Holiday Social Media Tips For Ecommerce Businesses: The Aftermath

Jan 7, 2021 4 min read

2020 has been a rollercoaster year for all of us - it has been full of challenges in our day to day lives.

As expected, the Holiday season was also not the same this time around. People didn't gather outside, visited others, or went shopping in malls like they used to before this pandemic.

However, they used digital mediums more than ever to shop, send gifts, and engage with people.

The eCommerce businesses did benefit heavily from this transition, and we're here to make sure you leverage this opportunity to sustain growth & develop new customer relations.

Here are some tips that'll help you smoothly navigate the aftermath of the holiday season.

Build Customer Relationships: Leverage Automation

Acquiring new customers is more challenging & more expensive than ever. It can take weeks to acquire a new customer. Thus it's essential to make them feel valued.

The odds are that you gained many new customers this holiday season along with re-orders from existing customers.

Although this is a good thing, since it's the Holiday season, you are more likely to get frustrated customers complaining about shipping issues, incorrect orders, etc.

And that too publicly on social media.

All those negative comments, along with spam & bots, can be a bit too much to handle, especially if you're still short-staffed.

Here's where you can leverage automation to make things easier for you.

Using a service like Statusbrew, you can automatically get rid of all spam, bots & malicious links in your comment section. Your messages can be assigned automatically to logistics, customer service, or product teams.

And you can set up Auto replies as well.

Statusbrew Auto Moderation

Don't Let The Buzz Die : Have A Content Plan Ready

Holidays are an excellent time to create awareness around your brand & run promotions or contests.

However, this doesn't mean you can go a bit easy afterward.

Having a content plan ready for when the holiday season ends gives you an edge over the competition.

Here are some tips that can help you create a content plan.

  1. Apply the 80/20 Rule (80% nonpromotional, 20% promotional content)
  2. Share as much pictures & videos as you can
  3. Mix things up by including links to infographics, blogs, guides, etc
  4. Remember to thank your audience for their support

year in review blume

Tip: These days, brands share user statistics after the holiday season to highlight how much traffic they got or how many orders were made. This is an excellent way of promoting your brand.

Review Everything : You Don't Grow If You Don't Know

Before you move ahead with creating a new strategy, you need to have a deep understanding of your holiday campaigns.

It's important to review everything and learn what worked for you & what didn't.

Here are some questions that can help you get started with the retrospection of your campaign.

  1. Which social platform performed the best?
  2. Which content got the highest engagement/clicks?
  3. Which were the best posting times?
  4. Which product sold the highest?
  5. What was the average CPC?

However, this can become time-consuming, especially if you're running your campaign across multiple social platforms.

Shopify Reporting

With detailed organic & inorganic reporting, Statusbrew can help answer all of these questions. With Shopify integration, you can create & combine sales reports with customer feedback and team performance.

Rethink Your Creative Direction : Stand Out Visually

Now that you've have reviewed all the nitty-gritty details of your holiday campaign. It's maybe time to rethink the creative direction for your brand.

Based on your holiday campaign's reception, you can set a new creative direction for your business.

It's quite hard to stand out from the competition if you're posting similar content. Having a unique creative direction is what separates you from the competition & from your day-to-day social posts.

Introducing a fresh design is also a great way to enhance your campaign content visually.

Sustain Growth: Leverage Power Of Targeting

It's hard to match the level of growth you witness during the holiday season.

But by understanding your audience & using paid avenues such as Facebook ads, you can target your desired audience segments & generate more sales.

Understand your audience

Before you spend your first dollar on Facebook or Instagram ads, it's crucial to create a strategy beforehand.

Here are some tips that'll help you run better ads.

  1. Understand your target audience
  2. Define your campaign objectives (brand awareness, consideration, conversion, etc.)
  3. Set up a conversion funnel
  4. Stand out with the creatives (use dynamic ads to test multiple iterations)

We hope these tips help you navigate the aftermath of the holiday season.

Shivam Devgan

Marketing Manager @ Statusbrew

Explore the Statusbrew range of social media tools

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