: Add the question in the "Questions" field & provide options in the "Options" field
Step 6: Tap on "Create Poll"

How To Create A Poll On Facebook Messenger

Image Source: Facebook

Members of the group chat can cast their vote in a Facebook poll created in the chat by tapping on "Vote" and selecting the option of their choice. After that, they need to tap on "Submit" to submit their response.

How To Create A Poll On The Facebook Event Page?

Step 1: Open Facebook on the desktop & click on "Events" from the left menu
Step 2: Select the event you want to create a poll in
Step 3: Click on "Discussion" tab & select "Add a Post"
Step 4: Click on the poll icon
Step 5: Add your question & options. To add more options, click on "+Add Option"
Step 6: Once done, click on "Post"

How To Create A Facebook Video Poll?

Facebook polls in video lets you ask questions to your audience at any time during the video. Facebook video polls have a high chance of getting engagement as video on Facebook already has a high engagement rate.

To create a video poll, you also need to know where in your video the poll will appear. The link to the poll will appear at the top right corner of the video, promoting your viewers to participate in the poll.

To create a Facebook video poll, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Open Creator Studio
Step 2: Select the video you want to add a poll to & click on "Edit post"
Step 3: Scroll down to Polls & click 'Create Poll'
Step 4: Type your question & add options. You can add up to six response options
Step 5: Drag the green bar at the bottom to cover each specific section to set the points in your video when questions appear
Step 6: Click 'Save Poll'

How To Create A Facebook Video Poll

Image Source: Lights, Camera, Live

How To Create A Poll On Facebook Stories?

Facebook's Android or iOS app allows you to add a poll to a Facebook story. Facebook's desktop version does not offer the option to make a poll in your stories. You can create a Facebook poll on stories with a picture or video in the background or even without an image in the background.

Follow these steps to know how to create a poll on Facebook stories with a picture or video in the background from a mobile device:

Step 1: Go to your Facebook page & click on "Create Story"
Step 2: Add a photo or video
Step 3: Tap the stickers icon
Step 4: Tap Poll
Step 5: Type your question
Step 6: Tap on Yes & No to add your options.
Step 7: Tap Done from the top right corner
Step 8: Tap Share from the bottom right corner

How To Create A Poll On Facebook Stories

If you want to create a Facebook poll in your story without an image in the background, then perform step 1 and swipe left at the top of your screen. Here you will get options like "Text" and "Music." Select the last option from there, which is "Poll."

After you have posted your story, people can vote on your Facebook poll by tapping on one of the options. As soon as they tap on any option, they can see the percentage of people who have voted for both options. View your story and swipe up if you want to know who voted in your poll. You will get to know how many votes each option has received and who voted for which option.

Polling With A Purpose: Ideas For Effective Facebook Poll

Learnt how to create a poll on Facebook but don't know where and how to use them? Here are some effective ideas on using Facebook polls for better branding and to boost awareness.

Create Hype Around Announcements

Announcements are one of the perfect times to foster engagement for brands through polling and to boost awareness. Through Facebook polls, you can invite your audience to be a part of the occasion & get to know their point of view on your products.

Tap Into People's Curiosity

You can ask a trivia question relating to your brand through Facebook polls to get people to test their knowledge. To add to the context, use videos with a countdown revealing the correct answer at the end. This will increase the time spent looking at your video. Or use a CTA to get people to your website to see the answer.

Ideas For Effective Facebook Poll

Image Source: Social Media Examiner

Have Fun With Your Brand

Sometimes the best Facebook poll is one with just two answers. Such polls can work together to drive a brand message. When using such an approach, ramping up the hyperbole can help you get noticed & become memorable.

Take The Pulse Of Your Audience

You should plan more formal research for big business decisions than a simple Facebook poll. That's because polls are an easy way to get some quick insights into your audience. So you should focus on getting quick insights through polls rather than deriving big business decisions.

Ideas For Effective Facebook Poll

Image Source: Social Media Examiner

The Results Are In

Creating Facebook polls allows brands, individuals, or influencers, to know about the interests of their audience and their opinions & adjust their strategy accordingly. Polls are really convenient in different situations, especially for brands and marketers.

When it comes to conducting polls on Facebook, the most important factor is to ensure your questions align with your brand & overall business goals. Take out the time to think about the answers your audience wants to see.

Using a poll is much better than personally asking people to attend a seminar or an event. Brands and influencers can be more effective in their marketing strategy by analyzing the results of Facebook polls.

Have fun, get creative with Facebook polls & let us know if you have questions!

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Rushali Das

Rushali is a B2B SaaS content writer who specializes in writing research-driven blog posts around marketing for B2B SaaS brands.

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