9 Smart Ways To Increase App Conversion Rate

Oct 27, 2022 8 min read

If your app is not one of the top-rated apps in the Google Play Store or App Store, you will probably not see several monthly downloads. But that doesn't mean you can't increase your app conversation rate.

People listing their apps on Google Play Store or App Store are always looking to improve their conversion rate (CVR) and click-through rate (CTR). Once your conversion rates improve, Google and Apple will receive signals that your app deserves to be shown on a relevant result for defined searches. And your downloads will skyrocket then.

Let's look at the best practices for increasing the mobile app conversation rate in order to get the conversions and clicks you are looking for.

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9 Smart Ways To Increase App Conversion Rate

These nine tips and tricks will help you increase your app conversion rate.

Manage Your App Reviews

Creating and listing an app on the Google Play Store and App Store is not enough to bring in downloads. You should put yourself in the user's shoes and see what they expect. Several users check the apps' reviews and ratings before actually installing them. When they come across an app with amazing reviews, users are more likely to download it without a second thought.

It's very important to manage your online reputation as there will be negative and fake reviews that will try to ruin your brand reputation. You should know how to outsmart negative fake reviews and turn them in your favor.

Reputation management tools like Statusbrew can help you take care of your online reputation with minimal time and effort. Statusbrew allows you to manage, track, and analyze your reviews from Google Play Store, App Store, Google My Business and more from a single dashboard.

Statusbrew Review Management Tool

Here's how Statusbrew helps you to manage your reviews:

  • Respond to your user review quickly by getting notified of all incoming reviews.
  • Understand your user's emotions at a scale using AI-powered sentiment analysis.
  • Automatically route reviews of a particular category to a particular inbox/team member.
  • Keep track of all your users posting reviews across platforms using inbuilt CRM.
  • Auto-assign reviews to different team members for quick response.
  • Use controlled team member access and no password sharing to mitigate compliance issues.
  • Collaborate with your team members in real-time from the same dashboard to handle user queries quickly.
  • Auto-hide spam and troll comments across your social real estate.
  • Get in-depth brand reputation insights.

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Choose A Unique And Memorable Name For Your App

Choose A Unique And Memorable Name For Your App

App name is extremely essential when it comes to grabbing a user's attention. App names with keywords included in their titles rank higher by 10.3% compared to other similar apps. While many popular apps won't struggle with this problem, it's increasingly difficult for new apps to rank for their own name or focus keywords.

When crafting your title, you should keep the following principles in mind:

  • Consider using your focus keywords in your title.
  • Focus on the first few characters of your app title that shows up in the search results to boost your CTR.
  • Keep your app name simple and intriguing.
  • If you want your app to stand out from the crowd, you should choose a unique app title.

Write An Amazing Description

Write Some Amazing Description

App description helps your users better understand your app's purpose apart from your app title. It's even indexed by Apple and Google for keyword search relevance. Here are some points to keep in mind when crafting the perfect app description:

  • Keep your messaging clear and concise.
  • Be wise with what you intend to put in front of your audience.
  • Use this space to convey your USP, and sell and market your app.
  • Only the first few lines are displayed before 'read more.' So, focus on USP and the best features of your app within these first lines.
  • Create a copy that's compelling enough to get your target audience to install your app.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing in your description.

Design An Attractive App Icon

Make An Attractive App Icon

An app icon plays an important role in conversion rate (CVR) and click-through rate (CTR) even after your app has been installed on the user's mobile device. The conversion rate depicts the number of app visitors that download the app out of the total number of visitors who visit your App page. The percentage of individuals viewing your app page who click on a specific ad that appears on the page is known as the click-through rate.

The average smartphone user has 40 apps installed on their device but only uses 9 of them daily, making it highly essential for your app to stand out on the homepage using the app icon. Here are some of the best practices when designing an icon for conversions:

  • Stay consistent with your brand's color palette and screenshots.
  • Stay away from using any text. Since the icon image is already small, users seeing it on their mobile devices will have a hard time reading the text.
  • Design your app icon in a vector format so it will be shown correctly no matter what size screen your users have.
  • Keep it unique! How else will your users recognize your app in a pool of similar ones if they all just look alike?

Your app icon needs to be eye-catching enough to increase clicks and conversions and to get users to consider learning more about your app.

Screenshots Are Your App’s Preview

Screenshots Are The App Sale Process

Think of your app screenshots and preview as a visual extension to your app description and title. For the most part, the graphic elements are what will grab their attention. You get the most freedom to express your app's USP and benefits through screenshots and previews.

Here's what you should keep in mind when creating screenshots.

  • Don't get too text heavy
  • Highlight the best features and USP of your app
  • Every screenshot should be simple, unique, informative, and eye-catching
  • Don't display login or registration screens
  • Keep in mind different screen dimensions, as all screenshots must be sized to fit all phones
  • Use landscape or portrait versions, and avoid using both

Improve Downloads In New Market Through App Localization

Not everyone speaks English; even the Google Play Store and App Store knows that. So, focus on creating localized versions of your mobile app to boost your app conversion rate.

According to research, localizing your app leads to a 767% increase in iOS app downloads. Focus on delivering copy and screenshots in your target audience's language. Tweak the message based on the local audience's behaviors, and trends will prove.

This process works in three ways:

  • App Stores and Google Play Store will rank your app higher in different countries if you have localized it.
  • Users are more likely to download an app that they understand.
  • You bring traffic from local keywords as there is lower competition in competing for local keywords.

Never Stop Testing

Once you have decided on your app title, description, icon, and screenshots for the Play Store and App Store, you will want to test different variations to ensure you are optimized for clicks and conversions. Preparing the best possible assets for your app will get you the downloads you are looking for and will rank your app higher in search results.

After every round of testing, answer these questions:

  • How many users are you getting on your app page?
  • What is the conversion rate?
  • How much does one app installation cost?
  • What is the ROI after a round of testing?

By answering these questions, you get to know what works and what doesn't for your app to increase downloads. You can start experimenting once you know where you stand.

Based on the results you obtain from one test, improve your app title, better define your app description or change your screenshots. Incorporate the required changes and see how things evolve. Even a 1% increase in app conversion rate can help if you are looking to pass the one million downloads mark.

Use Prominent Calls To Action (CTAs)

Prominent calls to action within your app can drive significant conversions for your brand. The best apps have a killer CTA as it allows them to target specific user personas, capture player attention, and maximize downloads.

You should use buttons, pop-ups, and banners to inspire action from your app users. Interesting calls to action on mobile apps help to drive stronger conversion rates. You should incorporate buttons in your CTAs and not just links. AB testing can help you figure out the right CTA for your audience.

Incorporate Push Notifications

User retention is one of the ways to increase mobile app conversion rate. But you need to make use of push notifications on your app that can help you increase conversion rates.

In a world of overwhelming data, it's a great idea to provide a gentle nudge to your app users and remind them of what your brand has to offer. With push notifications, you can also interact and engage with your app users, allowing you to know more about your potential and existing users.

55% to 60% of people agree to receive push notifications. So, don't refuse them. Remind people how your app helps them solve their problems, of the products they left in the cart, or talk about updates through push notifications. The result will be notifications that stimulate downloads in more than 88% of cases.

Ready to Increase Mobile Conversions?

The era of mobile-first is here to stay. While these strategies are a great place to start increasing mobile app conversion rates, you should keep experimenting to figure out what works best for your target audience. At the end of the day, every buyer is unique, and you never know what will work out!

Don't forget: A product is made by people and for people. When users feel this, they will definitely come to you.

Need help tracking your online reviews on Google My Business, Google Play Store, App Store, and more? Sign up for a free demo with Statusbrew today to learn how we can help! ?

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Statusbrew is an all-in-one social media management tool that supports Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and even Google My Business.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Here are some commonly asked questions about increasing mobile app conversion rate:

What is app conversion rate?

An app conversion rate is the percentage of downloads or installs made by the users who visit the app's product page or listing.

What is a good App Store conversion rate?

The average App Store conversion rate in the US was 31% in 2022. However, this figure greatly depends on the app categories. The highest average App Store conversion rate was observed in the Weather category (86%) and the lowest average in the Games (Card) category (2.9%).

How do I increase mobile app conversion rate?

Perform testing on your app icon, title, description, and screenshots to see which one gets you the most conversions. At the same time, manage your app reviews and work on fixing the commonly pointed out bugs by several users to increase the mobile app conversion rate.

Rushali Das

Rushali is a B2B SaaS content writer who specializes in writing research-driven blog posts around marketing for B2B SaaS brands.

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