Introduction To Reports

Information on generating reports from scratch, understanding widgets, reporting metrics, and more

What Is A Widget

In this latest release, Widgets will act as your magic wand & will enable you to create the type of business reports you always wanted.

Must read: Understanding Reports

What Is A Widget?

Widgets are simple & easy to create elements that can be used to combine any metric (data), display method (line chart, heatmap, pie chart, etc), (social profiles, date, actor), or filters.

Here are some of the characteristics of the reporting widgets in Statusbrew:

  • Widgets display configurable information and support layers of dimensions such as social profile, sentiment, language & more

  • Widgets now work in a cross-network way which means you can have different data from Twitter & Instagram or other social networks in the same widget

  • Widgets now offer 11 visualization or display methods depending on the metric selected

  • All widgets can be resized, reordered & repositioned by dragging & dropping

  • Widgets aggregate data both as totals and averages depending on the metric

  • You can export even a single widget as a CSV

Creating A Widget

You can add a widget to a reporting template or to a blank report. To create your first widget:

Creating a widget in Statusbrew-s Reports Lab
  • Head over to Statusbrew reports and click on the "Try Reports Lab" banner

  • Either proceed to create a new report or select a pre-existing template from the left side pane

  • Select a date range & Click on the widget icon in the top right corner

  • Start by giving it a name & selecting a visualization method

  • Now let's select the metric(data). You can search for metrics in the search bar and display multiple metrics in a single widget

  • Your widget starts building up and a preview is displayed on the right side. All the changes you make are displayed in real-time

  • Depending on the metric type you'll see the option to get the "AVG" or "SUM" values.

  • Now proceed to add a dimension to your widget. Dimensions help break down data on the basis of social profiles, date & more depending on the metric

  • If you wish to filter out the data for a particular social profile, network or agent, you can do so via the filters dropdown

  • If everything looks good, click on save

Widgets Visualization

Widgets now offer 11 visualization or display methods depending on the metrics. Depending on the metric you can choose a visualization method that suits it the best. For instance, if you wish to see the countries of your followers on Instagram, you can choose the "Map chart". Similarly, if you wish to understand the sentiment of your comments on Facebook you can choose the "Pie chart".

Widgets Visualization in Statusbrew-s Report Lab

Here are all the visualization methods available.

  • Area chart

  • Bar chart

  • Column chart

  • Heatmap chart

  • Line chart

  • List chart

  • Number chart

  • Pie chart

  • Map chart

  • Treemap chart

  • Wordcloud chart

Widget Dimensions

Widget Dimensions add a layer on top of the available metrics. They help you break down data for different parameters such as social profile, date, actor, conversation type, etc.

Here's a list of all the widget dimensions available (they vary based on the metric you've selected).

  • Social profile

  • Date (day of week, hour of day, month of year, histogram)

  • Tag

  • Actor (all team members)

  • Conversation type

  • Sentiment

  • Comment type

  • Rating

  • Rating with comment

  • Language

  • Locale

  • City

  • Country

  • Gender

  • Age

  • Facebook Story

For instance, you can select the metric 'Conversation Total Closed' and then choose the dimension as "Social Profile".

Widget Dimensions in Statusbrew-s Reports Lab

This will give you all the conversations closed w.r.t different social profiles over the selected time period. You can add another dimension such as 'Actor" to the same widget. This will give you all the conversations closed by different members of your team w.r.t different social profiles over the selected time period.

Dimensions are metric specific and the number/type of dimensions you might see will vary according to the metric you've selected.

Widget Filters

Widget filters help you further drill down on data. You can filter down your metrics for your preferred social networks, social profiles, profile groups & more.

Here's a list of all the widget filters available (they vary based on the metric you've selected).

  • Social profile

  • Social network

  • Actor (particular team member)

  • Conversation type

  • Sentiment

  • Tag

  • Post log type (approved, rejected)

  • First reply

  • Comment type

For instance, you can select the metric 'Conversation Total Closed' and then choose the filter as "Social Profile" is "Facebook" & another filter "Actor" is(=) "Ryan".

Widget Filters in Statusbrew-s Reports Lab

This gives you all the Facebook conversations closed by Ryan over the selected time period.

Note: Filters are metric specific and the number/type of filters you might see will vary according to the metric you've selected.

Widget Customization

For better presentation, you can customize the size & position of the widgets as per your choice.

To change the size of the widgets:

  • Hover over the widget you want to resize

  • Click & hold on the > icon in the bottom right corner and resize the widget as per your choice

To change the position of the widgets:

  • Hover over the widget you want to resize

  • Click & hold on the + icon in the top right corner

  • You can move around the widget and place it as per your preference

Widget Export

Exporting a widget as CSV in Statusbrew-s Reports Lab

Statusbrew now gives you the option to even export a single widget as a CSV. To export a widget, click on the three-dot menu beside the widget and click on "Export as CSV".