The Best Time To Post YouTube Shorts [2024]

Aug 23, 2023 11 min read

Are you puzzled by the inconsistent viewership on your YouTube Shorts?

In September 2020, YouTube introduced a new kind of short video content known as ‘YouTube Shorts.’ This quickly became a hit, with countless YouTubers jumping on board to create snappy video clips that continue to be popular today. Interestingly, the algorithm for YT Shorts is quite similar to that of TikTok.

This means that if you are already creating content on TikTok or focusing on short-form videos, you have got a good shot at engaging a broader audience and expanding your reach on YouTube Shorts as well.

But merely adhering to the algorithm isn't the only thing your Shorts need for visibility. To really boost engagement and interactions, understanding the best time to post YouTube Shorts is important.

Successful creators, be they brands or influencers, don't just upload haphazardly; they follow strategies to make the most of their content's visibility.

In this quick guide, we will walk you through the optimal times to post YouTube Shorts according to the day of the week, by industry, and by audience, along with how to find out your best times. So, let's start.

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✅ The best time to post YouTube Shorts is between 6 P.M. & 10 P.M. on the weekdays and between 12 P.M. and 6 P.M. on the weekend.

✅ The best days to post YouTube Shorts are Monday and Tuesday.

What Are The Benefits Of Posting YouTube Shorts At The Best Time?

When it comes to YouTube Shorts, timing matters, and here's why:

What Are The Benefits Of Posting YouTube Shorts At The Best Time

Boosted Discoverability

Choosing the right time to post your YouTube Shorts can amplify your discoverability. Videos shared during peak periods tend to reach a wider audience, thus enhancing your chances of being seen.

For maximum visibility, consider uploading your Shorts during high-activity times, like lunch breaks or evenings. Also, focusing on trending or highly-searched topics can draw more eyes to your video.

Enhanced Visibility

Posting strategically can also increase your likelihood of appearing in YouTube's algorithm-driven recommendations. This directly translates to more viewers of your content.

Knowing your audience well can help you pinpoint the prime posting times.

Amplified Engagement

Timing matters for engagement. Aim to post when most users are online to maximize the number of eyeballs on your content. This, in turn, leads to higher engagement levels.

Sharing your Shorts during peak hours gives you a better shot at likes, comments, and shares, thanks to the larger active audience.

Long-Term Growth

Posting at the best times impacts your long-term growth significantly. When you post YouTube Shorts at' peak activity times, you expand your reach and garner more views, likes, shares, and subscribers over time, resulting in your channel's overall growth.

What Is The Best Time To Post YouTube Shorts: By Days Of The Week

Timing matters when it comes to sharing your YouTube Shorts. Let's understand the best times for each day of the week to engage with your audience effectively.

What Is The Best Time To Post YouTube Shorts: By Days Of The Week

Best Time To Post YouTube Shorts On Sunday

Sundays are a day of rest for many.

The best time to post Shorts on YouTube on Sunday is from 10 AM to 11 AM, 3 PM to 5 PM, and 9 PM.

Sunday mornings see an influx of viewers around 10 to 11 AM, catering to those who have just woken up. The afternoon window, 3 PM to 5 PM, aligns well with the downtime of many people who want to enjoy a quiet Sunday. Finally, as the day ends, you will get views from those who choose to stroll on YouTube at their bedtime at 9 PM

Best Time To Post YouTube Shorts On Monday

The best time to post Shorts on YouTube on Monday is 7 AM, 12 PM, and 8 PM to 9 PM.

Seize the early morning hours at 7 AM, as people check their devices while still lying in bed or during breakfast. Taps into the lunch break around 12 PM in the noon when many are free to enjoy the content. Later, from 8 PM to 9 PM, you can reach more users as they relax after their day's activities. Be mindful of posting before 9 PM when most people go to sleep.

By aligning your YouTube Shorts with these strategic time slots, you can ensure optimal engagement and connect with your audience when they're most receptive.

Best Time To Post YouTube Shorts On Tuesday

The perfect time to post YouTube Shorts on Tuesday is 7 AM, 11 AM to 12 PM, 5 PM to 7 PM, and 9 PM to 10 PM.

Tuesdays bring a fresh start to the week, and people are brimming with energy. With its energetic vibe, Tuesday is a rewarding day to share your Shorts. You can target viewers during various periods – from the early morning to the late evening – and grab engagement opportunities throughout the day.

Best Time To Post YouTube Shorts On Wednesday

Wednesdays follow a similar pattern of high engagement, much like Tuesdays.

The best time of day to post YouTube Shorts on Wednesday is 12 PM and 3 PM to 6 PM.

Afternoons to early evenings are good spots on Wednesdays. During this timeframe, YouTube users are actively tuning in to watch Shorts.

Best Time To Post YouTube Shorts On Thursday

Statistics indicate that Thursday nights are bustling with YouTube Shorts activity. Hence, the best time of day to post YouTube Shorts on Thursday is from 7 PM to 11 PM.

Create your content in the morning and schedule it for the evening. This strategy will help you to get a significant viewership and boost your subscriber count.

Best Time To Post YouTube Shorts On Friday

The good time to post YouTube Shorts on Fridays is from 7 AM to 9 AM, 11 AM to 1 PM, 4 PM to 6 PM, and 9 PM to 11 PM.

Engagement peaks on Fridays, so maintain consistency by posting multiple times throughout the day. No matter whether you post early morning, lunchtime, afternoon, or before bedtime, you will find a receptive audience.

Best Time To Post YouTube Shorts On Saturday

The best times to post YouTube Shorts on Saturday is from 9 AM to 10 AM, 3 PM to 6 PM, and 10 PM to 12 AM.

As people unwind from the week and enjoy their Saturday morning, you will find many tuning in around 9 or 10 AM.

Moreover, nights, from 10 PM to 12 AM, attract countless night owls who browse YouTube.

Day of Week Best Time to Post YouTube Shorts
Sunday 10 AM to 11 AM, 3 PM to 5 PM, and 9 PM
Monday 7 AM, 12 PM, and 8 PM to 9 PM
Tuesday 7 AM, 11 AM to 12 PM, 5 PM to 7 PM, and 9 PM to 10 PM
Wednesday 12 PM and 3 PM to 6 PM
Thursday 7 PM to 11 PM
Friday 7 AM to 9 AM, 11 AM to 1 PM, 4 PM to 6 PM, and 9 PM to 11 PM
Saturday 9 AM to 10 AM, 3 PM to 6 PM, and 10 PM to 12 AM

What Is The Best Time To Post YouTube Shorts: By Country

Country Best times to post
Japan and South Korea 9 P.M. to 12 P.M.
Spain and Italy Late afternoon and early evening
United States 12 P.M. to 3 P.M. and 7 P.M. to 10 P.M.
United Kingdom and Germany 12 P.M. to 2 P.M. and 6 P.M. to 8 P.M.

When Is The Best Time To Post YouTube Shorts: By Industry

When Is The Best Time To Post YouTube Shorts: By Industry

The first step in your YouTube Shorts success journey is to understand your audience better. Create a daily posting plan that includes different times and a mix of content types.

This analysis will help you understand your audience's preferences and engagement patterns to find out the best times to post your Shorts on YouTube.

Here are some general best times to post YouTube Shorts based on different industries.


If your content revolves around tempting food and meals, share your Shorts on YouTube at 7 AM, 11 AM to 12 PM, and 5 PM to 6 PM.

Viewers tend to indulge in food videos around meal times, be it for cooking inspiration, getting hungry, or planning a restaurant visit.


Entertainment content is a crowd-pleaser and enjoys a pretty good amount of viewership on YouTube.

The best posting times for engaging YouTube Shorts in this category are 7 AM
12 PM to 1 PM, and 9 PM to 10 PM.

Morning video consumption, lunchtime breaks, and nighttime relaxation periods are the perfect times for sharing entertaining Shorts that fascinate your audience.


Educational content requires dedicated time for absorbing information, even if it is presented in the form of YouTube Shorts.

Post your educational Shorts at 8 AM, 11 AM, and from 3 PM to 4 PM.

These time slots align with the hours when your viewers have time for learning, which is beyond work or school hours. Keep in mind that these times might shift based on your specific audience.


Travel content entices the wanderlust in many viewers. For YouTube Shorts about travel, aim to post from 10 AM to 1 PM and 9 PM to 11 PM.

These times coincide with moments when travel enthusiasts are planning their next adventure. Post-dinner evenings are particularly ideal for those eager to explore new destinations.

Industry Best Times to Post
Foodie Delights 7 AM, 11 AM to 12 PM (Noon), 5 PM to 6 PM
Enchanting Entertainment 7 AM, 12 PM to 1 PM, 9 PM to 10 PM
Insightful Education 8 AM, 11 AM, 3 PM to 4 PM
Traveler's Adventures 10 AM to 1 PM, 9 PM to 11 PM

Specific dates, like holiday seasons, might affect travel content posting. Consistency is key, and your content should align with your target audience's schedule for the best engagement.

These are just a few niche examples. Audience demographics and geographical locations can influence your best time to post YouTube Shorts.

Key Factors For Optimizing The Best Time To Post On YouTube Shorts

Key Factors For Optimizing The Best Time To Post On YouTube Shorts

1. Understand Your Target Audience

Your audience is central to your content's success. Analyze their demographics to predict their online presence. If your target audience is working professionals, posting during office hours might not get you the desired results. Take into account factors like location, age, and preferences to time your uploads strategically.

2. Time Zones Matter

YouTube Shorts span the globe, so knowing your audience's time zones is important. Posting when your viewers are asleep can lower your engagement, whereas sharing during their daytime hours can attract more views. Evenings and weekends are generally high-activity periods.

3. Tailor To Content Type

Different content types have ideal posting times. Tutorials could perform best during work hours, while entertainment and comedy content might fare better on weekends or evenings. Adapt your schedule based on content type for maximum reach and engagement.

4. Capitalize On Peak Hours

Peak hours align with your audience's online activity. These usually range from 12 pm to 3 pm and 7 pm to 10 pm. These time frames can shift based on demographics. Viewers often engage more at the start of the week, so scheduling content for those days could be advantageous.

How To Determine Your Best Time To Post YouTube Shorts?

Here are the top 3 ways to pinpoint the best time to share your YouTube Shorts to maximize their impact.

Use YouTube Analytics

YouTube Analytics will help you gain insights into your audience's viewing habits and preferences. This data will guide you in identifying the optimal time for posting your Short videos.

Step 1: Access YouTube Analytics through the "Analytics" tab on the left side of your account.

Step 2: Select "Shorts" from the drop-down menu to delve into a breakdown of your Shorts' performance.

Step 3: When your viewers are on YouTube chart can help you identify the best times to post shorts to your YouTube channel.

Best Time To Post YouTube Shorts

Analyze Your Competitor's Best Time

When it comes to marketing, it's important to keep an eye on your competitors.

One way to keep an eye on your competitors is to track their social media engagement. When do they get the most likes, comments, and shares? What types of content are most popular? This information can help you determine the best times to post and the types of content to create. Since both of your target audience is the same, there's a high chance that their best time to post might overlap with your best time.

Experiment With Your Posting Times

To find the best time to post YouTube Shorts, you need to experiment with different times of the day and see what works best for your audience. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, as the best time to post will vary depending on your audience's location, interests, and activity levels.

Here are some tips for experimenting with your posting schedule:

  • Start by posting at different times of the day during the week. Pay attention to the engagement you receive on each Short, such as the number of likes, comments, and shares.
  • Once you have a few data points, you can start to see patterns. For example, you may notice that your posts get more engagement on weekdays than on weekends or that they do better in the morning than in the evening.
  • Keep adjusting your schedule until you find the times that get the most engagement. There is no need to post every day, so focus on the times that are most likely to reach your audience.

Note that the best time to post YouTube Shorts can change over time. As your audience grows and changes, so will their engagement patterns. Be sure to keep an eye on your analytics and adjust your schedule accordingly.

Best Time To Post YouTube Shorts

Image Source: Two Turtle Doves

Use An Analytics Tool

Finding the best time to post on Facebook manually can be time-consuming and error-prone. You need to experiment with different times of the day and see what works best for your audience. This can be a lot of work, and there is always the possibility that you will make a mistake.

A better approach is to use an analytics tool like Statusbrew. Statusbrew can help you find the best time to post YouTube Shorts by analyzing your past videos and engagement data.

Best Time To Post Heat Map

You can find the best time to post for likes, engagements, and other metrics. Not just that, you can also schedule your Shorts from the same place to be published at the optimal time.

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Have You Found Your Right Time To Post YouTube Shorts?

These insights stem from long-term observations across various accounts. Factors like location, time zone, audience, and niche can influence your posting time. Do a thorough analysis considering all these aspects and tailor your posting strategy accordingly. Just like your body, you know your account best – start testing now and find the perfect posting rhythm.

And if you need help finding your accurate best time to post not just YouTube Shorts but even Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter & LinkedIn posts, sign up for a FREE 14-day trial of Statusbrew today!

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Rushali Das

Rushali is a B2B SaaS content writer who specializes in writing research-driven blog posts around marketing for B2B SaaS brands.

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