The Best Time To Post On Facebook In 2024

Aug 15, 2023 16 min read

While figuring out the kind of content to share is difficult sometimes, it is even more challenging to determine the best time to post on Facebook.

In the universe of social media marketing, timing is everything. When it comes to Facebook posting, it turns out that the "when" is just as important as the "why,"

As the third most-visited platform on the planet earth and with more than 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the foundation of any social marketing strategy and one of the top reasons for the success of several leading brands.

And yet, successful marketing on Facebook still remains a mystery for many. Reaching a specific target audience from a bunch of Facebook users is often quite tricky.

That's why we have put together a go-to guide that breaks down into crumbs of what exactly you need to know the best time to post on Facebook & to time your Facebook posts for the best possible results.

Use this table of content to jump to the section of your choice.

All times are expressed in terms of the Central Time Zone (CST)

Global Best Time To Post On Facebook In 2024

If daily posting on Facebook is your brand's goal, some general windows to consider scheduling your content are given here.

Global Best Time to Post on Facebook

Best Time To Post On Facebook On Sunday

The peak posting hours on Sunday are 9 A.M. and 10 A.M. However, the engagement gradually diminishes after that, remaining particularly low from 2 P.M. onwards and picking up again the following day.

Best Time To Post On Facebook On Monday

At the start of Monday, Facebook activity begins to rise around 2 A.M. The prime window for posting on Facebook during Monday is from 9 A.M. to 11 A.M. It's recommended to avoid posting between 9 P.M. and 1 A.M. due to decreased activity levels.

Best Time To Post On Facebook On Tuesday

Similar to Monday, Tuesday's peak posting time extends from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M., showing consistency in engagement patterns.

Best Time To Post On Facebook On Wednesday

For Wednesday, the ideal posting window spans from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M., aligning with high audience activity during this period.

Best Time To Post On Facebook On Thursday

Thursday is notably a favorable day for Facebook posts, particularly around 11 A.M., when audience engagement is at its peak. Reasonable engagement can also be expected between 8 A.M. and 4 P.M.

Best Time To Post On Facebook On Friday

Friday's activity mirrors that of Tuesday and Wednesday, with optimal posting times falling between 9 A.M. and 1 P.M. However, it's advisable to avoid posting anything between 10 P.M. and 1 A.M.

Best Time To Post On Facebook On Saturday

The best times for posting on Saturday are between 8 A.M. and 10 A.M., even though the audience activity remains moderate. Engaging with the target audience during these hours might yield modest results. As a result, it's suggested to refrain from scheduling important product launches or updates on Saturdays.


Day Of The Week Best Time To Post On Facebook
Monday 9 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Tuesday 9 A.M. to 2 P.M.
Wednesday 9 A.M. to 2 P.M.
Thursday 11 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Friday 9 A.M. to 2 P.M.
Saturday 8 A.M. to 11 A.M.
Sunday 9 A.M. to 11 A.M.
  • Worst time to post on Facebook: 8 PM to 8 AM
  • Worst day to post on Facebook: Saturday

Best Time To Post On Facebook With Reference To Industry

The best time to post on Facebook can be further defined by the industry or sector you operate in. Numerous studies have delved into the peak times to post on Facebook according to industry to find recommendations that suit your business. Whether you are into retail, healthcare, education, or any other industry, research-backed information tailored to your target audience is given below.

Best Day And Time To Post On Facebook For B2C Brands

The best time to post on Facebook for B2C brands is in the morning when people are scrolling their feeds just after waking up, during their lunch breaks and commutes, and then again once in the evening when they are relaxing at home after work.

  • Best time of day to post on Facebook for B2C brands: 9 AM to 10 AM, 12 PM to 1 PM, 4 PM to 5 PM
  • Best day to post on Facebook for B2C brands: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Best Day And Time To Post On Facebook For B2B Brands

The best time to post on Facebook to catch people's attention from the B2B space is when they need a brain break in the afternoon. For the purpose of engagement, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9 AM to 4 PM is best, with a peak achieved between 3 PM to 4 PM.

  • Best time to post on Facebook for B2B brands: 3 PM to 4 PM
  • Best day to post on Facebook for B2B brands: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Best Day And Time To Post On Facebook For Media Brands

The Facebook feed has turned into a prominent outlet for the media brand. The ideal time to catch people's eyes for news is obviously early in the morning when they wake up and look out for what happened yesterday.

The best time to post on Facebook for media brands is early in the mornings and mid to late evenings, with Friday and Tuesday being the best days to post. Additionally, several media companies also upload their Facebook content around 6 PM as it's the time when people commute back home and are more likely to check their social feeds.

  • Best time to post on Facebook for media brands: 7 AM, 6 AM to 9 AM
  • Best day to post on Facebook for media brands: Tuesday, Friday

Best Day And Time To Post On Facebook For Healthcare Brands

2020 has proven how crucial it is for healthcare brands to be present online and provide helpful info on remaining fit and healthy. Since the pandemic has kicked off, people have expressed their interest in fresh healthcare updates, and the easiest & quickest way to reach them is through social media.

  • Best time to post on Facebook for healthcare brands: 11 AM
  • Best day to post on Facebook for healthcare brands: Monday, Friday

Best Day And Time To Post On Facebook For Education Brands

The education industry is one of the few sectors that shows similar engagement throughout the week. Both Students and faculty remain active throughout the day. However, the best time to post on Facebook to target this sector is early in the morning and during operating hours.

  • Best time to post on Facebook for education brands: 10 AM
  • Best day to post on Facebook for education brands: Wednesday, Thursday

Best Day And Time To Post On Facebook For IT Brands

IT brands mainly belong to the B2B industry, which largely benefits from social media and Facebook, in particular. Social media helps IT companies inform consumers about their upcoming products, and that's why they need to know when to schedule a post.

Building a social presence is necessary for IT brands as 86% of consumers browse Facebook to make informed decisions before making a purchase. The weekdays work well for brands to post in technology.

  • Best time to post on Facebook for IT brands: 3 PM to 4 PM
  • Best day to post on Facebook for IT brands: Thursday

Best Day And Time To Post On Facebook For Nonprofits

Facebook has been a hot favorite platform for nonprofit organizations looking to spread awareness and find volunteers for contributing to social work. The perfect combination for building engagement for such a sector is weekdays and afternoons.

  • Best time to post on Facebook for nonprofits: 10 AM to 5 PM
  • Best day to post on Facebook for nonprofits: Wednesday, Thursday

Best Day And Time To Post On Facebook For Finance

Facebook and LinkedIn are the best social media platforms to advertise for the finance industry. With Facebook's diverse audience base, it's easy to reach and keep in touch with a variety of customers from across the world. Similar to the health sector, finance keeps in line with working hours - however, mornings prove to be better than afternoons if you really want to get good engagements.

  • Best time to post on Facebook for finance: 10 AM to 12 PM
  • Best day to post on Facebook for finance: Wednesday, Friday

Best Day And Time To Post On Facebook For Travel

Not everyone has the desire or means to travel, but that doesn't mean they won't interact with travel content on social media. According to studies, the most engagement within this niche occurs in the morning hours during mid-week.

  • Best time to post on Facebook for Travel: 8 AM to 9 AM
  • Best day to post on Facebook for Travel: Tuesday, Wednesday

Best Day And Time To Post On Facebook For Restaurants

Facebook followers obviously love seeing pictures of delicious meals. Most professionals take a lunch break during the middle of their day, so engagement will likely spike during this period. If you are in the food & beverage domain, keep an eye on your audience's break and free time to locate the best time to post on Facebook.

  • Best time to post on Facebook for restaurants:1 PM to 2 PM
  • Best day to post on Facebook for restaurants: Friday

Best Day And Time To Post On Facebook For Retail

Posting on Facebook is incredibly crucial for those working in the retail industry as people have started using Facebook as a shopping outlet now more than ever. If you are looking to reach an audience interested in retail shopping, you will want to pay attention to the daylight hours.

  • Best day to post on Facebook for retail: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
  • Best time to post on Facebook for retail: 9 AM to 5 PM

Best Time To Post Facebook Ads

Your organic posts will only appear in the news feeds of people who already "like" and follow your page. It won't appear on those people's feed who haven't "liked" your page unless they go searching for it.

But Facebook Ads are different since they have the potential to be seen by everyone, regardless of whether those people have "liked" your page or not.

To figure out when to run your ads, you firstly need to have a deep understanding of your business, its industry, and your customer.

You can crack into the data available in your Facebook Ads Manager to know the best time to post on Facebook & examine the effect that each day brings on your ad results.

From your Ads Manager dashboard, select "Day" from the list of Breakdown dropdown.

Best Time To Post On Facebook

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Using this filter, you can analyze your data to see if you have any spikes in results corresponding to leads, purchases, conversion rate, click-through rate (CTR), etc., that correspond to a particular day to find out best time to post Facebook Ads.

Best Time To Post On Facebook For Maximum Exposure

  • Best day to post on Facebook for maximum exposure: Thursday, Friday
  • Best time to post on Facebook for maximum exposure: 1 PM, 3 PM, 9 AM

A peak in Facebook users' activity is noticeable on Thursdays and Fridays. The overall engagement rate is 18% higher on Thursdays and Fridays compared to other weekdays.

Since people are generally in a light mood on Friday, experts advise publishing lively content optimally to suit the audience's mood. If you have relevant content to share every day of the week, the best time to post on Facebook is between 1 PM to 3 PM during the week and on Saturdays.

Best Time To Post On Facebook For Likes

  • Best time to post on Facebook for likes: 9 AM to 3 PM
  • Best day to post on Facebook for likes: Wednesday

The most consistent engagement on Facebook is observed on weekdays from 9 AM to 3 PM.

Wednesday offers the best opportunity to gain likes on Facebook. According to a study, Facebook traffic steadily increases from the start of the week leading up to a spike in the middle and then dwindles off again as it heads into the weekend.

If you are concerned about engagement on your Facebook page, you should equally focus on what to post apart from knowing the best time to post on Facebook. People won't react to your content if it isn't relevant to them.

Best Time To Post A Video On Facebook

  • Best day to post a video on Facebook: Saturday and Sunday
  • Best time to post a video on Facebook: 9 AM and 11 AM, 12 PM and 1 PM

As a matter of fact, Facebook video posts published during the weekend from Thursday to Sunday accumulate higher engagement, with Saturday and Sunday showing a 32% improvement.

The best time to post a video on Facebook is between 12 PM and 1 PM when people are mostly on a break and likely to interact with their devices.

The second-best time to post a video on Facebook is early in the morning, between 9 AM and 11 AM.

Whichever time you choose out of the two, you should definitely avoid posting videos immediately after lunch break between 2 PM & 3 PM, as well as late in the evenings after 10 PM as there are fewer users online.

Facebook video posts are likely to have a higher click-through rate early in the morning or in the early afternoon.

Best Time To Post Reels On Facebook

Day Time
Mondays 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M.
Wednesdays 3:00 P.M.
Fridays 11:00 A.M.
Saturdays 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M.
Sundays 7:00 P.M.

Consider your target audience when choosing the best time to post Reels on Facebook. For example,

  1. If your target audience is young adults, post Facebook Reels later in the day when they are more likely to be online.

  2. If your target audience is working professionals, post Reels earlier in the day when they are more likely to have time to watch them.

How To Find Your Best Time To Post A Video On Facebook?

In Facebook Insights, the third data set records engagement and reach figures for every post and video you share on your Facebook Page. Go through this data to identify the key times when your video post has performed well in the past. Keep these time notations in mind before posting your next video.

Best Time To Post On Facebook

Image Source: Facebook

Best Time To Go Live On Facebook

Launch your live sessions on Facebook during your peak times.

While checking your analytics on Facebook will better determine the best time to go live on Facebook, several studies show that the best time to go live on Facebook is between 1 PM and 3 PM. Weekdays are ideal for weekends to go on Facebook Live because people tend to check their social media applications during a work break.

Find Your Best Time To Post On Facebook

What makes your brand different from the rest on Facebook is your target audience. It might be similar to that of your competitors, but, essentially, it's unique to you. Here are the three methods you can use to work out your best time to post on Facebook.

Method #1: Use Facebook's Insight

Facebook's Insight tool is a savvy and smart companion for helping to understand the best time to post on Facebook.

Not only does it help you work out who your audience is and where they are located, but it will also help you formulate the types of content they like to see on your page. Most importantly, it tells you when they remain online to figure out your best time to post on Facebook.

Open your Facebook business page. To start an investigation into your best time to post on Facebook, select "Posts" from the "Page insights" menu on the left side. A graph will open up showing when your followers are online.

Best Time To Post On Facebook

On the far left side of the screen, you will see a list of all the Page Insight sections available to look at. The middle of the dashboard shows the graphs related to these sections. The Overview section gives a good general idea of what is happening on your page within the last 28 days.

Best Time To Post On Facebook

Image Source:

Facebook Insights activity is reported in the Pacific Time Zone, so you might have to use a time converter to transform this data into your time zone.

Find When Your Fans Are Online

Select "When Your Fans Are Online" from the "Post" tab in "Page insights" menu. Scroll over the graph for detailed information

You will get to know when your audience is online by scrolling over the charts. The highest peak of the chart indicates your brand's most-promising time to post on Facebook.

Best Time To Post On Facebook

Image Source:

Selecting any day of the week shows the variations in daily schedules.

Admins can see a week-long view of the average number of fans who saw any post on Facebook, hour by hour, based on your system's local time.

Under the 'Days' section, you can see the average number of fans per hour each day of the week.

Now that you know the day and time when your followers are most online and likely to engage on your page, let's look at what content they are most interested in. Within the "Page Insights" section, click "Posts" and scroll down to "All Posts Published."

Best Time To Post On Facebook

Image Source: Constant Contact

Find The Best Post Types

Best Time To Post On Facebook

Image Source: WordStream

This section tells which types of posts return the highest engagement rates, be it photos, videos, statuses, or links. Here you can sort post clicks, reactions, comments, and shares to see the total engagements for each post type, such as link, status, photo, and video. The tabulated reach and types of engagement are averaged out for a clearer picture.

The Published column will indicate what day and time your most engaged posts were published on your Facebook Page. Focus on noticing the trend indicating the days and times for you to post on your Facebook page.

Find Posting Times Of Top 5 Posts

This Facebook feature allows you to see your five most recent posts and their performance in terms of engagement. Facebook will show this data as a grid with the dates and time the post was published, what the post was, and the type of post. This helps to analyze the top-performing post, their performance, and date and time of publishing.

Best Time To Post On Facebook

Image Source:

Facebook retired its standalone Analytics section as of July 1, 2021, in an effort to consolidate business tools. You can access the new one by clicking on "See All Insights," which will automatically be visible at the top of your "Insights" page.

Best Time To Post On Facebook

The "Overview" section displays statistics on your audiences. You can view the number of likes on your Facebook page in the last 28 days, divided by gender and age.

Best Time To Post On Facebook

Image Source: PromoNavigator

Go to "Audiences" to see the target audience report. The tool provides demographic characteristics categorized as age, gender, top cities, and top countries for both your current and potential audience. From the report data, you can compose a portrait of your audience on Facebook.

Best Time To Post On Facebook

Method #2: Keep A Close Eye On Your Competitors

Always keep your competitors in mind in any marketing move. Track progress and note when your direct competitors get high engagements on their posts. There are high chances that these times would work well for your engagements as well.

Sometimes, the best inspiration for your social content can come from your competitors. Hence keep a close watch on what your competitors are sharing online. Slice and dice them while performing content and include some elements in your social strategy.

Method #3: Experiment With Your Posting Times & Measure Progress

This requires some experimentation around your posting schedule. Post at specific times of the day for a couple of days and notice the pattern engagement. There cannot be a control group in this experimentation, so you will have to adjust and adapt to the posting schedule according to what you observe.

Next, notice the engagement a couple of hours after posting. The post that receives the highest engagement within a few hours of publishing will be pushed further in more users' feeds by the Facebook algorithm. Your best time to post on Facebook will be around those hours of the day, which receives maximum engagements.

Best Time To Post On Facebook

Image Source: Two Turtle Doves

Method #4: Use An Analytics Tool

While analyzing your best time to post on Facebook is by far the most accurate method, it requires tons of manual effort. Chances of human error are also high, and hence, you need an accurate system.

An analytics tool that not just extracts your using an analytics tool but also schedules your post at the perfect time is Statusbrew. Its simple and intuitive interface prepares a heat map based on your requirement, such as best to post for likes, engagements, etc. You can hover your cursor over the heat map to find the time and amount of engagement captured in that hour.

Best Time To Post Heat Map

And this is just one of many templates that Statusbrew's reporting template provides. You can even get a complete breakdown of your audience based on demographics, gender, age, and more. All you need to do is connect your social profiles and get started.

Best Time To Post On Facebook

And, It's A Wrap!

A roadmap to channelize your best time to post on Facebook would be:

  • Identify your target audience
  • Take your and their time zones into consideration
  • Utilize the statistical information to get a head start
  • Make use of analytics to find when your audience is active
  • Experiment in and around the analytics and statistics data
  • Check competitors to get a more precise idea of how they achieve their goals
  • Schedule posts ahead of time to post at the perfect time

Firstly you will post according to your follower's schedules. And finally, you will make your followers FOLLOW your ideal time training them to check their Facebook feed for your post around a specific time of the day. This can only happen if you resonate well with your audience and consistently push out the super high-quality content at the same time for long periods.

Looking for a social analytics tool to know best time to post on Facebook & track the performance of your marketing campaign? Try Statusbrew. With several ready-to-use reporting templates and total flexibility to customize these reports, Statusbrew will help you determine whether your social initiatives have led to positive results and where adjustments are needed to strengthen your marketing campaigns.

Try Statusbrew

Statusbrew is an all-in-one social media management tool that supports Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, and even Google My Business.


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  3. HubSpot

Rushali Das

Rushali is a B2B SaaS content writer who specializes in writing research-driven blog posts around marketing for B2B SaaS brands.

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