How To Conduct A Brand Reputation Analysis

Dec 22, 2023 8 min read

For brands, having a well-respected online reputation is important for lasting success and stability. It not only keeps customers coming back but also draws in new ones.

Yet, keeping track of your business's online reputation becomes tough without the right tools and methods to properly check and understand feedback from both existing and potential customers.

In this article, we will understand how you can use data to get a clearer picture of how people see your brand.

What Is Brand Reputation Analysis?

Analyzing a brand's reputation means using reputation management tools to track, study, and make sense of what people say online about a brand, its products, or its services.

You can collect this information from different places like social media, news websites, review platforms, and online forums to understand how people view your brand. The findings from this analysis will help to gauge how well marketing efforts are working, spot potential problems or dangers, and improve the customer experience. Having a positive reputation brings in new customers, keeps the ones you have, and sets your business apart from competitors.

How To Analyze A Brand’s Reputation?

A brand's reputation is really important for its success. In a world where social media and online reviews have a big impact, making sure your brand is seen positively is more important than ever. It can be tough to analyze how people see your brand, but it's important to find ways to get better and make your brand stronger.

1. Use Feedback & Satisfaction Surveys

Feedback and satisfaction surveys help to collect and understand what customers think about your product and brand. You can learn more about what parts of your brand need work and what parts are doing well by using these surveys.

You can find out exactly what issues your customers are facing and come up with specific ways to make them happier by carefully examining the results of these surveys. This will lead to customers sticking with you for a long time and help your business succeed.

2. Conduct Brand Perception Surveys

Brand perception surveys help businesses to understand what people think about their reputation. These surveys do more than just check how well-known your brand is, how people see it, and how satisfied and loyal your customers are. They give you a detailed look at how your target audience views your brand and point out exactly where you can make improvements.

When you carefully look at the survey results, you will find important information that guides your business strategies. This understanding will help you create marketing campaigns that really connect with your audience, build strong relationships, and create a good image of your brand in your customers' minds.

3. Use Social Media Sentiment Analysis

Social media sentiment analysis is a really useful method for tracking how people feel and what they are saying about your brand online. Study the feelings and conversations of your customers, learn a lot about how your brand is seen, and see how its reputation changes over time.

Recognizing both good and bad reactions helps you to quickly deal with negative comments and interact with your audience in a way that makes your brand look better. Be active in managing your brand's image and make sure it's always seen in a good light on social media.


4. Read Online Reviews & Ratings

Getting to know your brand means paying close attention to online reviews and ratings. These reviews are full of useful information that shows you what's working well and what needs work in your brand. Carefully go through these reviews, get a clear picture of what customers are struggling with, and figure out exactly where you need to make changes. Addressing these issues will make customers happier, strengthen your brand's reputation, and help you stand out in the market.

Also, by closely looking at customer feedback, you can spot important trends and patterns that help guide your business decisions. This approach based on real data helps you make choices that really click with your audience and lead to lasting loyalty to your brand and success in the market.

So, never overlook the importance of online reviews; they are key to understanding and improving your brand.


5. Track Media Coverage & Online Mentions

Keeping an eye on what's said about your brand online is super useful for figuring out how visible and trustworthy your brand is. When you do this kind of analysis, you really understand where your brand is not getting enough attention or exposure.

With this info, you can actively work on covering those areas and improve how your brand is seen overall. Regularly watching your brand's online presence helps you not just increase its trustworthiness but also build and keep a good image that appeals to the people you want to reach.


6. Assess Employee Satisfaction & Engagement

Checking how happy and involved your employees are is an important part of understanding and improving how your brand is seen from the inside. Get to know how satisfied your employees are and spot areas that need work to deal with any issues early on.

This doesn't just make your employees more engaged; it also leads to better customer service and a good image for your brand. Spending time to review and respond to what your employees say shows that you care about creating a great place to work, which, in turn, makes your brand stronger.

7. Conduct Competitive Analysis

Doing a detailed and complete analysis of your competitors gives you great insights into how your brand stacks up against others. You can pinpoint where your brand is falling short compared to others by carefully looking at the results. Then, you can take steps to fix these issues.

Understanding what your competitors are good at and where they are weak will help you come up with focused plans. These strategies will not only set your brand apart but also greatly improve how it's seen in the market.


8. Implement Crisis Management Strategies

Having good plans for handling crises can make a big difference in protecting your brand's reputation if something unexpected and negative happens. These carefully planned strategies let you react quickly to any bad comments or situations to help reduce the damage to your brand's image and reputation.

When you have a solid backup plan ready, you show that you are prepared for tough times, and you tell everyone involved with your brand that keeping its good name and making customers happy are top priorities. Using thorough crisis management strategies builds trust, keeps your brand's reputation safe, and helps you deal with difficult situations calmly and strongly.

9. Monitor Social Media Engagement

On platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, customers often share their experiences with your business. By keeping an eye on how people interact with your social media posts and talk about your brand, you can get a good sense of their opinions.

If you are using a tool to manage your social media like Statusbrew, you can easily track engagement stats in one place and dig deeper into your social performance. Such social media analytics tools are now commonly used to track and analyze social media conversations.


10. Check Website Traffic For Brand Awareness

The number of people visiting your website tells you a lot about how well your brand is known and what people think of it. More visitors usually means more people are seeing and talking positively about your brand.

But just having a lot of website traffic doesn't automatically mean people are engaging with your brand.

To get a better picture, look at how long people stay on your pages or how many pages they visit. This can tell you if they are interested in what you are offering or if they might be turning away because of issues with your content or website design. Also, make sure your website is well-optimized for search engines to attract more organic traffic.

Another way to assess brand awareness from website traffic is to see where your visitors are coming from. This shows you how people are finding out about your business - maybe through search engines, social media, or other websites. Understanding this will help you focus on making those sources even more effective.

Keeping track of returning visitors shows you how loyal people are to your brand over time. If fewer people are coming back, it might mean they're finding alternatives, which could point to issues with your business's quality or value.

6 Metrics To Look For Brand Reputation Measurement

Sentiment Analysis

Start by looking at how people feel about your brand. For instance, you have worked hard on a campaign for six months. You notice lots of online buzz and some media attention. That's good, right?

But it's not just about how much attention you are getting. Are these reactions positive or negative? Knowing this is crucial to understand your brand's reputation.

Share of Voice (SOV)

We mentioned the amount of attention, but what about your share of the conversation? SOV measures your presence in discussions, whether on social media, in the press, or on broadcast, compared to your competitors. Tracking your SOV and your competitors', helps you understand where your brand stands and make strategic decisions.


Reach is about how widely your brand's messages are spreading. Are you reaching your target audience and beyond? Measuring this helps you see what's working and what might need changes. However, focusing only on reach can lead you to value superficial metrics over strategic impact.

Brand Advocacy

Brand advocates are customers who actively promote your brand. Measuring this advocacy shows you how loyal your customers are and how likely they are to recommend your brand. This data points out your brand's strong points and areas for improvement.

Industry Analysis

Finally, understanding your brand's reputation means looking at the larger industry scene. Keeping an eye on industry trends will help you spot potential challenges and opportunities for your brand and show you where you can stand out.

Coverage In Leading Publications

Understanding the kind of media attention your brand gets also sheds light on your reputation. Different brands classify their media coverage in various ways, but typically, tier 1 refers to major, well-known publications. If you are aiming for 25 mentions in these top publications in the next quarter, you will need a way to track and compare this.

Then, you can analyze the tone of each mention in these top publications for a clearer understanding.

Conduct An Accurate Brand Reputation Analysis With Statusbrew!

Conduct An Accurate Brand Reputation Analysis With Statusbrew!

Statusbrew provides a comprehensive toolbox for conducting an accurate online brand reputation analysis.

Statusbrew's Listening tool tracks conversations about your brand across multiple social platforms. You can drill down to specific mentions using sentiment and even keywords to get a crystal-clear picture of how different audiences connect with your brand.

But data alone isn't enough. Statusbrew helps you analyze the emotional temperature of your brand conversations. It's built-in sentiment analysis tool categorizes mentions as positive, negative, or neutral to reveal the overall vibe around your brand.

Don't just stop there. Dive deeper into individual mentions to understand the "why" behind the sentiment. Are people raving about your latest product launch? Or are they frustrated with a customer service experience? This nuanced understanding will help you to refine your brand messaging and address any concerns head-on.

Statusbrew doesn't just tell you what people are saying; it helps you understand what they are saying about you compared to your competitors. Its competitive analysis tools let you benchmark your brand reputation against others in your industry to identify areas where you shine and opportunities for improvement.

Finally, Statusbrew’s analytics dashboards give you a detailed view of your brand reputation to access your score from time to time.

So, why wait? Start your journey towards a stronger brand reputation with Statusbrew today.

Statusbrew is an all in one social media management tool that supports Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, and even Google My Business.

Rushali Das

Rushali is a B2B SaaS content writer who specializes in writing research-driven blog posts around marketing for B2B SaaS brands.

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