BrewLink in Bio

Transform your Instagram profile into a responsive, interactive website with BrewLink In Bio, guiding your audience to targeted landing pages

Introducing BrewLink in Bio | Statusbrew's Link in Bio Tool

Statusbrew's BrewLink in Bio allows you to create a customized BrewLink site that is a clickable replica of your Instagram grid with unique links attached to each Instagram post.

The BrewLink in Bio is available in Standard Plan and above.

You can add this link to your Instagram bio or anywhere else to drive traffic directly to your website, blog, landing pages, Product Pages, listings, or other online destinations based on the content of each post.

You can also retroactively add links to your previous Instagram posts or add links directly to your Instagram posts when scheduling them from Statusbrew.

You must have Admin & above permissions for a profile to enable BrewLink in Bio. Users with publishing permissions can add or update BrewLink for any post.

Enabling BrewLink in Bio

1. From the Statusbrew dashboard, go to Publish.

Navigate to Publish

2. Select BrewLink in Bio from the left menu.

BrewLink Bio Sidenav

3. Select the Instagram profile you want to enable BrewLink in Bio for from the top right dropdown menu.

Selecting Profiles

4. Click Enable BrewLink in Bio & proceed with the confirmation message.

Enabling BrewLink In Bio

The BrewLink in Bio tab will populate all your recently published content.

Now, you can add post links to your previously published Instagram posts.

Using the BrewLink in Bio tab

From the BrewLink in Bio tab in Publish, you can:

  • Add or update Post links to your existing Instagram posts

  • Add or update UTM parameters to your Post links

  • Edit any pending Instagram posts

  • Customize your public BrewLink site

  • Copy public BrewLink site URL

  • Go to your BrewLink site

  • Filter the Instagram posts by date

Using the BrewLink site

You can customize your public link site from the BrewLink in Bio tab. Click the URL[your username] from the top right corner to view your site once you create it, or click Customize site to make changes.

Your BrewLink

Customizing your BrewLink site

You can create a custom link site for your posts for each of your Instagram profiles that are connected to Statusbrew.

After enabling BrewLink, click Customize site from the BrewLink in Bio tab.

Customize your site

The Site Builder will open. From here, you can:

  • Add a CTA button (Button label up to 30 characters & Button URL) to appear at the top right of your BrewLink site

    Adding Content
  • Customize your Hero section with Hero Text up to 150 characters & Hero Image (recommended size: 960px X 540px)

    Add Title
  • Once you have made the changes, click Save.

    Save your changes
  • Copy your BrewLink site URL from the top right corner of the BrewLink in Bio tab.

    Copy URL
  • Go to Settings > Edit Profile in Instagram. Paste your BrewLink site in the Website field & click Submit. Now, you have added the BrewLink site clickable link in your Instagram bio.

Statusbrew doesn't offer customization for your link; it will match your Instagram username exactly.

You can also delete your site at any time. But if you do this, the site will be permanently deleted and can’t be retrieved.

Deleting your site

Adding links to your Instagram posts

After you have set up your BrewLink site, you can start adding links to your Instagram posts. You can either add links from the BrewLink in Bio tab, or you can add links as you are creating your Instagram posts in Compose.

Adding links in Compose

You can add a Post Link directly in Compose when you are creating an Instagram post. To add a Post Link:

  • Open Compose from the Statusbrew dashboard.

    Access Compose
  • From the Profile Picker, select the Instagram Profile you want to post to.

    Selcting Profies
  • Create your post with text and media.

    Add URL to post
  • Add the post URL in the Post link box.

    Add URL to post
  • Schedule your post, publish immediately or follow any approval workflows.

Now, your post will appear on your BrewLink site and also have an appropriate link attached to it.

A scheduled post will appear in the BrewLink site after the post has been published. Before that, you can still update the Post link from the BrewLink in Bio tab.

If you have not enabled BrewLink in Bio for an Instagram profile, the Post link box will not appear when creating posts for that profile in Compose.

Adding links from BrewLink in Bio

You can add Post links to any published or scheduled Instagram posts from the BrewLink in Bio tab.

  • Add the post link directly in the Post link box & wait for the link to save.

    Adding URL to post
  • After the link is saved, head over to your BrewLink site to find the post link added.

    Adding UTM
  • Click on the UTM icon to add UTM parameters to your post link.

    Add Params

Editing the Post links

You can also edit links from the BrewLink in Bio tab. Once a Post Link has been added, the post cannot be removed or deleted from the BrewLink site. However, you can update the link or its UTM parameters.

Update the link directly in the Post Link box by either replacing it or editing the UTM parameters.

You can also edit links from the Planner.

  • Go to Publish from the Statusbrew dashboard and open the detailed view of the post whose link you wish to edit.

  • Click the BrewLink in Bio icon.

    View BrewLink
  • Update the link or UTM parameters of the link & click Save.

    Updating BrewLink

Adding UTM parameters to the Post Link

You can add a campaign parameter to a URL so you can track campaign performance in analytics.

To add campaign parameters to Post Link, Statusbrew provides you with 2 options:

1. Choose from Link Presets.

Link presets for BrewLink

2. Select and add tracking parameters (Campaign, Source, Medium, Term, Content & Custom) for each link.

Adding Campaign Source

You also get a live preview of your link as you add tracking parameters or make changes to it.

Preview of link